Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (2024)

Table of Contents
Walkthrough for version1.0 of The Forgotten City Gameplay features Control (keyboard) Control (mouse) Menu Inventory Save Prologue.Our days "One good turn deserves another" Enter the ruins Find information on Al's whereabouts Find the entrance to the hidden city Follow Al's trail Read the stone tablet Find a portal to the past Pass through the portal to the past "Starting point" and "Golden rule" "The last gasp" Final Breath quest completed The Final Solution and The Locked Villa The Locked Villa quest completed Final Solution Quest Completed "Fade out trick" "Straight as an arrow" "Straight as an Arrow" and "Sinner" Straight as an Arrow, Sinner, and The Intruder "Run!" Mission "Run!"completed Uninvited Guest Completed Straight as an Arrow completed "Gilding" and "Behind Closed Doors" Behind Closed Doors mission completed Gilding quest completed "Splinter in the Paw" (end) and "Sinner" (end) Thorn in the Paw quest completed The Sinner quest completed "Run!" Mission "Run!"completed Democracy in Action quest completed Fade Trick (Out) and Ends Into the Water The quest "Ends in the Water" completed Fade Focus quest completed HOW TO GET ENDING 1 "Golden Rule" (end) and "Starting point" (end) Golden Rule quest completed Starting point completed Ending1done HOW TO GETENDING 2 "Starting point" (end) Starting point completed Ending2done HOW TO GETENDING 3 "Golden Rule" (end) and "Starting point" (end) Starting point completed Ending3done HOW TO GETENDING 4 "Golden Rule" Golden Rule quest completed "Divine Intervention" "Divine Intervention" and "Something in Common" Something in Common Completed Divine Intervention quest completed "Pandora's Box" Pandora's Box quest completed "Greek Tablet" "The Righteous" The Righteous Quest Completed Greek Tablet quest completed "Run!" Run quest completed "Roman Tablet" The Roman Tablet quest completed "Secret admirer" Secret Admirer quest completed "Egyptian Tablet" Setting the "Egyptian tablet"completed "Mysterious Tablet" Option 1 Hercules Labor quest completed Merging plot branches Option 2 Hercules Labor quest completed Merging plot branches "Starting point" (end) Starting point completed One year later

Walkthrough for version1.0 of The Forgotten City

Gameplay features

The game «TheForgottenCity», was originally created as a modification to the story «The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim". After four years of development, the three enthusiasts in 2021 she became a full-fledged independent game on the engine,Unreal Engine...The game is a thrilling adventure in a Roman city and offers an unexpected perspective on a detective investigation.At the beginning of the game, the main character finds himself on the banks of the river, not far from the archaeological site.At the request of the girl who saved him, he goes in search of another guy who was saved by the same girl a little earlier.The search leads to the fact that the hero falls into the past 2000 years ago, and finds himself in an amazing golden city that combines different styles of ancient architecture.In this beautiful, but at the same time strange place, there is a "golden rule" that prohibits any violation of the law.It is enough to disturb it by one of the inhabitants of the city, as everyone around begins to die and turn into golden statues.

After the "golden rule" has been violated, a portal opens in the city, into which you can enter to try to achieve your goals with the knowledge you have already acquired.Such a move in the game allows you to open up new options for exploring the world, because each subsequent visit through the portal allows you to correct the mistake.It is characteristic that all received keys, money and items are saved within the framework of temporary jumps.True, the memory of the characters about the previous meeting will be completely zeroed out.Thus, we have to find a way out of an endless cycle of time and find out who or what threatens the local order.

Control (keyboard)

  • Go -WASD keys;
  • Use / Interact - E key;
  • Run -Shift key;
  • Jump -Spacekey;
  • Duck down -C/Ctrlkeys;
  • Guide -M/Xkeys;
  • Journal and inventory -Tabkey;
  • Photo mode -Pkey.

Control (mouse)

  • Mouse movement - change the direction of movement / inspection;
  • Left mouse button (LMB) - main weapon;
  • Right mouse button (RMB) - zoom in;
  • The middle mouse button is a secondary weapon.


The menu is opened by pressing theEsc keyand has a standard set of options.


The inventory is opened with theTabkey.


Saving the current state of the game is performed both automatically at checkpoints and manually, by selecting a menu option or by pressing theF5key.

Prologue.Our days

After the introductory words of the girl who saved the hero, we select the gender of the hero and the color of his skin.Enter his name.

We make the first choice - who to introduce ourselves:

“I needed to find ancient ruins” (Archaeologist).Years of studying history sometimes give you a glimpse into the ancient world.The profession of an archaeologist is the only correct option for anyone who wants to play the game and study Roman history.You will gain additional knowledge while exploring the city and communicating with the characters.

"I was assigned a covert operation" (Soldier).You receive a firearm with 10 rounds.But you will have to use them wisely, since there is not enough ammunition, and it will not work to find additional ones.This option will greatly simplify the small sections where you need to fight.

"I am hiding from the authorities" (On the run).Time spent on the run from the authorities allowed you to practice, and now you move 25% faster.The choice for those who like to move quickly.It will speed up your movement around the city, as well as give certain bonuses when fighting enemies.

“I hardly remember anything at all” (Amnesia).A recent head injury has raised the pain threshold, so vitality has increased by 50%.

Note.Each choice gives an increase in the status of a certain skill, which affects only the passage of the game.For lovers of action, the options "Soldier" or "Amnesia" are suitable.To move quickly across locations, you can use the "On the Run" skill.It should be borne in mind that there are very few battles as such in the game.It is recommended that you select the "I needed to find ancient ruins" option to better understand the ancient world.

We speak with the girl on ALL the proposed topics.When choosing the option "Tell about yourself".

After discussing all the topics, we answer to Karen's request: “Okay, I'll take care of this” - the main task opens.

We receive the FLASHLIGHT.

"One good turn deserves another"

Enter the ruins

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (1)

We turn around, follow the path forward.We climb the stone steps into the ruins.

Find information on Al's whereabouts

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We move forward, cross the stone bridge across the river.We rise along the steps to the crypt.We examine the left backpack, we read the note attached to the door.

Find the entrance to the hidden city

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We pass into the crypt, walk along the edge of the stone disc, examine the "Golden Jug", read the "Latin Tablet".We stand on a stone disc with the image of a deity, fall into the well.We get out of the water by the steps.

Follow Al's trail

We enter the building, we pass along the corridor, we find ourselves in a room with a pool.We go around the pool, go forward, look at the "Golden Statue".We open the door, through a short corridor we leave into the courtyard.Moving forward looking at the Golden Statues.Again we hear their whispers: "Why are you here."We pass through the ruins, go out to thebridgeleading to the viaduct.

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We go up the stairs, we see the hanged man - El.

Read the stone tablet

We read the inscription on the "Stone Tablet".


Find a portal to the past

We approach theruins of the temple, go up the steps.

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (5)

In the doorway we find a portal.

Pass through the portal to the past

We go to the portal.

Arrival in the Forgotten City

  • When you exit the portal, the main task"Starting point"opens.

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We leave the temple of Proserpina, go down the steps.

The farmer Galerius turns to the hero and offers to take Sentius to the magistrate.

We refuse the offer to escort us to the magistrate ("No, thanks, I will reach him on my own" and "Don't worry. I know what I'm doing").

  • After talking with the farmer, the main task"The Golden Rule"opens.

We catch up with Galerius descending the stairs, talk with him on ALL topics.

Note.Although the task "Ask the locals to tell about yourself in order to find out at least three general topics", which is an integral part of the task "Something in common", will open later (after talking with Equitia), it is recommended to discuss all topics when meeting with the characters in order to save yourself in the future from unnecessary movements of the hero around the game world.

  • When discussing the topic "You don't know how to get out of here?"the additional task"Focus with the disappearance"opens.

"Starting point" and "Golden rule"

After finishing the conversation, open the inventory (Tabkey), LMB click on the eye icon next to the name of the main task "TheGolden Rule".We close the inventory (Esc key).

We see that a marker has appeared, by which we can find the way to the villa of the magistrate.We go down the steps of the stairs, move forward, guided by the marker.Passing the golden statue, we hear her whisper.

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We leave on the square, where the guard Horace stops us.We refuse his services (“What's the matter?”, “No,” and “I will refuse, but I have a couple of questions for you”).We speak with the guard on all the proposed topics,without affecting thetalk branch of Sentille attempt to bluff, "I know what you did to her."

Weget the LIST OF CITIZENS- a list of all residents of the city in alphabetical order.

  • A new side task "Democracy in Action"opens(branch: "Who will you vote for?").

While discussing the topic regarding Sentilla's disappearance, the hero receives a hint that it is better to talk about this with Sentia, Malleol, Claudia or Domitius.

We enter the building, go up the stairs to the second floor.On the balcony we find the magistrate Sentius.We turn to him, ask ALL the proposed questions.

  • During the conversation, the main tasks "Starting point" and"Golden rule"are updated.

We accept the offer of the magistrate to investigate.

Sentius suggests starting an investigation with a visit to Lucretia, located in the temple of Apollo, on the forum.

  • A new side task"The Last Gasp"opens.

After finishing the conversation with the magistrate, we turn to him again, discuss ALL the remaining topics.After the conversation, we examine the rooms on the second floor.On a table in the room to the left we find a "Note from Sentilla" -Sentilla expresses gratitude to Sentius for adopting her.

We leave the house of Sentius.

Completion of tasks"Starting point"and"Golden rule"postponed

"The last gasp"

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We go down the steps, wait for the end of the skirmish between Horace and Malleol's guard Domezius.We speak with Domitius.

“I have no idea what you are talking about”;

“We didn't talk about elections”;

"I do not want problems".

We offer to answer our questions ("Okay. Do you mind if I ask a few questions?");

Branch: "Tell about yourself":

- "I would like to meet Malleol";

- "What exactly?".

  • A new side quest "Locked Villa"opens.

We continue the conversation in this thread:

"I'll see what I can do."

We talk about other topics.

We use the marker for the activated quest "The Last Gasp", we head to theTemple of Apollo.

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We turn to Lucretia, who is there, standing over a dying woman named Julia.

Lucrezia says that she needs the juice of a plant called sylphium, but the merchant Decius refuses to give it to her for free and demands 1000 denarii.

We ask how to help, we ask questions when Lucretia reports that Julia has died:

“What happened?”;

"Can I help you?".

Lucrezia asks to bring Sylphia so that she can help another in need.

We declare: "Now I will do it" and "I will go."

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We leave the temple.In addition to the marker, press the X key, follow the golden butterflies, exit to the Decius store.

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At some point in the game, a conversation between the merchant Decius and the approaching architect Virgil follows.

  • A new side task"Straight like an arrow"opens.

We speak with the merchant on all topics.

To the question "Do you know how to get out of here?"Decius advises to talk to Aurelius in the tavern.In the topic “What do you think of the Golden Rule,” Decius says that he would like to have a bow, since he has an idea of ​​how to acquire gold.

We answer: "Let's see what we can do."

We assure you that we do not have that kind of money (1000 denarii), which he demands for the sylph, we end the conversation ("I will go").

We go to the Decius store.Pay attention to the "Decius Chest" by the wall and to the "Chest Key" on the shelf.To go out, steal from the counterJUICE sylphs.

Note.Theft is a sin and violates the Golden Rule, which will inevitably be punished - all inhabitants of the Forgotten City begin to turn into golden statues.To correct the consequences of the deed, you need to run to the portal through which you arrived in the Forgotten City to restart the time loop.

We are guided by themarker, we run into the portal through which we came to this world (we can use the guiding zloty butterflies - the X key).After passing through the portal, we return to the Forgotten City at the time of arrival in it.We leave the temple of Proserpina, go down the steps, talk with the Gallery located here.We get from him the HANDLE FOR THE CABLE ROAD.We use it on aropestretched over the lake, quickly move to the other side.We are heading (by marker) to the Temple of Apollo.We give the juice of Sylphia Lucretia.

Final Breath quest completed

"Locked Villa"

We answer the question of Lucretia, we talk with her on ALL topics.

  • New additional tasks"Behind closed doors"and"A splinter in a paw" areopened (the topics "Statues are constantly whispering to me" and "Tell me more about Nevia")

We agree to help Lucretia in the treatment of her patient.We speak with Julia, who has come to her senses.DO NOT AFFECT thetopic “You don’t know how to get out of here?”, Since Yulia will simply stop the conversation.

  • A new side task"The Final Solution" is unlocked

The Final Solution and The Locked Villa

We switch the marker to the main task "Final Solution".We leave the temple, we go under the arch to the right.We turn into thearch on the left, we go up the stairs.we move to the left, we pass the moment.We go up the stairs, guided by the marker.

We approach Ulpia standing on the edge of the cliff.

We answer to Octavia who contacted us: "Everything is in order, thank you."First, we talk with her on ALL topics.

At the end of the conversation, Octavia turns to Ulpius, trying to dissuade him from a rash act.

We agree to talk to Ulpiy (“Okay, I'll talk to him”), we turn to him: “Ulpiy, can we talk?”.We choose any replica.

Ulpius throws himself down.

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We approach the edge of the site, jump into the pool below.

The Locked Villa quest completed

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We float to the surface (space bar), we get out to the side of the pool.We speak with the rehearsal speech Malleol.

We touch upon the topic "Do you know anything about the disappearance of Sentilla?", We ask: "What are you keeping back?"

We get advice to look into the cisterns under the villas.

We finish the conversation, we search the rooms on the first floor.In one of the rooms we find on the table "Ulpiy'snote" -Ulpiy grieves for his "lost lover".

In another room we see on the table "A note from Julia" - asuicide note, probably intended for Malleol.

We rise to the second floor.We discover the locked door, from behind which weeping is heard.We get down, head to the exit.We remove theKEYfrom the hook, open the door for them, go outside.We go to the Decius store to the store, take the KEY from the shelf, open the “Decius Chest” with it, get 2000 DINARS.

The world around is turning gray.The revived golden statues shoot arrows at the villagers, turning them into statues.

We run out of the store, we hurry to the portal.We return to the Forgotten City.We ask Galerius to take the sylph to Lucretia.

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We move back a little, move to the right, climb the stairs to the upper platform.Weclimb the wooden stairsto the bridge.

We move to the platform where Ulpiy is standing ready to jump.We say to Octavia who has contacted us: "To be honest, I really need Ulpius."We agree: "Okay, I'll talk to him."

We turn to the guy: "Would Sentilla want this?"

Building on success:

"You still won't believe ...";

“Perhaps I can help solve your problem”;

"Lucretia managed to get the sylph in time ...";

“I have them”;

"No, you are free";

"Of course".

Final Solution Quest Completed

"Fade out trick"

We follow the departing Octavia and Ulpius.We use thecable carto go down.

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We go to the magistrate's house, find Sentia, talk to her.

IMPORTANT.Developing the dialogue thread "Don't you know how to get out of here?"DO NOT AFFECT thetopic “You are surprisingly calm, considering the disappearance of your own sister,” so as not to anger Sentia.

We agree to search Sentilla's room ("Okay, I'll take care of this").We go to Sentilla's room, pick up and read, lying under the pillow "Note from Sentilla" -Sentilla writes that she decided to run away.

We return to Sentia, we talk with her about the note.

The girl advises to talk to Yulia, who once in a conversation mentioned her escape.

We go in search of Julia, we ask the girl: "Do you know anything about the disappearance of Sentlla?"Having received a negative answer, we are looking for Ulpia.We speak with him about Sentille.

Ulpius talks about a closed room on the second floor at Villa Mallaola.

We assure: "Now I will do it", we go to the Malleol's house.

We go up to the second floor, unlock the locked door, and find a crying Claudia in the room.We apologize and leave the room.

We go to the temple of Apollo, wait for the end of Ulpius's conversation with Julia.We inform the guy that Sentilla is not in the room.

Ulpius names places where it is still worth looking for Centilla - in the palace and in the cisterns

  • A new side task "Ends in the Water" isopened.


Note.Although we take on a new task, we find that the marker is not active for it.

"Straight as an arrow"

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We go to the shopping area.We speak with the architect Virgil, who is cleaning the inscription "Sinner" from the wall of his house:

"Tell about yourself", "Tell me about the architecture of the city";"If water gets into the city through them, can they be used to escape?"

“I noticed the inscription.What does it mean? ”;“And why would anyone think that?”;

“Do you like men?”;"I'm sorry to hear it";

“Do you know who writes these inscriptions?”;"Sectarians?"

"Come on, I'll find out who it is?"

  • A new side task "Sinner" isopened.

"Straight as an Arrow" and "Sinner"

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We speak with the merchant George on ALL topics.

Having touched upon the question “You don’t know who threatens Virgil,” we learn about Fabia.

We pass to the dealer Decius.We ask: "Do you know who is threatening Virgil?"

The merchant claims that he heard Fabia tell George that she saw something.He suggests that she has now gone to the baths.

We leave in search of Fabia.

Frightened Fabia runs up to the hero.She claims that a man with a weapon entered the bathhouse.

  • The additional task "Uninvited Guest" isopened.

Straight as an Arrow, Sinner, and The Intruder

We declare: "I'll do it now."

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Fabia runs to the temple, and its vaults collapse on her.

We go to the baths.

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A man armed with a bow appears from behind the door.

In a conversation with him, we choose ANY options for remarks - all the same, the hero gets an arrow.

The world around is turning gray.

  • A new additional task “Run!".


We run to the portal, we enter it.After passing through the portal, we return to the Forgotten City at the time of arrival in it.

Mission "Run!"completed

We leave the temple of Proserpina, go down the steps.We give the Gallery Sylphia juice for Lucretia and money for Ulpius.

We are heading to the baths.

Fabia again runs up to the hero with a message about a man in the baths.

We declare: "I'll do it now."

When a woman is going to go to the temple, we say: "Not or there!"and "Just trust me."

Fabia says she will go to her bakery.

We are heading to the baths.When a killer with a bow comes out of the door, we say: “Yes.He prayed in a small temple near the entrance to the city.Second building, to your left.(LYING)".

The killer goes to the temple and dies under the collapsed vault.

Uninvited Guest Completed

We search the body of the killer, take the BOW, ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE AWARD, DYNARIUM and 10 ARROWS WITH FEDERATION.

Straight as an Arrow completed

We head to Fabia's bakery.

Noticing the bow in the hands of the hero, the merchant Decius approaches him with a proposal for a joint venture.

We speak to him:


"No (FALSE)";

"I'm interested";

"Not really";

"Golden bow?";

“And you want to entrust the theft to me?”;

“Now I have no questions”;

"I'll do it, just don't call me partner."

Decius puts gilding on the assassin's bow to obtain a FALSE GOLDEN BOW.

  • A new side quest "Gilding"opens

We head to Fabia's bakery, report the accident.We answer her question: “No (FALSE)”.

We speak with a woman on ALL topics.

Having touched upon the topic "What do you think about the Golden Rule?"we get advice to contact George, who is in his shop.

We ask: "Who do you think threatened Virgil?"

Fabia suspects three people: Horace, Domitius and Rufia.

We find these three characters and talk to them (with Rufio, whom we have not spoken to before, we talk on ALL topics).

In our conversation with Rufio, weDON'T touch thetopic of his rheumatismyet.

All three deny their guilt.

We are guided by the marker, we follow in the slums.

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In Rufia's room on the second floor we find "Unfinished note" -"Unfinished note addressed to the" sinner ".

We go in search of Rufio, we talk with him on the topic "It was you who threatened Virgil":

"I know it was you ...";

"I want you to stop threatening him ...";

"If it's true ...";

"It looks like your anger ...";

"Why are you so mad?";

“Is it because you suffer from rheumatism?”;

"I managed to figure it out on my own."

Rufio asks to help him, but for now leave him alone.

The"Sinner"questhas beenpostponed

"Gilding" and "Behind Closed Doors"

We are heading to the temple of Diana.We extinguish the braziers burning in the temple, we look at thebowin the hands of the statue of the goddess.We change it to a fake, go to the exit.We speak with the trader Decius who is outside.We refuse to give him the bow, we find ourselves in a trap.We take out the bow (mouse wheel).

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We look at the wasp nest under the ceiling, shoot an arrow into it - the nest turns golden, falls down from the weight and breaks the floor.We go down into the dungeon.Find theold chest, get the ARROWS out of it.We move forward, we jump down to the path below.

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We go to the shore of the reservoir.From the old chest located here we get the ARROWS and DYNARIOS.We shoot two arrows at the algae, over which golden butterflies flutter.We go along the petrified algae, we jump over a section of water in the center, we cross over to the other side.We are moving along the only available path.Take NEVIA'S DIARY 1from the stone on the left.We climb the ledges.We findan amphora%nbsp;on a stone platform.We take away the ARROWS from it.

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We shoot an arrow at the plants stretching by the bridge between the stone platforms, we go along them to the other side.We build another bridge in the same way.

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We shoot at the plants, entwined with the rock, we climb to the platform at the top.

We climb the stones, we climb into the palace.

Behind Closed Doors mission completed

In the hall where we get,we take the ARROWSfrom theold chest,we go out into the corridor.

DANGER.Enemies appear - "purified" golden statues.To immobilize them, shoot an arrow in the head (two arrows need to be shot in the torso).Remove the immobilized statue from the path with a kick (E).We enter the room through the broken door, we immobilize two more enemies.We get the ARROWS from the old chest.We find a few more ARROWS in the amphora.

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We go out into the courtyard, on the balcony we see Nevia.

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We shoot at the pools, over which golden butterflies hover - enemies appearing from no water immediately turn into motionless statues.From the hands of one of the statues we take thepursewith DINARIUS.

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Take the ARROWS from the chest in the far pool on the right.We jump into the hole in the pool with the chest.

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We shoot at the plants, over which golden butterflies are hovering, and the enemies turn into motionless statues.We pass forward, we deal with two more enemies.

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We shoot an arrow into the bush under the wall, over which golden butterflies are hovering.We climb to the platform at the top.We take away the ARROWS from the chest, we move forward.In the narrow passage we deal with the enemies, we take the ARROWS from the chest.We shoot an arrow at theplants, we climb up.

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We build a bridge, take the ARROWS from the amphora.

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We get to the end of the passage, we immobilize the enemy located in the room below.We jump down and return to the palace.We select awalletwith DINARIES.

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We shoot into the water of the fountain in the center of the courtyard and immobilize the enemies.

At a distance we immobilize four enemies standing on the passage, between the burning braziers.From the side of the bowl in the center of the pool we take thepursewith DINARIES.We pass through the door.

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From the chest we get the ARROWS, from the table in the back of the room we take theKEY FROM THE PALACE.We read NEVIA'S DIARY 2, on which the key lay.We unlock the door with the key, go up the stairs.We go along the corridor, weget the ARROWSfrom theamphora.

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We shoot at the curtain on the door, in front of which golden butterflies are circling - we create an obstacle for the enemies.

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We pass forward, we turn around the corner.We shoot at the curtains on the doors to the left and in front to lock the enemies.We go along the corridor, we remove the lonely enemy standing near the door.We climb into thegap in the wall to the left.

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We build bridges, we get to the wall.

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We shoot at the plants on the wall, we move along them to the left.

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We crawl through the breach, shoot at the curtain on the door.We take awayfrom thetable apurse with DINARIES.We pass forward, we shoot an arrow into theplant on the wall to the left.We take away upward, shoot at thecurtainon the second door, where the enemies are - we lock them in the room.We jump down through thesecond opening, move forward.

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Immobilize the enemy, take the ARROWS from the chest.Moving forward, pay attention to the golden butterflies above the plant on the floor.Around the corner we notice enemies.

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We run back and shoot at the plant on the floor when the enemies are on it.We move on, from thebarrel on the rightwe take the purse with DINARIES.

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We enter the room, where on the table we find NEVIA'S DIARY 3. Exit to the balcony, move to the left.

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We immobilize the enemy who ran out of the door to the left.

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We go through the same door, we deal with one more enemy.We take away ARROWS from the chest on the table.

We engage in a battle with a group of enemies (it will not be easy to make them stand on plants, so that later they will turn into statues, so we choose our tactics and strategy).We leave on the balcony through the second door, we immobilize the enemy.

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We enter the door to the left, we go along the corridor with traces of blood on the floor.We go up the stairs.

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We enter the room, approach the tied "Half-cleaned statue".

We try to talk to her, automatically turn around.

We speak with Nevia, who crept up behind:

“You must be Nevi”;

"Good luck to you (draw the golden bow";

"Oh, I'm not going to kill you ...";

“This bow is a weapon that traps people in gold”;

“I can demonstrate on Galatea if needed”;

"Okay, step back."

We turn around, shoot an arrow at Galatea.Receive the CHEST KEY in the Temple of Apollo.

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (46)

We go to the opening in front of which Neviya is standing.We take out the DINARIUS from the chest.

Note.The chest also contains another key to the chest in the Temple of Apollo.

We go out onto the balcony, never finding traces of Sentilla in the palace.We use the handle on thecable carto go down.

Gilding quest completed

Note.Having successfully passed the trials that have fallen to our lot because of the machinations of Decius, we can punish him, and at the same time earn 5,000 denarii.To do this, we go to the market, talk with the merchant about the onion:

“If I tell you, you won't believe me”;

"For a good price, I will tell you where you can get the same ...";

"Five thousand denarii";

“Think of it as an investment ...”;

"In this case, the transaction is canceled (BLUFF)";

“I managed to get this bow, right?”;

We get 5,000 DINARS.

"In the Temple of Diana";

“So you can take it there, so it will be yours for the rest of your life”;

“You gave me what I wanted, and I gave you what was promised”;

"It was fun".

"Splinter in the Paw" (end) and "Sinner" (end)

We go to the temple of Apollo, with the obtained key we unlock theold chest.We get out of it NEVIA'S RECORD OF TREATMENT.We leave the temple, speak with Lucretia: "I managed to find out how to treat rheumatism ...".We receive the Willow Bark.We leave in search of Rufia.We find, we talk on the topics: "About your rheumatism" and "I know how to cure it ...".We give willow bark.

Thorn in the Paw quest completed

We ask Rufia: "Did you threaten Virgil?"We say: “I know.That it was you ... ".

Rufio agrees to erase the drawing from the wall.

We go to the market square.We pass to Virgil, we say: "Do not worry about threats ...".

The Sinner quest completed

"Democracy in Action"

We leave for Malleol at hisvilla.We ask: "So, your name is Quinctius?"

Developing the topic:

"One eye is green, the other is a dove ...";

"Apparently, Quinctius suffers from megalomania";

“The error came out.Let's forget ";

“I want you to withdraw from the elections”;


"I will go".

We go up to the second floor, we speak with Claudia:

"Shall we talk?";

“Why were you locked in this room?”;

"I can help you get revenge on Malleol";

"Malleol doesn't seem to be who he says he is";

“It's just a guess ...”;

“It's just hard for me to see how such a beautiful woman is treated so badly”;

"What do you want";

"Although no, I have no more questions";

“Okay, I'll bring you some wine”;

"I'm getting down to business."

We leave for the slums, in the tavern of Aurelia.We speak with the hostess:

"Your charm is not inferior to your beauty";

"What?!You started it ”;

We speak on ALL topics.

  • A new quest "Pandora's Box"opens

We go in search of Julia to find out from her how you can charm Aurelia.We turn to the girl: “I am trying to rob Aurelia.Can you help? "We listen to advice, we return to the slums.We go into the tavern, go up thestairsto the rooms of Aurelia.We steal theKEYfrom the table, open thechest of Aurelia with it.We take away the DYNARIOS and AURELIA'S DIARY.Having committed a sin, we run into the portal.


We run to the portal, we enter it.

After passing through the portal, we return to the Forgotten City at the time of arrival in it.

Mission "Run!"completed

Returning to the forgotten city, we speak with Galerius, we give him instructions, which he goes to carry out.We read the "Diary of Aurelia".We go to the tavern, we speak with Aurelius:

"Thanks.Fortunately, I have a solid and very expensive education ”;

“First you: what dowry can I count on?”;


"I think the tribute will convince him better than Sentius";

"Deal.Let's make your life easier ”;

We receive a VESSEL WITH WINE.

We declare:

"Thanks.Perhaps I'll leave it to myself ”;

“I only needed your wine”;

“I doubt you gave me away”;

“After the phrase:“ Let me take the load off your shoulders, ”you melted”;

Thanks again for the wine.

We leave for Villa Malleola, go up to Claudia's room.

We speak to the woman:

"Shall we talk?";

"Maybe you will be interested in wine?";

“I would like to reveal the real personality of Malleol together”;

"Deal.Here is the wine. "


We answer Claudia's question, declare: “Of course, take it.Nobody will know about it (FALSE) ”;

We talk with Claudia on ALL topics, in particular about Sentilla (to complete the assignment).

We go down to the first floor, we turn to Malleol:

“I want you to withdraw from the elections”;

“I know that you are Quinctius.Your wife showed me your love letter.And Nero wants you dead ”;

"The Emperor sends bow (FALSE");

“I will not kill if you withdraw from the elections and free everyone from your bondage”;

"I will save".

Democracy in Action quest completed

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (47)

We watch as Domitius informs Equitia that Malleol is withdrawing his candidacy from the election.Equitia breaks the news to citizens.

Note.At some point in the game, we can meet Galerius, who will turn to us.We choose phrases that are loyal to the farmer, we say: "You are a good man, Galeriy."

Fade Trick (Out) and Ends Into the Water

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (48)

We head to the door leading to the cisterns (to the left of the entrance to Villa Malleola).We speak with Domitius who stopped us, we pass through the door.

We take the bow at the ready, and, having gone down, we deal with the enemy.

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (49)

Remove the LUNAR SUSPENSION from the skeleton on the platform in the center.We take away the wallet with DINARIs lying next to it.

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (50)

In the break in the wall we find another purse with DINARIUS, from the quiver we get the ARROWS.We take a few more ARROWS from theamphora, rise from the basem*nt.

We go to the villa of the magistrate, we speak with Sentia:

“Can we talk about Sentille?”;

"This pendant was in the cistern ...";

“He was on the neck of a skeleton”;

"I do not even know.Something doesn’t fit here ”;

“I don’t understand how one skeleton could be left of her in just three weeks”;

"Yes, he said, which makes me think - what if it's the skeleton of Hannibal?"

"It probably doesn't matter."

We return to the basem*nt.

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (51)

We shoot an arrow at the plants, climb up them.we shoot at the nextstrip of plants, we rise higher.We shoot an arrow at theplantson the opposite wall, jump on them, get out of the well.

The quest "Ends in the Water" completed

IMPORTANT.We save the game (F5 key).

We approach the prisoner chained in chains.

Fade Focus quest completed


"Golden Rule" (end) and "Starting point" (end)

Note.You can get Ending 1 at the early stage of the game by choosing the soldier mode, i.e., having received a pistol.Arriving in the Forgotten City, we head to the magistrate Sentius, and after talking, we kill him.You can also get ending 1 by completing the quest "Gilding" and getting a bow.We follow the same steps as for the first way to get the ending.In the proposed walkthrough, we get ending 1 at this stage, since this allows us to consider the option of three endings at once.

We call our name, we speak with Centilla:

"What's going on here?";

“Who did this to you?”;

“But why didn't it break the Golden Rule?”;

“Where is this exit?”;

"If I free you, what will you do?"

“What about the rest?”;

“I'm sorry, but if I free you, everyone else will die”;

“It's too dangerous.Let me try to persuade Sentius to let us go ”;

"I can convince when I want."

We go downstairs, we go to the exit from the basem*nt.We go to the magistrate, we speak with him.

Golden Rule quest completed

We catch up with the magistrate, point an arrow at him.We listen to the arguments of Sentius.

  • The additional quest "Divine Intervention" isunlocked

Let's shoot an arrow at Sentia.Fast forward to time, talking with Al.

Starting point completed


Load the game from the save made earlier.


"Starting point" (end)

We call our name, we speak with Centilla:

"What's going on here?";

“Who did this to you?”;

“But why didn't it break the Golden Rule?”;

“Where is this exit?”;

"If I free you, what will you do?"

“What about the rest?”;

“I will set you free.Let's run away together. "

We speak with the appeared magistrate Sentiy, choose any remarks.

We speak with the appeared Al.We leave the cisterns through the aqueduct.

We go to the river bank to Karen.

Starting point completed


Load the game from the save made earlier.


"Golden Rule" (end) and "Starting point" (end)

We call our name, we speak with Centilla:

"What's going on here?";

“Who did this to you?”;

“But why didn't it break the Golden Rule?”;

“Where is this exit?”;

"If I free you, what will you do?"

“What about the rest?”;

“I'm sorry, but if I free you, everyone else will die”;

“It's too dangerous.Let me try to persuade Sentius to let us go ”;

"I can convince when I want."

We get down and follow to the exit from the basem*nt.We are heading to the magistrate Sentius.

We call our name, we speak with him:

“Can we talk about who will break the Golden Rule?”;

“I think I know who it is”;

"This is Domitius";

“He extorted bribes to speak with Malleol”;

“I know what you did to Centilla”;

"You keep her locked up in cisterns";


“Do you remember him?”;

"You knew that there is a way out of here ...";

"Give me the exit key";

“It's not over yet”;

"I'll find a way to break the cycle and you along with it."

Golden Rule quest completed

  • A new main quest "Divine Intervention" isunlocked

We find Sentiya, we report that her father is keeping Sentilla in the tanks.

After killing Sentiya Sentiy we run into the portal.

We return to the Forgotten City, we tell Gallery to bring everyone to the upper cistern.

We run to Setilla, we propose to run together.

Starting point completed


Load the game from the save made earlier.


"Golden Rule"

We call our name, we speak with Centilla:

"What's going on here?";

“Who did this to you?”;

“But why didn't it break the Golden Rule?”;

“Where is this exit?”;

"If I free you, what will you do?"

“What about the rest?”;

“I'm sorry, but if I free you, everyone else will die”;

“It's too dangerous.Let me try to persuade Sentius to let us go ”;

"I can convince when I want."

We get down and follow to the exit from the basem*nt.We are heading to the magistrate Sentius.

We call our name, we speak with him:

“Can we talk about who will break the Golden Rule?”;

“I think I know who it is”;

"This is Domitius";

“He extorted bribes to speak with Malleol”;

“I know what you did to Centilla”;

"You keep her locked up in cisterns";


“Do you remember him?”;

"You knew that there is a way out of here ...";

"Give me the exit key";

“It's not over yet”;

"I'll find a way to break the cycle and you along with it."

Golden Rule quest completed

  • A new main quest "Divine Intervention" isunlocked

"Divine Intervention"

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (52)

Let's go in search of Equitia.We speak with the priestess:

“You don’t know how to get out of here?”;

“How can I contact the god who established the Golden Rule?”;

"A girl named Karen ...";

"The name, of course, is old, but ...";

"Come on!Tell!";

“Okay, I'll take care of it”;

“What happened to Libya?”;

"Perhaps I already know about the coincidences."

  • A new main task "Something in common" isopened

"Divine Intervention" and "Something in Common"

We affirm: "Perhaps I already know about coincidences."

Note.We must interview at least three residents of the city for the quest to continue.

All characters who told about themselves in the walkthrough:










We name three common features in the stories of residents (any).We agree to continue the conversation in the bath.

Press the E key, automatically move after Equity in the bath.

We listen to her story about Charon, look into the water, see Charon with Galerius.

Asking Equity:

"Are we in the underworld?";

Something in Common Completed

We ask Equity questions, listen to the answers.

Divine Intervention quest completed

We listen to explanations, ask new questions:

“Can't we escape the way we got here?”;

"Why don't you call the god of the Underworld by name?"

We ask: "Tell us about meeting Pluto face to face."We answer her warning: "I have a couple of trump cards up my sleeve."

We ask: "What can you tell about the obelisk?"

  • A new main task "Hercules Labor" isopened

We ask Equitia about the tablets.

  • New side quests are unlocked: "Roman Tablet";"Greek Tablet";"Egyptian Tablet";"Mysterious Tablet"

We ask: "Tell us about the escape with the help of Proserpine or a guide."

Insert replicas:

"Do you think she wants to ...";

“Statues of women sometimes whisper with me”;

"The voice is always the same ...";

"Perhaps.She said: "swim against the tide" ... ";

“Perhaps I need to get to the upper cistern”;

"We can start."

We choose: "First, I'll talk to Libya."

"Pandora's Box"

We leave for the slums.We find Libya there, we talk with it on ALL the proposed topics.

Pandora's Box quest completed

"Greek Tablet"

We leave to the merchant George.We ask: "Do you know where you can find a Greek tablet?"

Having learned that Dooley stole the tablet, we go to him using a marker.

We read the "Note from Dooley" lying in front of us -"A note in which Dooley declares his innocence."

We ask the thief about the Greek tablet: "As for the Greek tablet in your cage ..." and "May I take it?"

We are interested in: "Well, what can I do for you so that you can give it back?"

Dooley asks to get him out of jail.

We say: “Sentiy will never let you go.But, perhaps, if we have a new magistrate ... ";

  • A new main quest "TheRighteous"opens

We clarify: "So all I need to do is convince everyone to vote for Galerius?"

We speak on ALL the remaining topics, we receive the LETTER OF SENTIA TO DOULI.

DON'T CHOOSE theline "Magtstraat put you here for a reason," otherwise Dooley will stop communicating.

We agree to help free Dooley.

Completion of the quest "Greek Tablet" postponed

"The Righteous"

We go in search of farmer Galerius, listen to his questions, give answers.We speak to him:

“Didn't you want to become a magistrate yourself?”;

"Malleol withdrew his candidacy."

Galerius intends to inform Equitia that he will run.

We are heading for Equitia, asking a question about the elections ("How are the elections going?"), We ask you to hold them now.We affirm: "If we start earlier, it will be possible to avoid conflicts between voters."

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We follow Equitia to the forum, see how the vote goes - Galerius becomes a magistrate.

The Righteous Quest Completed

Galerius announces that his first order will be Dooley's release.

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We go after him.We speak with the freed Dooley, we receive the KEY FROM THE UPPER TANK.

  • Opens a new side quest "Generous Soul"

We run into the cage in which Dooley was sitting, we take away theGREEK TABLET.

Greek Tablet quest completed

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Coming out of arrest, Dooley immediately commits theft of the "shiny object" that he saw while sitting in the cage.The world around is changing.


We run into the portal.We return to the Forgotten City through the loop of time.

Run quest completed

"Roman Tablet"

We tell Garelia our name, we say that we have a lot to do.

We go to the temple of Apollo, open the chest.We take away the RECORDS of NEVIA.We speak with Lucretia, get the Willow Bark.

We leave in search of Rufia.We find, we talk with him on the topic of threats to Virgil.We repeat the choice of remarks, give Rufia the bark, we get the assurance that he is our debtor.We start a new conversation, we ask: "Do you know where to get a Roman tablet?"We remind you that he is our debtor, we receive the KEY FROM THE SANCTUARY.

We leave in search of Octavia.We find her on the upper platform, where Ulpius is standing ready to jump, we speak to the girl: “I am looking for a Roman tablet that was taken out of the obelisk.Do you know where she is? "

Octavia refuses to talk about the location of the tablet.

In a conversation with Ulpius, we choose the lines leading to his suicide.

Octavia hurries to the sanctuary to say a prayer.

We go after Octavia, we see how she enters the room where the tablet is located and locks the door behind her.

We unlock the door with the key, we take away theROMAN TABLET.

The Roman Tablet quest completed

Note.There is another quest in the game that does not affect the plot of the game, but which will be interesting to go through.In one of the conversations with Galerius, he will ask if we can fulfill his request.

We find out: "What do you need?"

Galerius asks to pick a flower for him.

We agree: "Of course, why not?"

  • A new side quest "Secret Admirer"opens

We affirm: "Now I will do it."

"Secret admirer"

We find the flower that Galerius spoke about - it grows on a rock that stands in the water under a stretched rope.We rise to the platform in front of the Proserpina temple, use the handle to the cable car, slide down.guess the moment, jump down to the rock, pick the FLOWER.We carry it to the Gallery, we agree to take it to Equitia.Find the priestess, hand over the flower.We return to the Gallery, passing on the words of Equitia.

Secret Admirer quest completed

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (56)

As a token of gratitude, Galerius tells about the room in which there is a chest full of money.The door to this room is supported by a statue that needs to be pushed back.

"Egyptian Tablet"

We go to the slums, we go to the tavern, we speak with Aurelia:

“I'm looking for Khabash.Have you seen him? "

We learn that this certain Khabash talked to George before evaporating.

We go to the market to the merchant Gelrgy.We speak to him:

“I'm looking for Habash.They say you are the last one who saw him ”;

"Trust me…";

"Very strange…";


“Where is the temple of Demeter located?”;

"Then I will go to the temple of Demeter."

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (57)

We leave for the temple of Demeter.

We pass into the corridor, to the right of the statue of the goddess.We squat, climb into the tunnel.We move forward along it.

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (58)

We leave on the footbridge, where we find the old man.

We give our name.We speak to the old man:

“I'm looking for Khabash”;

"Pluto, God of the Underworld";

“Why not, it’s not difficult for me”;

“I don’t know for sure.This is a tricky question;

"This is true";

“Who decides what is good and what is bad?”;

"I do not think";

“I think there is no“ right moral value ”;

“I think we need to live according to the laws and customs of our society”;


"No, i guess";

"What do you mean?";

“Sounds dubious.But what about “don't kill”? ”;

"I agree."

We ask: "Do you know where I can find the tablet that was taken out of the obelisk?"

We confirm: "Yes, she."

We ask: "Okay, then tell me, where is Habash?"

We listen to the story.In the course of the story, we choose any remarks.

We receive the KATAKOMB KEY.

We speak on ALL the remaining topics, we inform you that we are leaving.We follow the marker, open thedoor to the catacombs.We move forward, we leave into the tunnel.

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (59)

We arm ourselves with a bow - the enemy is ahead.Wegodown thestairs, we pass through the door.We go to the building with theEgyptian tableton the wall, to the right.We rise along the ramp on the right, we go out onto thewalkways.

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (60)

We move to the other side, we go into the huge gate.

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (61)

We move forward, we find Habash.We introduce ourselves, talk to him.We declare that we want to return the tablet to the obelisk.Receive the EGYPTIAN TABLET.

Setting the "Egyptian tablet"completed

"Mysterious Tablet"

Thank you, we are surprised when Habash talks about the fourth tablet.We speak to him.We ask you not to throw the tablet into the water, but Habash does it.

We jump into the hole, dive m to the bottom, pick up theSCOOMER TABLET.

The Mysterious Tablet quest completed

"Labor of Hercules" (end)

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We get out of the water.We pass forward, we turn to the left.

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (63)

We go into the opening, where the statue points.

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (64)

We move to the right, past the stone disk-trap.We pass along the channel, turn right, then left.

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (65)

We pass another trap disk and immediately turn to the right.

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (66)

We leave to the foot of a long staircase, at the top of which is Habash.

We speak to him:

"There is no need to lead to violence";

"Listen to me";

“What can be destroyed by truth deserves to be destroyed”;

“Isn't an honest life valuable in itself?”;

"Your beliefs about the afterlife turned out to be wrong, but isn't it important that you lived honestly because of them?"

“Will you deny your kindness at the most important moment simply because you have been deceived?”;

We go aroundthe trap disk, move forward.We rise along thewooden stairs, we go along the tunnel, we rise along another wooden stairs.We pass through the door, follow thewalkways.We go back the same way that we came, we leave the catacombs.We pass the myo of the hermit philosopher, we return to the temple of Demeter.

We get out, we go on the marker to the obelisk.

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (67)

We install the tablets in the obelisk, we enter the Great Temple.

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (68)

We approach the first door, we say: "Pluto, giver of wealth, accept me."

Near the second door we say: "Hades, master of the masses, accept me."

Near the third door we say: "Osiris, lord of silence, accept me."

The fourth door is unlocked with the words: "Nergal, frantic king, accept me."

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (69)

We enter the spot of light, we go through the door that has opened in front of us.We find ourselves in the halls of the God of the Underworld.We are approaching the God of the Underworld sitting on the throne.

Note.This quest can be completed in two ways.

Option 1

We speak on ALL the proposed topics.When in the choice appears the replica "Enough chatter, I will end it (get the golden bow)", select it.We declare: "You may be immortal, but Proserpine is not!"

Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (70)

We shoot an arrow at Proserpina, run up and pick up theCROWN OF PROZERPINAfrom the floor.

We run out of the Great Temple, we hurry into the portal.

We return to the Forgotten City, give the Gallery four tasks.We go to the Great Temple, follow to the palaces of Pluto.We show the crown of Proserpina: “See?This is the crown of Proserpina (quit) ", We declare:" I can continue to kill her even all day long.Abolish the Golden Rule, or it will be. "

Hercules Labor quest completed

Merging plot branches

Option 2

We speak with Pluto:

We are exhausting the topic "Tell about yourself";

We exhaust the topic “What is this place?”;

We further say:

“So you introduced the Golden Rule?”;

“What is sin for you?”;

“It is not as easy to be guided by this principle as it seems”;

“I happened to see terrible things here that you do not consider a sin”;

Experiments on Golden Statues;

"She would not want to ...";

“This is a very literal interpretation of the rule”;

“But there is a lot of ambiguity in our language ...”;

"Of course not.Never mind";

“No wonder people think that gods are cruel ...”;

"No, but this is the point ...";

"If you do this, you will confirm my point of view."

“Let's talk about something else”;

"I am from the future";

“I had a hope that you yourself would explain it to me (FALSE)”;

“Shouldn't the god of the Underworld know this?”;

“I want you to abolish the Golden Rule”;

“The Golden Rule has corrupted the city, making it impossible for you to win”;

“Rufio has become a paranoid that attacks everything - for example, Virgil's love for men”;

“Aurelia takes advantage of the desperate desire of others to get out - sells hemlock poison”;

"Malleol condemns people to debt bondage, convincing them that by refusing, they will break your law";

“These are all examples that I can give”;

“Why do you expect us to lead a sinless life if you yourself are not capable of it?”;

"You severely punish hundreds of people ...";

“If we changed places, you would not want me to punish you for the sins of other people”;


“And in what way is your people superior to people?”;

“And what is the superiority of this wisdom and high technologies?”;

“That is, you think that you can behave with us as you please, because you are stronger than us?”;

“What did the Roman Stoics say there?“Treat those who are below the way you would like those above you to treat you” ”;

“But didn't you talk about your leader Jupiter?You have your own hierarchy ”;

“And you treated people the same way you would like Jupiter to treat you?”;

"I say: if you yourself cannot live by your own rule, why do you expect this from people?"

“You are not a monster.You are a man, you have made a mistake ”;

“All people are wrong.This is our nature ”;

“Perhaps he was wrong too”;

“Perhaps, having taken on a human form, you took over some human weaknesses?”;

“We just want to return to our world”;


Let's start.

Hercules Labor quest completed

Merging plot branches

"Starting point" (end)

We are transferred to reality.We speak with Al Worth.

We go to the river, we approach Karen.

Starting point completed

We say to Karen: "I already know that you are not who you pretended to be ...".

We ask questions to the reincarnated Charon.We express a desire to know about our death.

We ask you to return us to the world of the living, which Karen-Charon does.

One year later

We pass through the exhibition halls, talk with old new acquaintances.


Completed the game!


Walkthrough for The Forgotten City | Adventure Gamers (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Views: 5958

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.