Want By Proxy - yara_lulu - A Court of Thorns and Roses Series (2024)

Chapter Text

Azriel was a thought Lucien couldn’t banish.

An unwanted and inconvenient thought that invaded every aspect of his life. He was mostly in his dreams. Coming to him every night with no intent of leaving him alone. Lucien could hardly complain as he’d long given up on understanding his desire for Azriel. Sleeping shortly became his favorite part of his day because it was the only time he felt pleasure like no other. Every dream felt more real than the other. Almost tangible like he could reach out and grab it with his bare hands.

And as Lucien laid in his bed, hand under his covers and beneath his waistband, Azriel was the most prominent image in his mind. His favorite things to imagine usually involved Azriel using him,hating him, degrading him.The thought of his hazel eyes glaring at him with such hatred made his co*ck twitch in his hands.The idea of his strong veiny hands just begging to wrap around his throat had all sorts of whimpers slipping from his lips. Azriel’s obvious dislike for him just made him all that more aroused.He couldn’t help it.

With every pump of his co*ck, pleasure rode through his body like swirling fire. He bucked his hips into his hands, his grip tightening around his head as he imagined those scarred hands wrapped around his length instead. How much better they’d feel.

Would Azriel take his time with him, drawing out his pleasure till he was begging for release or would he be quick with it? A little rough?

Burning pressure pooled in Lucien’s spine, his vision blurring the faster he pumped into hands and the wilder his thoughts spun. f*ck he was close. His climax just arms length away. He sped his pace until the tension was nearly unbearable and just as he felt himself about to fall into the height of his pleasure a knock came from the door.

His heart jumped, hand immediately yanked out of his pants.

Who the hell was knocking on his door?

Another solid knock forced him out of bed with a grunt.The ugly feeling of an unfinished org*sm churned uncomfortably in his gut as he walked towards the door. Nobody ever came to his apartment and he couldn’t scent who was outside.He tentatively unlocked the door and opened it to no more than a slither, barely agape. At the sound of rustling wings his eyes widened.


It was Azriel, standing outside his door, wings tight behind him and face unusually tense. He gaped open the door a little more until Azriel was in full view, and they both just stared at each other for several moments, Azriel looking oddly confused like he wasn’t the one who’d come to Lucien’s apartment by choice. Azriel being the reason for his unfinished climax was the kind of irony Lucien couldn’t help but internally laugh at.

The mother really was punishing him.

“Lucien,” Azriel greeted with a wary dip of his chin.

Lucien pretended not to notice the hazel eyes flickering to his bare midriff and the dim apartment behind him. Right he wasn’t wearing a top. He’d barely managed to pull his pants back up before opening the door.

He cleared his throat. “Azriel,” he said by way of greeting back, “Is everything alright?”

Their weekly meeting was set to be in a few hours which meant the only reason Azriel would be here right now is if it was an urgent matter or emergency. Lucien’s stomach roiled at the thought.

“Everything’s fine,” he reassured, lips a thin line. “It’s about our meeting today. We’re gonna have to hold it here, instead of the townhouse. Is that alright with you?” Azriel said, voice clipped like he seriously didn’t want to be here.

Lucien had known the Shadowsinger long enough to know when something was off. His face and body language may be hard to read but his shadows were dead giveaways. Waves of black mist wrapped themselves around Azriel’s arms and neck, embracing him in cool wisps and gathering up to his face. A telltale sign of nervousness.


Though the idea of having Azriel in his apartment made him nervous, the sweaty palms and whirring of his metal eye kind of nervous. “I don’t mind but may I ask… why?”

Azriel blinked, wings tightening around him. They’d had every meeting of theirs at the town house for three years straight, did he think Lucien wouldn’t ask questions?

“The town house is…preoccupied,” the answer was no more than a grumble. It was also a lie but Lucien nodded his head anyways ,fully expecting that to be the end of the of it. But Azriel didn’t move ,lingering at his doorstep and shifting on his feet like he was waiting for something.


“You want to have the meeting now?” Lucien stammered, brows shot up in surprise.

Having Azriel in his apartment was an already dreadful thought, but having him here now? With his mess everywhere and bed half unmade and smelling of him?

Hell.This was his own personal hell.

Yet despite how much he hated all of this, he could do nothing but smile softly as he invited Azriel into his home. “Sure come in,” he gestured with his hand towards the apartment.

Ever so slowly, Azriel made his way in by outright shimmying and for a second there Lucien thought his wings wouldn’t fit through the door. He watched ,amused, as Azriel stood awkwardly in the middle of the place ,his gaze roaming the small apartment. If Lucien didn’t know any better, he’d think Azriel was appreciating the place but he did know better. The Shadowsinger was making notes of all the exits. Again, flattering.

Lucien’s apartment was nothing fancy—relatively small and more of a studio than anything. It was essentially one big room with only the bathroom being closed off. Feyre had offered to upgrade his housing but he’d grown to like the small comfort of this place. It was a vast open area and he’d made an effort to decorate it to his liking in spite of how little he stayed in Velaris.

The small space was brought to life by the warm hues of oranges and greens ,a homage to the two places he ever called home. Wooden accents and hanging plants adored every corner. Wide bookshelves filled the empty walls, every flat surface crowded with vintage trinkets he’d collected from his travels all over the courts. Cozy cushions and throw blankets were a staple on all the furniture. Rosy faelights gleamed like the soft sunset across the space. He’d made a home here. A home he never stayed at but a home nonetheless.

However, the state of the apartment right now was a horrible representation of how it usually was. The messy covers of his bed when it was merely midday were bad enough.

“Sorry the apartments a mess,I wasn’t expecting anyone,” he blurted out before Azriel could make a comment or start thinking he’s a slob. Azriel gave half a nod and his gaze, once again, fell down Lucien’s body, this time a little lower and a little longer. Lucien followed his eyes and —mother damn him —he was staring at the untied laces of his pants. Apparently it really was a miracle Lucien wasn’t completely naked right now.

Flush stained on his cheeks, he waved dismissively for Azriel to take a seat on the couch whilst he hurried to the dresser to grab a shirt to cover up, face lowered and hair hiding it. For a second, he’d considered staying shirtless to mess with Azriel but he realized he’d probably end up being the one embarrassed, unable to meet his biting eyes like he’d been unable to this whole time.

He heard Azriel settle on the couch, and he swore he felt two sets of his eyes on his back as he rummaged through his drawers. “Do you usually have people over?”

Tunic half over his head, he looked back at Azriel, long enough to note the straightness of his spine and the tightness in his wings.

He looked back at his dresser, to the old wooden thing he’d pawned from a shop when he’d first moved here. “No. Not really. I don’t stay here often so nobody comes over,” he answered whilst patting down his hair which apparently had a pillow dent in it. Azriel seriously couldn’t have picked a worse time to come over.

Feeling slightly more presentable, Lucien turned away from his bedroom nook and walked towards the kitchen. He was acutely aware of Azriel’s gaze following him and the keen presence of shadows behind him. He ignored it all and once at the kitchen, he stood behind an array of countertops that separated the kitchen area from the living room—a breakfast bar he’d heard Feyre call it.

He leaned against it, trying to project an air of nonchalance that opposed his thrumming heart as he asked, “Can I get you something to drink? Tea? Water?” He co*cked his head ,a playful grin curling on his lips. “Something stronger?”

Azriel seemed to relax at that suggestion, eyes glinting as he perched his hand on the top of the couch and angled his body to fully look at Lucien. “Do you have anything strong laying around here?” The slightest hint of a smirk was on his lips and Lucien knew if he didn’t look away soon, he never would be able to.

“I sure do.”

After opening up a few cabinets ,he finally got his hands on a bottle of hard liquor he’d bought months ago. He wasn’t a liquor enthusiast ,always preferred his alcohol with a tinge of sweetness so it was brand new. Waiting to be opened just for Azriel it seems.

The Shadowsinger was watching his every move, hazel eyes simmering with…something. Lucien couldn’t help the embarrassment fluttering in his belly at that look—whatever it was .Azriel had only ever seen him looking his best, dressed in his finest clothes and hair impeccably styled. And now here he was basically in sleepwear —almost naked mere minutes ago—with his hair barely brushed and apartment a mess. He didn’t like people seeing him like this. It felt invasive. Pathetic. Like someone was peeking at him through a curtain he had shut at all times.

“You rarely stay here and you have that much alcohol in your kitchen?”

Lucien stiffened. Azriel really was so annoyingly observant that in the split second Lucien had opened a cabinet full of alcohol ,he’d spied it instantly. But Lucien ignored the implication behind his words and slammed two cups and a bottle of liquor onto the counter, the sound of glass echoing in the air.

When Lucien peered at Azriel through his lashes, he was surprised to see bafflement so blatantly displayed on his face.

He shrugged, the sound of pouring drinks drowning out every noise in the room. “I need to be a little tipsy when I’m in Velaris.”

Azriel’s eyes seemed to soften at that, a look of understanding passing over him. The reason for Lucien’s decision to stay away from Velaris wasn’t something that needed elaboration. The unsealed mating bond between him and Elain was an unfortunate thing everybody knew about and pitied him for. His cup of whiskey looked especially delectable as that too familiar ache throbbed in his ribcage.

Ignoring the thought of his mate, Lucien stalked towards the couch with two glasses in his hands. Azriel tilted his face to meet Lucien’s, a streak of faelight shining on him and emphasizing the elegant angles of his features. He looked like an angel banished from heaven. A mighty angel with black wings of death. Lucien wondered if he knew how gorgeous he was. If he ever used his looks to his advantage. It’d be so easy to lure someone into a death trap when you looked like a divine creature forced to live amongst ordinary faeries.

The two cups in Lucien’s hands threatened to shatter as Azriel continued with his lethal stare. “Are you drunk right now?” Azriel asked, voice so low Lucien felt it vibrate down his spine in cold shivers.


He leaned down, placing the two glasses on the rounded table infront of the couch to avert Azriel’s gaze. The electric thrum of alcohol coursed through his blood and clouded his thinking just in time to remind him he was indeed lying. When he stood back up and met Azriel’s gaze —which hasn’t shifted off him this whole time—it settled in him like stones sinking to the bottom of a pool that he really shouldn’t lie to him. That he couldn’t really lie to someone like Azriel.

Hazel eyes remained still on him, scrutinizing and calculating. Like they could see right through him. Into him.

“I may have had a cup or two of wine with my dinner,” he finally admitted, cheeks flushing. Again. He attempted to hide his hot face with his hair but it was useless. Ignoring his flustering feelings, he sat down and shot Azriel an apologetic look at how close they were to one other, practically thigh to thigh with Azriel’s wings almost engulfing Lucien.

Azriel sighed, rubbing at his temples absentmindedly. “Maybe we shouldn’t have this meeting when you’re drunk,” he said before picking up his glass and taking a sip of it. A quiet hum escaped his throat, the alcohol thankfully to his liking.

Lucien let out an indecent snort. “You really don’t know me do you?” Azriel shot him a withering glare that had him grinning like a fool.

“It’ll take a lot more than two cups of wine to get me drunk.”

It was true. He might be a little tipsy at the moment but no where near drunk. This was the fun kind of tipsy. Little buzz to the head. Senses amplified with every touch like a burn to the skin. Confidence rising and insecurities withering. No he wasn’t drunk. Not yet anyways.

The two drank in silence, every sip of Lucien’s drink burning the back of his throat. A smoky almost spicy flavor lingered on his tongue, so unlike the fruitiness of the red wine he had earlier. Warmth pooled in his stomach, and he could feel his mind hazing, vision blurring around the corners. f*ck, maybe he shouldn’t be drinking this when he’s already tipsy.

He peered to his right, at Azriel who was drinking at a languid pace but was visibly loosing up, the tenseness in his shoulders and the stiffness of his posture slowly leaving him. Even his shadows had calmed. With every glance at the large wings splayed behind him and the shadows swarming around him, Lucien became more and more aware of the absurdity which was his day. The Shadowsinger of the Night Court was in his apartment, drinking by his side with the usual look of murder in his eyes replaced by a hazy glaze instead. Lucien tried to ignore the whole “he can’t stop thinking with this dick every time Azriel was around” thing he had going on but it wasn’t easy. Not with all the alcohol rushing through him and sparking up all his sexual frustrations and desires. He was so torturously flush, heart racing in his chest and body burning up like he was sitting in a damn sauna.

Unable to bear another second of silence, Lucien broke it by asking the question that’d been nagging at him since Azriel knocked on his door. “Are you gonna tell me the real reason we can’t be at the town house?” he asked, swirling the liquid in his cup. Azriel’s head turned to him, face unreadable, and he watched as he downed the rest of his glass in one swallow before placing back onto the table.

A gloved hand moved to rest on the armchair, cobalt siphon casting a small glow across the floor. Azriel merely stared at Lucien for a long moment, the drunken glint in his eyes flickering like a flame.

“Answer for an answer.”

Seriously?” Lucien couldn’t fight his incredulous tone. “You can’t just answer that like a normal person?”

Azriel just shrugged. Making it clear it was either this or sitting in silence. Or worse actually getting on with the meeting. Lucien was too drunk and too nosy for either of those options. He pretended to contemplate, looking down at his unfinished glass and biting his lower lip before meeting Azriel’s stare again.

“Fine. Answer for an answer. What do you wanna know.”

Azriel gave him a satisfied grin. It was another one of his expressions that was so easy to miss. Like a feather falling from the sky. Difficult to spot when you don’t know what you’re looking for but Lucien was so hyper aware of every little emotion on the Shadowsinger’s face. Every subtle moment of his body. His wings. His shadows. He noticed that grin almost instantly, traced the shape of it with his eyes before it was gone. He knew that grin meant trouble and yet anticipation bubbled in his veins. A small smirk curved up his lips as he waited for Azriel to ask his question.

“What were you doing before I came here?”

Lucien’s face drained of color. The smirk on his face dropping along with his heart. He wasn’t sure it was even beating anymore. The metal contraption in his eye clicked and whirred as it frantically roamed Azriel’s face.

He knew.

Azriel f*cking knew and he was purposely asking Lucien just to goad a reaction out of him.

Azriel thrummed his fingers on the armrest, eyes smoldering into Lucien as he waited for an answer. Lucien scoffed, desperately trying to sound like he hadn’t been caught red handed. Damn Azriel and his stupid games. “You can ask me anything and that’s what you’re asking?”

Azriel shrugged again and Lucien almost shoved his shoulders down with his hands so he’d stop doing it. “It smells like sex in here, but there’s no trace of any female,” Azriel spoke like they were having the most normal conversation in the world. Face blank and voice as monotone as ever whilst Lucien was on the verge of passing out from how hot he felt. Azriel f*cking knew and there was nothing Lucien could do about it. Lying was pointless at this point.He’d already established he’s unable to lie to Azriel and coming up with a good lie when there was a considerable amount of alcohol coursing in his blood and clouding his mind was just a delusion.

“So?” Azriel’s tone was pushier this time. The coldness in his voice melting into something like impatience.

Lucien couldn’t shake the disbelief off his face, “You’re really going to waste your question on something you already know the answer to?”, he stalled. Curious to see how far he can go.

“I don’t know the answer that’s the whole point of this game.”

Lucien narrowed his eyes, his stare throwing daggers into Azriel. “Are you really gonna make me say it?”.

“If you don’t, you don’t get your answer. Those are the rules aren’t they?”

Azriel reminded him like he wasn’t fully aware of the “rules”. Lucien would’ve never taken Azriel for a sad*st but this was revealing new undiscovered sides of the Shadowsinger .Maybe it was the alcohol breaking down his walls bit by bit and making him uncharacteristically bold and talkative— and Lucien would be a liar if he said he wasn’t enjoying this just a little. His heart was pumping blood faster than he could think, the thrill making him want to say some very stupid things he knew he’d later on regret .

But what would be so wrong with having a totally inappropriate conversation with the male he’d been fantasizing about?

The tension in the air was nearly suffocating. Neither Lucien or Azriel peeled their eyes off each other, locked in a silent dance with only the sound of their racing hearts echoing between them.

“Touching myself,” he eventually breathed out, face thankfully not flushing any more. “Your turn. Why not the town house?”

Azriel froze. Body visibly tensing under his leathers as his wings fluttered softly behind him.Coaxing such a blatant reaction from the Shadowsinger was a rare gem. The thought made Lucien grin again, some of his embarrassment dialing down as he realized Azriel didn’t believe he’d actually answer such an invasive question. He thought he’d get too embarrassed, regret agreeing to this little game and eventually back out. Azriel had no intention of ever playing his own game and answering Lucien’s question. Played dirty underestimating just how unashamed Lucien can be. How he’d be the last to back down when he wants something, especially when he’s considerably drunk and brimming with desire.

He leaned back on one hand, palm sinking into the cushion, this angle giving him a better view of Azriel and his fleeting expression. Each of which he treasured into the back of his mind like gold. Red hair flowed onto his shoulder as he co*cked his head ,a silent demand in his eyes for his well earned answer. Azriel rolled his eyes at that ,a feather twitching in his jaw as he fiddled with the fingerless gloves covering his hands.

“Elain’s staying there now. She moved out of the river house. I thought it’d be uncomfortable for you so I thought best to change our meeting place.”

“Uncomfortable for me or you?”

The devils smirk quirked up Azriel’s lips, a dazzling expression Lucien had never seen before. “That’s another question,” he pointed out.

Lucien mirrored Azriel’s smirk, downing the last of his drink and thudding it onto the table without breaking eye contact. The last rush of alcohol made his head spin and the words slipped out of his lips before he could think twice about them. “Answer for an answer.”

Azriel crossed his arms over his chest and Lucien pretended not to track the move. “You’re infuriating you know that?”.

“So I’ve heard.”

The couch sank as Azriel shifted in his seat,his jaw muscles working as he said, “I’m avoiding her. We had a…fight. Not a fight. I just don’t want to see her. Its awkward.” Azriel stammered and Lucien didn’t think he’d ever heard Azriel fumble with his words this badly. He tried to process what Azriel had said about a fight with his mate but simmering hazel eyes were disturbing every thought in his head.

“Were you thinking about her?” Azriel’s voice was like silk to his ears. Low and laced with something so utterly dangerous. He didn’t need to specify what he was talking about. Lucien already knew.

With each wild beat of his heart , he heard Azriel’s heart thrum the same. The sound rang in his ears and he realized just how close they were. He didn’t know when Azriel had scooted over or if he’d drunkenly moved near him but they were so close. Too close that their thighs were touching, the hard leather of Azriel’s pants rubbing against his linen one. From the sheer closeness ,he could feel Azriel’s body heat seeping into him, making his already flush body even more hotter.

f*ck when did they get so close?

Lucien had to remember to blink and say something. “You’re not gonna let this go are you?” it was the only thing he could think to say.

“Answer for an answer remember?”

To lie or not to lie?

“Not just about her,” he admitted ,voice nearly breathless like he couldn’t quite catch up with his own heart rate.

Azriel’s eyes seemed to darken at the implication behind Lucien’s words, his pupils swallowing up the flecks of green and gold. They were so close Lucien could see the flutter of his eyes, could smell the change in his scent—Azriel’s arousal drifted up to him like a gust of wind and his eyes almost rolled to the back of his head at the deliciousness of it. He had no idea how they’d gotten to this moment but he needed more. More of that sweet smell. More of that lust eating away at Azriel’s hard restraint. He needed him in ways that were damn near crippling.

Just a taste. A touch.

As if hearing his thoughts, Azriel’s hand slithered onto his thigh. He stiffened, eyes darting between the gloved hand on his leg and the piercing gaze on his face. He watched that hand move higher and higher until it almost grazed his bulge, but instead it grabbed the laces of his pants.He inhaled sharply, unable to move as those siphoned hands worked at his waistband.

“Who else,” Azriel demanded but the command in his voice fell short as Lucien shuddered beneath him. He could barely contain himself as those fingers finished with the laces of his pants. Azriel’s hand snaked up underneath his shirt, his gloves smooth against his bare skin but he desperately craved for what’s underneath the black covers.

Lucien stopped Azriel from going any further with two taps at his gloves. Understanding flickered onto that pretty face. Azriel slowly took off both his gloves, revealing two hands swirling with scars. They were beautiful.

Azriel didn’t give Lucien a chance to say or do much of anything else before his hand was down Lucien’s pants and boxers. One slow experimental stroke down his co*ck had Lucien throwing his head back ,all his pent up desires and his unfinished org*sm from earlier making him unbelievably sensitive. Or maybe it was the added texture of Azriel’s hand. Or perhaps it was the slight buzz in his head. He wasn’t quite sure. He couldn’t quite think.

A harsher stroke was Azriel’s way of reminding him he’d asked something. “f*ck.That’s —that’s another question,” he murmured through his teeth, barely able to catch his breath.

He could hardly think straight as Azriel fully wrapped his hand around his co*ck, hazel eyes never leaving his face like they were memorizing every shift in his expression. The sheer eye contact had arousal pumping through his veins and straight to his groin. Azriel leaned forward into the crook of his neck ,his lips barely lingering above his skin. At their close proximity,the heady scent of Azriel’s arousal slammed into Lucien once more, this time stronger, deeper with want, and it knocked a deep groan out his lungs.

Azriel wanted him. The thought almost felt unreal but there was no missing the soft kisses being left just below his ear. Or the hand down his pants, pumping him so tortuously slow.

Lucien shuddered as Azriel breathed into his ear, voice thick with desire. “Answer for an answer.”

The words barely registered in Lucien’s mind as a deep ache built inside of him ,a knot growing tighter in his stomach as Azriel pumped him faster and then slower. The flurry of dark hair between his neck and shoulder was blurring into a hazy sight but he desperately needed to see Azriel’s face. Needed to see the want in his eyes. He brought his hand up and nestled it in Azriel’s hair before he gripped a good chunk and pulled. A whimper slipped from Azriel’s parted lips and the sound was beyond marvelous that Lucien swore to coax more of them. As many as he can.

Azriel looked up at him through half lidded eyes, a flush high on his cheekbones and brows turned up in needy lust—and mother he was even more stunning like this. Azriel’s hand hadn’t stopped in its motion, now back to stroking the base of Lucien’s length. A pool of hot fire was burning in his gut as he bucked his hips into Azriel’s hands. The tight grip he had on Azriel’s hair loosened but he didn’t remove his hands. He looked into Azriel’s eyes, the desire gleaming in them so unfamiliar and untamed. He didn’t hide any of his own desire either, letting the Shadowsinger see it all.

You. I was thinking of you. I can’t stop thinking about you.”

No embarrassment pounded in his veins at the admission, just pure unbridled arousal. And with the way Azriel was staring at him, pupils blown wide and deepening with need with every passing second, he knew they both wanted this.

He couldn’t stop himself from pulling Azriel closer by the head and locking their lips together into a searing kiss. A lingering tinge of liquor seeped onto his tongue like a burst of autumn spices. Azriel tasted of rich woodsmoke and hint of fresh rainwater and Lucien couldn’t get enough of him. The kiss was hungry, all bite and teeth and nipping of lips. It was everything Lucien had fantasized about and more. No, this was light years better than the kisses in his dream , it wasn’t even fair to compare.

As Lucien’s climax tore through him like a ripple in the sky, he moaned deep into the kiss, pulling at Azriel’s hair once more in the heat of his org*sm. He broke the kiss to catch his breathe, resting his forehead against Azriel’s and briefly closing his eyes as they both panted.Azriel stroked him through his org*sm, the feeling too soon and too much. When his eyes fluttered open, he noted Azriel’s swollen lips and the tight strain of his pants and an electric spark shot through his veins.


They needed so much more.

Azriel slid his hand out of his pants, eyes as dark as the night sky. The look alone made Lucien’s breath quicken. He looked down at the cum smeared all over Azriel’s scars and watched it drip white onto his black leathers before Azriel pointedly wiped his palms off with a quick swipe on his pants. Lucien couldn’t help the flush spreading across his cheeks downright to the points of his ear. He didn’t know why the sight was so erotic to him. Maybe it was because Azriel was doing it and he made everything look sinful.

When Azriel’s gaze dropped to his lips for the fifth time this minute, Lucien stole another kiss from him. This one slower, savoring, with Azriel’s arms snaking to his waist and his around Azriel’s neck. Azriel pulled at his lower lip, a silent plea for Lucien’s mouth to open up for him. He let Azriel take control, allowed him to have him which ever way he wanted as he followed his lead with buzzing anticipation. He let him kiss him however he desired, let him angle his head the way he liked it, let him slide his hand underneath his shirt and roam the hard planes of his stomach and chest.

With every whiff of Azriel’s arousal filling his lungs ,a need unlike any other flared inside him. His body outright moved on its own, legs swiftly swinging around Azriel’s hips and straddling his hefty thighs without breaking their heated kiss. Azriel’s hands were on his ass in an instant to pull him closer to the erection bulging against his leathers. He wanted him to feel it against his own growing ache. And f*ck did the sensation have Lucien shamelessly grounding his hips, back arching as Azriel’s finger dug into his hips in response.

Panting and flushed, Azriel broke the kiss with one final bite of Lucien’s swollen lower lip.The very sight of the Shadowsinger writhing underneath him with lust ridden eyes elicited a desperate groan from his throat. It seemed surreal to have Azriel underneath him, hard and aching and looking at him like he wanted nothing else. Lucien wasn’t so sure this wasn’t just another dream of his. Another fantasy about the Shadowsinger that won’t leave his mind.

However, the thought was fleeting when Azriel rocked their hips together, his hands slipping underneath his shirt again and gripping his lower back so he could grind Lucien’s hips the way he wanted to. Lucien let him, more than content with watching pleasure take over Azriel’s expression. He couldn’t quite move past how different he looked like this—didn’t even know he could look like this. From the crease between his brows, to the flutter of his eyes as Lucien’s hips grinded against his erection ,to the messy strands of black hair sweeping down on his face. All of it so unlike his usual stoicism that Lucien couldn’t help but be enamored by it.

As Azriel’s hands glided along every inch of his torso, he looked down at the leathers covering up Azriel’s own body and frowned. “Why the hell are you still wearing this?” he whined, frantically fiddling with the ridiculous number of straps sheathed around Azriel’s leathers.

His shaking hands made it impossible to unfasten the buckles. Likely seeing the impatience in his eyes, Azriel grabbed his wrist to stop him. That single movement had a whimper bubbling at the back of Lucien’s throat but he swallowed it down. In a flash of limbs and clothes, Azriel had peeled off his illyrian leathers and was bare from the waist up. Luciens throat bobbed, the ache between his legs becoming near agonizing. The Shadowsinger was a warrior in every sense of the word, his body a golden expanse of muscles and striking hard angles. Lucien didn’t think he even knew the black ink designed on Azriel’s arms continued all the way across his chest. His hands absentmindedly shot to the gleaming body infront of him, heart like a beating drum in his chest as his touches grew bolder, more daring. He stared at the long of column of Azriel’s throat ,a thin sheen of sweat making his body glisten and the need to taste was overwhelming.

Hips still rolling, he licked a long swipe up Azriel’s throat, saltiness coating his tongue. Azriel breath hitched at that, head tipping back as Lucien nipped teasing bites to the side of his neck. Lucien wanted to be everywhere. He needed his lips on Azriel’s throat, neck, chest—any bare bit of him.

As his mouth trailed down Azriel with teasing kisses, his hands were at his waistband. He’d felt Azriel’s bulge throbbing against him this entire time and he wasn’t about to leave him like that. Eventually, he broke away from Azriel’s neck and leaned back to admire the disheveled state of Azriel ,the reddish bruises marking his golden skin. Another firing shot of desire wafted through him, urging him to get on his knees already.

“Like what you see, Vanserra?” Azriel asked between heaving pants, hazel eyes pinned on Lucien’s lips. He hadn’t realized he was smirking. He rolled his hips once more before deftly untying the laces of Azriel’s leathers. Azriel tensed, watching Lucien with blazing intensity as he climbed off his thighs and settled on his knees infront him.

“Yeah I think I do.”

He grabbed Azriel’s thighs and urged him closer to the edge of the seat. Azriel obliged and knew to spread his thighs so Lucien could settle between them. His hands were on Azriel’s waistband as he tugged and pulled down his pants and undergarments in one go, and Azriel lifted himself up slightly so Lucien could get them down to his ankles. At the sudden cool air on his throbbing hardness, Azriel inhaled a sharp breath. It was almost polarizing how Azriel was stripped down to nothing whilst Lucien was still fully clothed. With the way those hazel eyes were devouring the sight of him on his knees, Azriel must have thought the same.

Nerves sparked in Lucien’s veins as he stared at the considerable length jutted in front of him. Considerable length didn’t even cut it. Azriel was huge, there was no way around it. Thick and outright heavy between his muscled thighs. Lucien’s mouth went dry as he imagined trying to fit all …that into his mouth. It’d been a while since he’d entertained another male—not since a certain blond fae— and as intimidating as Azriel was, he wanted to do this. The burning desire to taste Azriel had him overcoming his worries and lowering his mouth to his groin.

He licked a tentative stripe up the underside, circling the head with his tongue. Azriel hissed ,a sharp sound that went straight to Lucien’s head. He took him in deeper, inch by inch as he breathed through his nose until he somehow had Azriel hitting the back of his throat. As suffocating as it felt to be so full of him ,the sight of Azriel like this—head lolled back in pleasure and face flush— was more arousing than ever. A jolt of pain vibrated through him as Azriel’s hand found its way to his hair. He gripped the base of Lucien’s skull and slowly guided his movement. Lucien willed his throat to relax around Azriel, taking him in deeper and sucking him off by hollowing his cheeks and bobbing his head. The sounds escaping Azriel’s, the deep long moans, encouraged him to work faster and made his own co*ck throb painfully in his pants. He palmed himself through his clothes, desperate for some friction and chasing his own release when those hazel eyes leveled on him. A flicker of warning flashed in them when suddenly shadows were coiling themselves around Lucien’s wrists and pinning them behind his back.

“You don’t get to touch yourself again,” Azriel gritted out, voice barely coherent. Lucien was immensely grateful for the co*ck in his mouth for muffling out the pathetic whimper he’d just let out. The feeling of cool shadows restricting his movement made his blood run hot. He was on his knees, hands behind his back with Azriel’s co*ck stuffed in his mouth and it was heaven.

The grip on Lucien’s hair tightened, Azriel’s hips bucking into his mouth shamelessly as he lost himself in the heights of his pleasure. He hollowed his cheeks once more, eyes wholly on Azriel so he could catch when his expression finally broke.

Lucien,” Azriel managed to breath out in warning, hips sputtering and muscles tensing. The sound of his name rolling off Azriel’s lips had him squirming against his shadow restraints but Azriel only pushed his face deeper into his co*ck. A guttural moan bounced off the walls of the apartment as the Shadowsinger came into his throat, searing hot liquid coating his mouth. He could hardly keep up as Azriel emptied into him but he took it all. Not letting a single drip go to waste.

Azriel released Lucien out of his grip and leaned back against the couch, chest heaving and sweat gleaming off his face.The shadows too released Lucien out of their grip. He didn’t move from between Azriel’s thighs as he rubbed his wrists, surprised to see no signs of his restraints. It made sense the shadows hadn’t left a mark because although constricting they weren’t painful in the slightest.

He heard Azriel pull his pants back up and when he looked at him through his lashes, his eyes were already on him, face back to being unreadable.

Azriel co*cked his head, that small grin from earlier creeping back on his kiss-stained lips. “You planning on staying there or…?”

Lucien chuckled, amused and relieved Azriel wasn’t already running out the door. And he couldn’t say he hated the view from down here. If he could, he’d stay here for a while longer.

But instead he rolled his eyes as he said, “Shut up.”

Swiftly,he got off his knees and onto his feet.His head dizzied for a moment but that didn’t stop him from stalking towards the kitchen and grabbing the bottle of whiskey straight off the counter. Azriel watched him with quirked up brows ,a flush still gracing his face. He placed the bottle onto the wooden table and refilled both his and Azriel’s empty glasses.

When he settled back down on the couch, Azriel was fully dressed again—leathers strapped and buckled .Even his siphoned gloves were back on.He handed Azriel his glass , which he accepted warily but didn’t drink. Lucien paid him no mind, crossing his legs as he desperately tried to ignore the ache still lingering between his thighs and sipping his own drink.

Lucien’s voice was taut from the soreness now taking over his throat as he said, “So about that meeting— ”.

Oh shut up.”

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.