USA - ETO: Regimental Headquarters Company - The George C - [PDF Document] (2024)




any histories are being compiled now that the greatest

war in the ages of the world is over. These histories will

vary in text and in importance. Their relative values to civilization

can only be measured by the severe critic-time. However, this

is the history of a small organization-a company of infantry-and

of the minor role it played in the drama of the United States of

America at war.

On December 7th, 1941, Headquarters Company of the 397th

Infantry Regiment was only an organization drawn up on paper. Men,

who were later to become the life and the heart of the company,

were living in quiet homes throughout the United States. War was

a new thought in their minds-a thought they could not dismiss

easily. The radios shouted the progress of the war-headlines became

larger and more dramatic-the uniform took its place in the fashion

plates of Esquire.

The Japs took the Philippines and the German penetrated deeper

into Russia. Americans, civilians in uniforms, were storming their

first beaches in Mrica when Headquarters Company was activated

at Fort Jackson, South Carolina.

A necessary phase of transformation-basic training-began in the

winter of 1942. Old army men formed the cadre. Drawing from their

experience and knowledge, the cadre carried on the prodigious task

of producing soldiers from raw, independent thinking creatures

called civilians. The task was not impossible, and, by the spring of

1943, the men began their specialized training. First a soldier-then

radiomen, wiremen, scouts, drivers, mechanics and clerks.

The company of small units then worked together as one unit-with

the regiment, with the division, and with the combat team. Every

exercise, every field problem brought the company closer to combat­

prepared them for it systematically. Further preparation was accen­

tuated by participation in Tennessee winter maneuvers. Then, in the

spring and summer of 1944, came the final phase of training at Fort

Bragg, North Carolina.

By this time, the Yanks had made the Normandy invasion and

were also fighting toward Rome. Large numbers of men were being

called from the State~ to fill the gaps at the front. Headquarters

Company was called on to send its share-the first direct support

to combat operations. But the task of the company did not end there.

New men were brought in from such units as the ASTP, the Air

Corps, and from Coast Artillery outfits. These new men were sub­

jected to a highly accelerated training program, which was completed

in September, 1944 when the company was alerted for Overseas


The barracks at Fort Bragg were closed. Men marched down the

company street in full combat regalia. Somewhere at the head of the

column a band played. The company had begun the move that

would lead it to foreign shores-to the enemy.


Captain }\ l FREO H. WEI LER


Lt. Albett H. Heineman



Lt. Alan F. Goud

WOJG Leroy Van Winkle


Lr. Kenneth H. Voelker Lt, Harry Klaar

Lt. Alfred G. Peiffer


p E R T I N E N T o l\ T }\

CAPT. ALFRED H. WEILER entered the army from Connersville, Indiana

in July of 1942. After 13 weeks basic training, he entered OCSat Ft. Benning,

Georgia graduating in November, 1942. He joined the division February 13th,

1943 as executive officer of L company, 397th Infantry Regiment, in which capacity

he served until November, 1944 when he became the company commander.

Capt. Weiler guided L company successfully through six months of continous

combat, and came to headquarters company on July 14th, 1945 as the commanding

officer. He holds the Silver Star, Purple Heart (with cluster), and the Presidential

Unit Citation.

CAPT. MARVIN L. BEAMAN is a regular army officer and has spent over

21 years in the service. Most of his time from 1924 to 1940 was spent with the

ROTC unit in Tampa, Florida as supply sergeant. At the beginning of the national

emergency in 1940, he went to OCS at Ft, Benning and after graduation he stayed

there as personnel officer. In September of 1944 he was assigned to Headquarters

Company as the company commander. He held this position until July, 1945 when

he left the division with 102 points. At present Capt. Beaman is the commanding

officer of Headquarters Company, 253rd infantry, 63rd division. He was awarded

the Bronze Star.

CAPT. CARL A. JOHNSON came to the army from New Jersey in November

of 1940. With the 8th division for basic training, he became a regimental message

center chief with the rank of sergeant. He went to the 77th division in the cadre

and soon rose to T-Sgt. In July, 1942 he began OCS at Ft. Benning, graduating

in November, 1942 when he was assigned to the 397th Infantry. Capt. Johnson

has served as communications officer of both the first and second battalions of

this regiment, and, after attending the communications school at Ft. Benning, he

became the regimental communications officer. He was promoted to 1st Lt. in

September, 1943 and to Capt. in October, 1944 in St. Helene, France. Capt.

Johnson is the holder of the Bronze Star.

L T. ALAN F. GOUD entered OCS at Ft. Benning on August 20, 1942 after

completing basic training at Camp Croft, S.C. He was commissioned on 18,

November, 1942 and came immediately to Headquarters company. Except for

one brief period, Lt. Goud has been the executive officer of this company since

that date. In combat he had the additional duty of controlling the Guard Platoon.

He rec~ived the Bronze Star.


LT. ALBERT H. HEINEMAN entered the army from Utica, N.Y. on October

29,1942. He took basic training with the 98th division in Camp Breckenridge, Ky.,

and was transferred to the 63rd division on May 5, 1943. He attended the intelli­

gence school in September of 1944 and became a battalion intelligence non-com.

He received a battlefield commission on May 9, 1945 as S-2 of the 1st Battalion,

255th infantry. In July, 1945 Lt. Heineman was assigned to headquarters company

as I and R platoon leader. He holds the Bronze Star.

WOJG LEROY VAN WINKLE entered service from Brooklyn, on November

28, 1942, and went directly to the 100th Signal Company. There he trained as

a radio operator, and became a team chief with the rank of technician fourth grade,

and, later, was an instructor in the division radio school. On September 4, 1943,

he was appointed Warrant Officer, Junior Grade, and was assigned to the 397th

Infantry as assistant communications officer. Mr. Van Winkle holds the Bronze


LT. KENNETH H. VOELKER went to OCS at Fort Benning in the summer

of 1942, after basic training and maneuvers with the 97th division. Upon gradua­

tion he was assigned to the 86th division. He came to the 397th Infantry in June,

1944, and became the platoon leader of the I and R. He served in this capacity

until February of 1945, when he was transferred to F company as the executive

officer. Lt. Voelker has been awarded the Bronze Star.

LT. HARRY KLAAR was inducted into the army in June, 1941 from Portland,

Oregon. He served with various infantry and tank destroyer outfits for two years,

and rose to the rank of master sergeant. He attended the military intelligence

training center at Camp Richie, and upon graduation in August on 1944 he was

commissioned directly. After a short stay in England, he joined the 397th Infantry

at Baccarat, serving as the head of the regimental interrogation team until the end

of the war. At present, Lt. Klaar is acting as the laison officer between this regiment

and the Military Government.

LT. ALFRED G. PEIFFER, the former I and R platoon leader, entered the

army at the age of fifteen from Manheim, Pennsylvania. In over 9 years in the

army he has served with numerous outfits and has spent some time in the Hawiian

Islands. In April, 1944 he came to the 100th division with the rank of staff sergeant.

As platoon sergeant of the I and R he became T-Sgt. and was commissioned in

the field on April of 1945. Lt. Peiffer joined the 63rd division in July, 1945. He

holds the Bronze Star.




1st Sgt. Thomas F. Ross

ecessary to every large organization of working men is a small group ofadministrative personnel, who in the infantry company are the first

sergeant, company clerk, and mail clerk. To date there have been three FirstSergeants in Headquarters Company, 1stSgt. Erwin, M-Sgr. Cecil B. Coates,and 1st Sgt. Thomas F. Ross. Sgt. Coates, "Top", came to us from D ccmpanyin November, 1943 and guided us through maneuvers and specialized trainingat Fr. Bragg. He was a just and efficient top-kick, always striving to help themen, and probably one of the easiest 1st Sgts. in the AImy to get along with.His hopes of doing even more for the company in combat lasted from Baccaratto Raon L'Etape, when he left to become the regimental Sgt. Major. "Tommy"Ross took over there Job in a difficult period of the companys history. We wereinexperienced in our first real days of the war and we were dealing in the livesof many men. Due to his adaptability and hard work, we performed our dutieswell and eventually earned the Meritorious Service Unit award.

Working behind the scenes in the Personnel Office is our company clerk, WalterOlson. He has charge of all the company records, an important, but often forgottentask. His devotion to the paper-work has succeeded in keeping these records upto date regardless of the large number of changes within the company.

Far our-doing Special Service or any other morale branch of the Army is ourMail Clerk, T-5 M.L. Carroll. Originally of the guard platoon, he began hispresent job at Bining when T -5 Harold Siegel left us. He works seven days a week­one hour a day-to bring a little joy into our sometimes monotonous lives.


MjSgt. Cecil B. Coates Sgt. Walter H. Olson Tec 5 Michael L. Carroll

S/Sgt. Timothy J. O'Hare Tee 5 Alfred E. Mack

\"The supply sergeant is the enlisted assistant of the company supply officer, under

whose supervision he prepares requisitions for supplies and equipment, andmaintains records of both organizational and individual property issued to themen ... he is custodian of the property in the supply room ... he supplies datafor reports of survey, inventory and inspection reports, and statements of charges."This is the .Army definition of the duties of S-Sgt. Tim O'Hare. Since activation,Tim has issued, salvaged, and recorded every material object in the companyexcept the men and their food. He has had his fingers in everything from thelargest truck to the smallest pair of sox. T-5 Alfred Mack has the official title ofarmorer articifer but is, in reality, the second supply sergeant. These two have donea good job, and have our sincerest best wishes for the success of their Army storein the States.



.'i-Sgt. Dominic j. Lepone

l:ose who perform their duties at the motor pool

are divided into two sections: the maintenance sec­

tion and the permanent drivers. In charge of all

operations here is S-Sgt. Dominic Lepone, the regi­

mental motor sergeant. Under "Lips" guidance the

maintenance crew, T-4 Robert Munz and T-5 James

Golden, have kept our vehicles in top condition

from the States to Stuttgart. They have a fine record

after working in all types of weather and often with improvised facilities. The

drivers, who in garrison were concerned mainly with a shiny brand of nrst

echelon maintenance, drove and maintained their vehicles in this theater with

a practical view. These men are on call 24 hours a day to drive anywhere and

everywhere in often adverse weather conditions. They surely deserve much

credit for the job they have done and are continuing to do. Cpls. Edward

Sicko and Cicero Eubank, and Pfc. Frank Sketl drive for the staff officers;

Pfc. J. F. Seifert for the company commander; and Pfcs. Edward Sydor,

Robert Krudner, and Edward Wildanger for the laison officers.

Tee 4 Robert H. Mun2 Tee 5 James W. Golden Ne. John=F. Seifert


CpI. Edward Sieko

Pfe. Edward G. Wildanger

Pfe. Anthony G. Drogosh

Tee 5 Cicero C. Eubank

Pfe. Roben N. Krudener

Tee 5 Louis Revillino

Pfe. Frank Skell

Pfe. Edward J. Sydor

Pfe. William J. Lewis


Tec 4 Michael J, Katinsky S-Sgt. Peter Brykailo Tee 4 Salvatore Della Bella

KITCHENIt has often been said that an army travels on itsstomach, a statement which every soldier will bearout. In training the job of preparing the company'sfood was not too difficult because of regular hours,sufficient rations, adequate kitchen facilities. Our messSgt. and cooks have had the hard job of preparing bareand, sometimes, monotonous rations almost without akitchen or help, and serving them at all hours ofthe dayto this straggling company. We all appreciate theworkof mess sergeants Pete Brykailo and Mike Katinsky,and cooks Della Bella, Jamison, Dieneman, Solomon,McMahon, and Woody, and realize now, with allof our griping, what an excellent job they have done. Tee 4 Fred B. Jamison

Tec 4 Roscoe L. Solomon


Tee 5 Fay Woody PCe. McMahon

S/Sgt. Phillip O. Davis

T ec 4 John 1. Close

he remammg members of headquarters platoonhave many different jobs and can only be classified to­gether because of their connection to the regimentalc.P. Often the butt of G I humor, they nevertheless haveimportant tasks to do. Working as clerks for the staffofficers, T -4 John Close, Pfc. Edward Paytas, Pfc. Wil­liam Hennessy, and T -5 John Holland keep the c.P.orders and records straight and attend to the numeroussmall details always found in a headquarters of thissize. Pfc. Richard" Snuffy" Michell has served as or­derly for four different colonels and is now well ex­perienced in the art of keeping regimental commanderssatisfied. That laugh of Snuffy's and other qualitieshave made him one of the company's more colorfulpersonalities. S- Sgt. Philip Davis and T -5 James All­good cook for the staff officers and have been notedamong the EM for the delicious work they turn out.The generator man and general electrical handy manof the c.P. and company is Pfc. Herbert Shauger. Wewho have tapped in on his lines surely appreciate hisconsciencious work in combat-and we apologize forall those fuses.

So ends the roster of headquarters platoon, a variedgroup of men and duties. They have all done theirwork well and have contributed much to the fine re­cord of the company and regimeL 1.

Tec 5 James E. Allgood Pfc. Richard J. Mitchel Pfe. Herbert Shauger


Albert Staley Edward Paytas


John D. Holland

-- - -----






As a P.O.E., Camp Kilmer, New Jersey, did not meet Hollywood standards.

The setting was much too drab, and the tasks too menial. Its very location was

disturbing-so near and yet so far from New York City. Clothing was checked,

additional clothing was issued, then all was rechecked. A mass production-like

physical examination was given, which, naturally, everyone passed. Boat drills

were given, and men scrambled down bulky cargo nets-a performance that was

to be repeated some weeks later in the port of Marseilles. Twelve hour passes

to the big city were handed out, and the troops saturated themselves with the last

bits of Stateside civilization. Letters began to suffer from censorship, and bore

the anonymous address of <i/o Postmaster, New York, New York. Then came the

alert. Rumors ran rampant. The war in Europe was looking good, and, even then,

talk about occupation began.

On October 5th, 1944, things took a more definite turn. In the GI manner,

the troop train was loaded in Kilmer. The train rolled out and the Jersey landscape

rushed past. Troops gazed thoughtfully out the windows, and civilians waved

at them. There was only one trouble-the civilians remained, and the troops

were in that "going, going, gone" category.

It was dark by the time the men piled on the 44th Street ferry. They crowded

the railings, smoked cigarettes, and commented on the blinking New York skyline.

As the ferry neared the pier, an army band blared out in the prescribed fashion.

The troops, getting into the spirit of the thing, marched off the ferry and into the

services of the Red Cross.

And there it was, that last connecting link between the known and the unknown­

the gang plank. Last names were read and first names given as the troops walked

up the plank to the big USS George Washington-each man sagging under the

combined weight of a full pack, horseshoe roll, duffle bag, steel helmet, and rifle.

The company filed through the boat, under the water line, to a condensed

compartment labeled G-2. Equipment was stowed beside the triple decker bunks,

and the first night was spent in the compartment while the ship waited in the


In the morning, the company was allowed on deck, and, while waiting in the

breakfast chow line, the George Washington pulled slowly out of New York

harbour. Life at sea had begun, with its crowded decks, salt water showers, rough

seas, and a distaste for food. Money lost value and games of chance flourished.


Then, some ten days later, the first land was sighted-the Atlas mountains of

Africa. Although brown and unfamiliar, it took away the timelessness of the

rolling, endless ocean. The days were picturesque-the nights beautiful, with

semblences of civilization blinking on shore at such points as Oran and Algiers.

Former insurance men smiled inwardly as they passed Gibraltar. But, within

the port of Marseilles, thoughts became more realistic. It was a striking view, but

it was also the beginning.

On the night of October 20th, after an air-raid alert, the company loaded into

an LST and went ashore. On shore the company went into a march formation,

and, leaving only duffle bags behind, headquarters company marched through

the darkened streets of Marseille.

They marched until one in the morning, stopping, finally, in an assembly area

ten miles from Marseilles. As the company stopped, the rains began. For the next

week and a half it was pup tents and mud.

In the assembly area, vehicles were aquired, equipment uncrated and readied

for action. The first words of French were learned-the most useful words being

cigarette and chocolat. Passes to Marseilles were issued. This concluded the

preliminaries, and on October 29th the company was ready to begin the motor

march to the front.

The trip was "e" rations, pitted French roads, destroyed German equipment,

a cavalry stable in Valence, and a city park in Dijon. St. Helene was reached by

the first of November, and the men were told they could write, "we are within

sound of artillery fire." Last minute preparations were made. On November 6th,

replacing units of the 45th division, the company was on the front at Baccarat,






M-Sgt. Edward Witkowski

ewspaper and magazines have often given credit to the Signal Corps for all

communications, but signal work done from the regiment to the front is

done by infantrymen. All communications between regimental headquarters and

battalion headquaters were maintained by the communications platoon of head­

quarters company, commanded by the communications officer, Captain Carl

A. Johnson.

When this platoon is mentioned it is also necessary to mention "Chief", Master

Sergeant Edward Witkowski. Chief came to headquarters .company frem the

First Division, bringing with him tales of Oahu, Panama, and of his life in the RA.

His official title is that of regimental communications chief, and as such he is the

non-commissioned officer in charge of the three sections of the platoon: wire,

radio, and message center.

In addition to these prescribed sections, another section was formed just before

the company entered combat: signal maintenance and supply. Under the super­

vision of WOJG Leroy Van Winkle, assistant communications officer, this unique

section gave the regiment efficient repair and supply of all signal equipment.

The following pages of this section give a partial com bat report of the activities

of men in wire, radio and message center.



T-Sgr. Frank A. Lekich

allowing the basic pattern of "first a soldierthen a specialist", the wire section, after threemonths of basic training, began its specializedtraining in the spring of 1943 under the directionof Master Sergeant \XJitkowski and S- Sgt. "Pop"Darra. This first training at Fort Jackson, S. C. wasthe ground work for what was to follow-Tennesseemaneuvers, advanced training at Fort Bragg, N.C.,and, finally, combat in France and Germany.

In the spring and summer of 1944, many membersof the section were sent overseas as replacement~,

and new men were brought in from air corps, ASTP,and antiaircraft units. At this time, S-Sgt. Frank Lekich became regimental wirechief, and it was his charge to train and prepare the wire section for combat.

Intensive wire training continued through the hot summer months at Fort Bragg.Night problems, field problems, combat team exercises-all necessary to make thewire section a competent) efficient part of the regimental combat team. This trainingended in September, and the section prepared its equipment for overseas shipment.

Night and day, the wire jeeps rolled out, repairing lines and putting in newlines as the front moved forward. Raon L'Etape, the first objective, was taken bythe middle of November. The frontal elements moved forward rapidly, and, often,wire communications had to be extended eight and ten miles to maintain contact.The section became "combat-wise"-they understood the language of the 88 andthe mortar.

Tec 5 Howard W. Griffin Tec 5 Robert E. Horne T< c 5 ThomEs]. McPherson


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Tee 5 Earl W. Parker Tee 5 Samuel C. Worley Pfe. Robert Pinkerton

Town after town it was the same. Move forward, find the battalions and lay thecommunication lines, keep the lines in repair, then move on again. The nervesystem of the regiment-the link between the "brains" and the "muscles". Butthe German realized this also, and continually kept the situation warm along the110 lines.

For efficiency of operation, the wire section consisted of four wire crews anda switchboard crew. Three of the wire crews were responsible for the wire com­munications to each of the three battalions-the other wire crew, called the localcrew, was responsible fer communications within the regimenral command post,and communications with attached units. These assignments varied frem timeto time during the period of combat.

Pfe. Guy P. Cochran Pfe. Hayes F. Graves Pfe. Harold R. Grubharn


Pfc. Stephen P. Kabana Pfc. Richard M. Lake Pfc. Robert A. Ourada

Of the many situations that were encountered in combat, some are more pro­minent in the wireman's mind than others. A situation is best remembered whenthe hazard quantity has been great. Mouterhouse, France was an introductoryphase, but was overwhelmed later at Bining.

Bining was uncomfortable for a number of reasons. The weather was inclementto the point of being miserable-snow, sleet, and freezing temperatures. Quartersfor the troops were in gray, drab, dank French barracks. German artiHery zeroedin continually-in the same breath, it may be said that communications weredisrupted continually. The Luftwaffe came over several times, bombing andstrafing the area, leaving the wire lines in a spaghetti-like fashion. Counter­attacks were eminent and alerts frequent. No, Bining is not likely to be forgotten.

In a lighter vein, the motor-march from the Siegfried to the Rhine has to beconsidered. It was almost a "rags to riches" episode-so great was the contrast

Pfc. Jolm E. Planting


PCc. John T. Soporowski Pfc. Robert J. Stamp

Pfe. Carl D. Winge Pfe. Stanley J. Wright Pfe. Ernest Vetter

in going from France to Germany. The movement was too rapid for wire com­munications, and the wire section had a chance to relax. Luxuries of civilian lifebegan to appear-electric lights, rWlning water and comfortable beds. A cham­pagne factory in Neustadt also added to this relaxation period. By the end ofMarch, the regiment had crossed the Rhine and the war again took on its morenormal poses.

Then, on April the 4th, the nine day battle for Heilbronn began. The weatherwas good, too good, as it offered the Germans, who held the high ground, south ofthe city, excellent observation of activities. Wiremen laid lines, repaired themunder artillery barrages of all sizes and description-with the added threat of therocket barrage. During this action, while laying a line to 3rd battalion, Pfc RobertPinkerton was seriously wounded. Heilbronn may only be remembered as another

Pfe. Dwight E. Phillip Pfe. Paul J. Olson Pfe. Robert J. Vanderheyden


Pfe. Joseph T. Page Pfe. Olli K. Rautio Pie. Kenneth J. Bell

phase of the war, but "Pinky" will always be in the heart and mind of those whoworked and fought with him.

From Heilbronn to Stuttgart was like the calm after the storm. The war taperedoff, and V-E day was announced while the wire section was billeted in Eislingen,Germany. A victory celebration was held to a minimulT'., for the Pacific front loomedheavy in the background. There was satisfaction in the wire section-they hadproved therr.selves in combat. They had lived close and worked hard under allconditions. The spirit formed by these adversities is not likely to be lost when themen of the section go their way into civilian life.

'ITH8 ~ D C [

"FROLIC OPERATOR!-The correct time ?-I'll connect you with Frolic 11."Well, the board isn't busy at the moment, so I can tell you a little about what goesaround the "Frolic" regimental switchboard. When we came overseas we werea small group of four with T -5 Earl Parker as chief operator, Bob Vanderheyden,Paul Olson, and Dwight Phillip making the TO for operators. When we enteredcombat, where we often had to install a forward board for more efficient operat­ion, our family was increased to seven. "FROLIC !-Frolic 2 is busy, Sir-I canconnect you with Frolic 3."

Our usual set-up consisted of two or three switchboards, BD 72's and 71's,connected in parallel, handling an average of 30 lines. Keeping the boards inoperation 24 hours a day, placing and servicing calls to and from the regimentalCP, to higher and lower units, and attached outfits, and maintaining a constantcheck on the lines were our main duties. When a line was discovered out of order(perhaps a tank or artillery tore it .up) we notified the wire chief who sent a crewout to repair it. "FROLIC Operator! Have you finished? Have you finished?"


a jack-of-all-trades, and along with the other boys, had a hand in building aswitchboard from parts scrounged from Maginot Line pillboxes, trying to adapta generator to furnish lights for the switchboard, working on the trailers we builtto carry our junk, making candles from wax, and adapting a captured Germanboard for our use.

His able assistant was Dwight "The Indian" Phillip, the man with the bed-rolland suitcase, who with his collection of this and that earned the title of "the manwhose got it when you need it!". In his free time he managed to do a little paint­ing, and act as the barber.

Robert" Shorty" Vanderheyden had us all sweating out the arrival of his wife'sbaby. It was a relief to us all when Sandra Lee finally arrived safely! Vandyearned quite a reputation as an unsurpassable chicken parboiler and wood cutter­let the chips fall where they may!

Junior "The Kid" Bell, the youngest Casanova of the gang, earned his placein the hearts of the men by his eager attention to their tales of wine, women,and song~and his reply "It's your turn to carry the pail of water" to anyone'simplication that he should go for water there at Guisberg!

Sam "Barney Oldfield" Wood was the driver of our wire truck. Sam tookhis shift on the board when he wasn't driving or cleaning his truck.

Carl "Pillbox" Winge had joined us at Ingwiller, where he transferred froma wire crew to the switchboard. He earned that nickname at Guisberg when,looking for a little excitement, he suggested going out and capturing a pill box.Winge spent much of his off duty time patrolling with the I and R.

Stanley "Dark-Room" Wright became one of the gang when he took overthe job of driving the wire truck shortly before we left Guisberg. Stan spent hisspare time collecting photographic equipment and developing and printing filmfor the boys.

We have all shared a lot of memorable experiences, and one thing we neverwill forget is the phrase with which we have closed every call we have placedin the ETO-"FROLIC! Have you finished? Have you finished?" Finished)thank you.


Thomas R. Childress


S-Sgt. Morris M. Sier

Combat began for us when the company was loca­

ted in Baccarat. Wilson was the first one to face the

fire of the enemy. He went on a mission to Bertri­

champs and was caught in a mortar barrage. We made

repeated trips through the woods around Bertrichamps.

By jeep when the roads were passable, otherwise, by

foot. But the messages got through.

Message center duty in a command post is to

facilitate the receipt and the transmission of mess­

ages. That, however, is only the army manual

definition. Other incidentals are also taken care

of. It is an information bureau, newspaper delivery

agen~y, the bearer of M.P. reports and the paper

work necessary in procuring a pass. Message

center is a flexible link between the individual

unit and the regimental CPo

The team is comparatively small for the variety of duties they perform. It is

composed of a message center chief, code clerks, runners and drivers. Sier,

Wallace, Sternberg, and Lemire have been with the organization since activ­

ation. Wilson and Sauchelli came in from the air corps, and Freese represents

the ASTP. Childress was message center chief during combat, but he is now

with the athletic section of the regiment, and S-Sgt. Sier has taken over the


From a member of the group there is the following combat report:

"We were all eager when we hit the shore at Marseille. It was night when we

landed, and we had to march to the outskirtes of the town. There, we made final

preparation for going into combat, also maintaining liaison between the regimental

and division command posts. The work was not diffi-

cult, but it kept us from seeing more of Marseille. After

eleven days of this, six of us moved to St. Helene with

the company. Childress and Sauchelli remained in

Marseille with the dummy radio station, and joined

the rest of the section a week later.


Cpl. Aifred Stemberg Tee 5 Richard ]. Wallace Pfe. Paul A. Wilson

After the Vosges, came the action in the Bitche sector. Sier and Lemire will

never forget the time they were caught in open territory with German planes

flying low overhead. Sauchelli can probably give you the vital statistics regarding

the road to Rimling and its direct observation. We always laughed at the experience

Freese and Wilson had in Hottwiller, but it was no joke for them to be blown

out of the jeep by the concussion from a rocket shell. Many such instances filled

our combat days.

We did our job and did it well. ETOUSA thought so also and we received a

special commendation from them, which the regiment still has in its files. The

war is over now, and we'll probably be separated soon, but we'll never forget

that family of ours."

Pfe. Pas'luale ]. Sauehelli


Pfe. Bertrand J. Lemire Pfe. Royce G. Freese


ny attempt in wntmg a complete history ofthe Radio Section should begin with it's activationin the winter of 1942, and, in chronological order,record the days of early training, the problems ofmaneuvers and, finally, the last days at Ft. Bragg.However, such a story would, of necessity, con­cern itself with many men who left the sectionbefore the real test of training came, and slightthose whose hard work, during the limited time

S-Sgr. Frank J. Jones allowed them in the States, made this the smootWyfunctioning organization it was on the eve of combat.

And, at this point, in a staging area near the port of Marseille, we take upour recital. There, as we finished the work of uncrating and checking our equip­ment, we determined that, as far as radio was concerned, there would neverbe a break in the communication system of the regiment. From that dayon, when John Gould and "Chase" Hundley opened a dummy station tocamouflage our movement to the front, until after V-E day, our radios ceasedoperation only once, and, in that instance, for security reasons. Once the movewas completed, the regiment was in position at Baccarat. It was here, with the in­fluence of T -Sgt. Diaz, that we began our first project-the conversion of anordinary one-ton trailer into a mammoth signal main tenance and repair shop.With the direction of Dick Pillsbury, architect, all hands labored day and night tocomplete the work before the next move. As the result of this work, an ableteam of repairmen consisting of the various battalion radio repairmen, with, atdifferent times, Hundley and "Scratch" Zartarian,under the direction of Joe Pachucy, always had aheadquarters in which to work without the distract­ions of weather. How well they accomplished theirtask is only partly borne out by the fact that duringcombat it was never necessary to send any signalequipment to a higher echelon for repair. Men inbattalion headquarters and the line companies neverhad to wait more than a fcw hours for the replace­ment of damaged equipment.

We experienced the first ec1eavage in the sectionwhen Bill Jondro, "Deacon" Pearson, and FrenchyCroissant left us to become the communication unitof the I and R Platoon. From them we heard our firststories of what it was like "sweatin' out" the 88'swhile manning outposts in chucrh steeples, and, on T-Sgt. Leocadia Diaz


Tee 4 John H. Gould Tee 4 Richard CarbreIlo Tee 4 Rene C. Croissant

the crest of hills, in full view of the enemy. There was formed, too, at that time,a "resquisition" team consisting of Bob Boyer, Fred Echlebarger, and LouieLorenzo. At the time this is being written, all three are still under the jurisdictionof the United States Government, so, perhaps, it would be wise to softpedal theiractivities until such date as the stories can form the basis of anecdotes rather thancourts-martial. A further split in ranks cccured at Bertrichamps when BernieMufson, Pillsbury, and John Duckett left to establish a station with the supply­train. At various times, other members including Pearson, Zerfoss, Gillick, andHolbrook helped to operate this station.

Then follows only a hazy picture of the French towns, and Our memories ofthem are mostly small things in the big picture. Raon L'Etape, a three storybuilding with rain leaking through all three floors. Moyenmoutier and the cham­pagne party given us by the Frenchman who had put away two bottles on De-

Tee 4 John T. GiIliek


Tec 4 Joseph S. Pachuey Tee 4 Bernard Mcfson

Tee 4 Richard C. Pillsbury Tee 4 John C. Durkel Tee 5~Robert Zartarian

cember 7th 1941 for the day when American soldiers would liberate his city.Senones, where we slept in a convent, between clean sheets. During all this timein all the moves, our main concern was the finding of suitable locations for ourradio. If any of us should pause at this point for a few moments reflection he'dbe conscious of a kaliedoscopic view of the hurry and scurry of Gould and Diaz:as they brought signal supplies to the battalions, and, incidentally, put the fingeron the most presentable house in the next town-of "Jake" Korman in his eternalsearch for stray pieces of equipment-of "Effjay" Jones hunched over a 284 ina jeep trying to drag in reluctant signals, and the inseparable team of Durkel andCarbrello trudging along roads and across muddy fields to lay the 28 line. Back of itall we were conscious of the steady accumulation of more equipment, and the pro­gress made in efficiency of operation that paid dividends later. This was combat aswe knew it, with only an occasional interruption of routine due to of enemy action.

Tee 5 Richard L. Holbrook Tee 5 Thomas C. Hundley Tee 5 Karl P. Zerfoss


The picture changed for us, as it did for all the company, at Ingwiller andMouterhouse when Jerry, for the first time, began to pay particular attentionto our CPo There, we lost the services of Bill Jondro, who was severly woundedwhile on patrol with the I and R. Now, after the war, we miss his never-failinggood humor and even disposition more than ever.

Not long after that we began our real work. The battle for Bitche, and theresultant German counter-attacks began. If we had ever had any doubts beforethen as to the necessity of radio, we lost them then. It had become the regularpractise to send relay teams forward to guarantee contact with the battalions, and,one such team, composed of Echlebarger, Croissant, and Gillick went to PetitRederching at this time. During the hectic first week of January 1945, theiroperation of several radios constituted, at times, the only means of communi­cation with the forward elements. Their interception of messages between com­pany and battalion hastened the groupings and movements of needed reinforce­ments. Through all this, the men at Bining, operating as many as five sets fromthe dank cellars of Maginot Line barracks, were in a constant state of alert fora retreat that never came. Then, too, they learned, for the first time, the meaningof "close air-support". Communication during this time can only be describedas being perfect. Months of training, never-ending preparations, and the seeminglyuncanny foresight of one man had paid off.

The lull in company activities, accompanying the long hibernation at Guisberg,was shared by the Radio Section. Beyond the building of a new, all-purposetrailer by Duckett and Echlebarger, little was done there. Perhaps, more thanany other place, Guisberg will be the source of tales told and re-told in later years.None of us will ever forget the sight of the bearded Diaz as he climbed to hisone meal per day, clutching his cup in hand. Nor will we forget the continuousbailing out of our quarters where only Hundley, Duckett, and Gillick were ableto stand upright. Nor the trips to Petit by Duckett on his motorcycle to gathereggs and meat for the nightly repast. And, of course, the invisible "Ninth Man".It was here that Dick Holbrook came back into the fold.

But, again, another of those lightning-like changes engulfed us. We were onour way to the final round. Through Bitche, the Maginot Line, across the Germanborder, and through the vaunted Siegfried-all the time, moving in such swiftfashion that radio Was the only means of communication. We were in our element­Jones, Hundley, and Carbrello out with the forward CP, relay stations out, allmanner of radio contact, including use of the 300 sets and the new 694, in everyconceivable combination. All this time, chased by the maintenance section, andSam Wood hurling his truck and monstrOus trailer through the German country­side (stopping only long enough for Pachucy and"Scratch" to "capture" 13 Ger­mans), bringing up the supplies necessary for operation. Then the steady accu­mulation of "personal belongings", requiring the acquisition of a "Jam and Jelly"trailer. Few incidents stand out above others now except, possibly, OUr onenight stay and tOUr of the mansion in Neustadt.


Tee 5 Harley M. Pearson Pfe. Samuel!. Wood

What Heilbronn is to the other members of the company, Neckargartachis to the Radio Section. To Jones, Hundley and Zerfoss it meant two days underconstant artillery fire interspersed with the rattle of burp guns and the soundof sniper fire. To Carbrello, Croissant, and Gillick, out on a reconnaisance mission,it meant the end of a long day, culminating with the fall of a dud alongside theirjeep. To Durkel, it meant days of duty with the forward observer of AT company,then used as a rifle company. To all of us, it meant the climax of weeks in whichour sets never ceased in their transmission of vital messages. Shortly after, camethe wild ride through a fire-fight that Gould and Duckett will never forget, but,with the arrival of the division at Stuttgart, our days of combat ended.

Now, we are under the direction of S-Sgt. Jones, counting our points, regrettingEchlebarger's illness and" Snooky" Duckett's fracture of his wrist that necessitatedtheir leaving the section. We think both of them, along with Sgt. Diaz, wouldenjoy hoisting a few cognacs with us at the Sad Sack Shack.




- --I


Baccarat November 6 to November 13, 1944

Bertrichamps 13 to 18

Raon L'Etape 18 to 21

Moyenmoutier 21 to 23


23 to"


St. Blaise Ie Roche"



26 to 27

Raon L'Etape"








29 to December 6,1944

Reipertswiller December 6 to 9

Mouterhouse 9 to 21

Petite Rederching'!

21 to"



27 to January 11,1945

Oermingen January 11 to 18,1945


18 to 23

Guisberg 23 to March 14

Holbach March 14 to 17


17 to"



Petersburg March 22



Rodersheim 24

Oggersheim 24 to March 31,1945

Crossing the Rhine at Mannheim"



31 to April 2

Wiesloch April 3

Sinsheim 4

I IKirchhausen 4 to 13,1945

Heilbronn 13 to 15,1945I

I I Lehrensteinsfeld 15 to 17I

I Lowenstein 17to 19I


Neulautern 19 to 20

Backnang 21

Geradstetten 21 to 23,1945


23 to 26,1945

Stuttgart 26to"



30 to May 10,1945


Illertissen May 10 to June 13,1945

Goppingen June 13 to July 7

Stuttgart July 7 to



T -Sgt. Edward O. Leccese

ov. 6, 1944-"Establisb and maintain an obser­vation post at Bertrichamps, France". These words,although insignificant to many, carried a special mea­ning to the men of the Intelligence and Reconnais­sance Platoon. That was the first of many exploitsthat became but routine procedure during combat.Since that dismal day, the platoon has learned muchabout the value of its previous training, our closecomradeship, our excellent leadership and our spiritto do our job and do it well. We may have been agreen bunch when that first mortar shell screamed

over us, but, long since, our boys have earned the vaunted title of "Battle Veterans".

Our history dates back to December 1942 when the platoon was formed atFort Jackson, S.c., shortly after the 100th Infantry Division was activated. Thefirst taste of army life consisted of a thirteen week basic training period. This wasfollowed by seventeen weeks of Intelligence School, covering many of the subjectswhich were so ess{ntial to us later. Map reading, scouting ar:d patrolling, andestablishment of observation posts have all proved their value on many occasions.

During the summer months at Fort Jackson, training was intensified consider­ably by regimental combat team exercises. Operational errors, which wouldhave proved costly in combat, were corrected during these problems. Theseexercises, which were the cause of many a gripe, were our first days in the field.

Sgt. Jack E. Riley Sgt. James D. Sweeney Cpl. John Burbank


;,4" .......... _t,,· .

~. ..

.~. . ..

4j:~~Cpl. Jack T. Brown Tee 5 Robert J. Boyer Tee 5 Louis E. Lorenzo

On November 15, 1943, the Division left Fort Jackson for eight weeks of maneu­ver~ in Tenne.ssee- Tenne.'\See, wjt.b jts mud, hills_. coJd, and biting winds WBS,

without our knowledge, an excellent preview of "Coming Attractions". Manya curse shattered the stillness of the night, but we also had our share of laughs. Itwas here that we learned to rough it, and to live in the great outdoors. Those eightweeks were a long hard grind, but we returned to garrison with the satisfactionthat we could subsist under a variety of conditions.

After maneuvers, the illvision's new home was Fort Bragg, N.C. Here theplatoon began things easily-gradually getting acct:tstomed to showers, beds,linen-and all men had furloughs. During the summer months we had the mis­fortune of Losing some of our members to r.O.E. shipments. The new replacements

Tee 5 Jaek J. Kontlan Tee 6 John W. Aitehinson He. Milton Bloom


Pfe. Harold C. Gormsen Pfe. Norman D. Harris Pfe. Saul B. Saila

were selected carefully and trained diligently in order to attain as much knowledgeas possible of I and R work in a limited time. The new men absorbed their trainingwell, and have been a credit to the organization ever since. By the time our divisionembarked on October 6, 1944, we all felt proud of the platoon and knew that wewould be equal to any task which might be given us.

The I and R Platoon was in action from that first day at Bertrichamps until longafter the official end of the war. Combat patrols, reconnaissance patrols, contactpatrols, ground and air observation posts were all a part of our work. When theS-2 desired specific information on certain enemy activities, the platoon succeededmany times in returning with the necessary information. Superior training anddevotion to duty have made for a lhinimum of casualties and many awards have

Pfe. Russell N. Rust


Pfe. Robert J. Tietz Pfe. William H. Moore

Pic. William J. Mihalik Pfc. Gerald M. Bushey Pfc. Sigurdur T. Christopherson

been made for bravery in action, for completing a hazardous mission and forrisking a life to aid a wounded buddy to escape from the enemy.

Below is an outline of some of the highspots of the platoon's activities from theday of commitment to the present time:Baccarat-The I and R Platoon received their "Baptism of Fire" under intense

enemy artillery shelling while manning forward observation post> reportingthe enemy's activity in the vicinity of Berrrichamps.

Mourerhouse-Here the I and R men were assigned numerous recon missions,and information concerning enemy activity was brought back to the S-2officer in spite of intense shell fire and engagements with the enemy. Duringthis period two men were awarded the Bronze Star for heroism in the faceof the enemy. Here for the first time the platoon was used as a securityguard filling small gaps in the lines.

Pfc. WilIiarIl H. Keiser Pfc. David G. Reeves Pfc. Stephen F. Pashilk


Bernard E. Brauer

Binning-The German counter-offensive resulted innumerous minor break- throughs, causing gapsin our lines. These gaps were filled by the I andR platoon under adverse weather conditions infoxholes, finally being relieved by a battalion.While communications were at a straining point,the platoon made contact patrols between ourown and adjacent units under intense aerial andartillery action. An Air Observation Post wasalso maintained during this period.

Guisberg-During the combat team's defensive period,the I and R Platoon made many recon patrolsinto enemy lines seeking information. Also reararea security patrols were maintained duringthis period. At the outset of the Spring Offen-sive the I and R Platoon was used as the spear­

head element of the 397th Combat Team in the dash to the Rhine. The difficulttask of moving the entire team such a great distance in so short a time was due tothe proper and thorough selection of routes reconnoitered by this platoon.

Ogger.>heim-It was here that the Division was placed in corps reserve, but theI and R Platoon was called upon to make frequent security patrols in thevicinity of Ludwigshafen.

Neckargartach-During the severe battle for Heilbronn, the I and R Platoon wascalled upon to guard against the sabotage of communication installationsand this mission was carried out in spite of sniper fire and intense shelling.

Lehrensteinsfeld-Due to the rapid advance of all units and difficulty in main­taining commur.ication, the I and R was assigned the task of maintainingcontact patrols between our own units and adjacent units. Informationgained by these patrols had to be brought back to the S-2 officer throughterritory which had been bypassed by the forward elements. Also the platoonmade route reconnaissance through enemy held territory picking up manyprisoners on the way.

Lautern-In this neighborhood, the Platoon was again assigned the mission ofroute reconnaissance for the movement of troops and supplies. It wasduring one of these reconpatrols that the platoon gained the formal surrenderof two towns in the path of the Regiment's rapid advance. The Platoon alsocarried out contact patrols, and, with the isolation of a Battalion which hadno possible means of communication, one of the I and R men lost his lifewhile bringing back information through enemy-held territory. The informa­tion was brought back and acted upon by the S-2 officer.

During the period of combat, the platoon has performed its duties in thehighest manner. A wonderful feeling of good fellowship and cooperation hasd~veloped, and it is our sincerest hope that this feeling will not end with ourtermination of duties with the armed forces.



The door didn't slam, it just closed, and, with its closing, the room changedfrom an air of mild complacety to one of solemness and waiting. Rust stoppedgiving the boys the works about "his" Ernie and lit a cigarette; Riley stuck hispen in his pocket and started for the maps; Brown laid his "full-house" on thetable and reached for this pipe. Twenty pair of eyes were on Peiffer as he walkedacross the room. The non-comms gathered aroW1d him. We heard him say toLeccese "the usual", and Leccese's dry reply, "Hell, doesn't Barkley know it'sdark at night." With this remark the room changed for a third time-this timeto an artifical casualness. Lorenzo mocked the "boss"with, "Gather 'round themap-board men, our mission is to take the CP". Tietz resumed his argument withKorman. Bloom gave us a tune.

"The Usual" might mean anything, we knew that too well. Peiffer in his old­army manner explained the mission. We were to recon the sector facing FirstBattalion-pin point the Jerry forward OP, and bring back information for the artil­lery to work on. S-2 had given us a few points, and on paper it appeared simple,but so did the OPA, ASTP, and the ERC-we knew better.

Eight men were to be picked and here's where the sweating began. If youremained behind, each distant shot meant a buddie had fallen. If you went onthe patrol-well-"the usual" could mean anything.

Gear was checked-a little more oil on the slide wouldn't hurt-another roundof ammo wouldn't add too much weight. Travel light and travel fast-that wasour business.

The patrol jeeped to Baker company, took a quick, thorough look at the terrainin the already dimming daylight, then retreated to a war torn barn for a fewsmokes and some purposed sleep. The time table said we'd move out at twelve.We laid down and tried to sleep, but our thoughts wandered back to that lastdate in New York and how we were going to beat the old man in golf when wegot home again.

Twelve o'clock came too soon, and the guide was waiting for us as we reachedthe "B" company CPo The guide took the lead, and we followed bim thru thelines, and through three of our own mine fields. He stopped, gave last minuteterrain suggestions to Peiffer and left us, saying, "You're on your own now.Good luck." Those words stuck with us. Burbank and Brauer were sent outas lead scouts. Peiffer took the third position and the remaining five followedalong in Indian fashion. We moved on a few hundred yards then stopped again.


The lead scouts had encountered a German minefield, and Burbank was motioningPeiffer forward. By the time Peiffer reached him, Brauer had discovered a paththrough the field and we moved on. Another hundred yards and we hit the snowagain-this time barbed wire, but, again, Brauer found a way through.

We moved on, cutting to our left, across a stream and then thru an open field.The scouts had sighted a small house and were waiting for the patrol to come upand cover their advance on the house. We reached them and took our positions.

Brown never moved a muscle as we watched Brauer move up. Mac kept constantwatch on the house. The scouts moved closer, moving separately, but like a pairof pistons-up and down-and always forward. Then they stopped. We watched,we waited, we listened. Finally, they returned, bringing with them informationof Germans whispering and mentioning the words "Feldwebel" and "Artillerie".The mission was complete.

We returned by the same route we had taken earlier-just following our tracksin the snow, perhaps a little slower and surer than before as we were going back.As we crossed the creek again, we heard a loud "bah". What was it? Had Jerryspotted us? A signal ?-was he going to cut us off? Lord, what thoughts runthrough your mind when you're lying there in the snow. What the hell was it?Then it moved. A stray sheep-that's all, just a lone sheep.

We backtracked through the mine fields where we met the guide again, andhe led us to our jeeps. We climbed in the jeeps, and, methodically, each man threwa coat over his head and lit a cigarette. Still no one spoke-'till Brauer turnedaround with that ear-to-ear smile of his and said, "That damn sheep". Thatbroke the ice and we loosened up.

Mission accomplished-nothing noble, just part of the job. But each man,as he rested comfortably in his sack that night, thanked God for being on theright side.



M-Sgt. George W. Minkler

l\ guard platoon is non-existent in the T -0 ofHeadquarters Company, but, by necessity, it wasformed in Baccarat, France on the second of No­vember, 1944. At least one man from each com­pany in the regiment was brought in to form thenew platoon headed by Lt. Allan Gaud. Its mainduty was to guard the regimental command post.Later this one guard platoon was split into threesections: the traffic control group, the prisonerof war guards, and the command post guard. AfterRaon L'Etape, Master Sergeant George Minkler

was the non-commissioned officer in charge of the platoon.

Benrichamps, France, was the first town which afforded the guards somesleepless hours. Soon after darkness a series of shots was fired by one of theguards-warning of a possible infiltration. The situation was investigated, butno proof could be found. Security of the command post at this time was aidedby the use of the I and R Platoon and an Anti-Tank platoon. Some of the mendug their first fox holes, and had the experience of guarding from them.

Another incident occurred at Ingwiller, about noon, when the cross-roadsoutside the command post were shelled. At this time, Bob Sulzer, was hit, be­coming the first casualty of the platoon.

At Mouterhouse the platoon became better aquainted with the "88". The guardwas assigned three rooms in a building adjacent to the CP, and in less than an hour

Sgt. John P. Lewandoski Sgt. Leo C. Miller Pfe. Vasily V. A1exandrof


Pre. John P. Decker Pic. Reynolds Pfc. Piro22o

the rooms were minus windows, with plaster and debris covering the floors.It was here that outpost guards were first used to protect the CP from possiblecounter-attack. In addition to the M-l, the guards were also armed with bazookasand M-3's.

Several weather conditions at Petite Rederching made guard duty more thanuncomfortable, and Parkas were issued to the outposts. Counter-attacks wereexpected at any time. Perhaps some of the present guard can recall instructionsthat were given at this time. "If you spot paratroops falling, one of the guardswill remain at the post while the other guard double-times to the CP to reportsame."

The next and the most disastrous location was the French garrison at Bining.Outposts were located on the edge of the camp, with little protection from thecontinual incoming shells. On post number five, the guard could see the muzzleflash of enemy artillery and, seconds later, the familiar whistle and "crunch"could be heard. Many a two hour shift was spent in the prone position, buriedin the snow.

An aerial bombing on December 30th, resulted in the loss of three men ofthe guard platoon, and several others received the Purple Heart for injuriessustained at that time.

No one in the platoon will "The Hill" (Guisberg). While the rest of thecompany was enjoying a comparative rest, the guards continued to work withtheir two hour shifts. For exercise a tree was cut down and sawed into firewood.After all it was cold, and, besides, the fire was very necessary for the frying ofpotatoes.

Extra duties performed after crossing the Rhine and Neckar rivers consistedof establishing check-points and road-blacks to stop all vehicles and persons notauthorized to pass. Occupational duties continue in much the same line.



This section of the guard platoon is no longer intact, it being absorbed by thecommand post guard after many months of service to the regiment and division.Those men who were members of the traffic control group will long rememberthe incidents and close comradeship they found with the section.

Formed in Baccarat, France, the principle duties of the group was to controlthe heavy traffic in that city. Learning the rudiments of traffic control fromdivision and army M.P.'s, they quickly took over their own posts, and, frequentlydid division and army work.

Always posted on the roads to lead convoys accurately en route, they greeted CombatTeam 7when it entered Raon L'Etape-when it entered Senones and on thru theVosgesto St. Blaise la Roche. Standing on their traffic corners from early morning to late atnight, in all weather, they often had the feeling that theywere the forgetten men, indeed.

Will they ever forget those long days in Bining standing post in "88" alley"?Or those mad rushes from the cellar, across the flat, up to the big front gate?Or the irregular shell-burst patterns in the snow? Will they forget those eightand nine hour shifts on their traffic corners in Petite Rederching and Mouter­house? It's not likely-not for a long time.

The most serene existence was at Guisberg, where their duties were not sodemanding, and the comforts of the shack at the crossroads helped to shortenthe long night shifts.

Great locators of souvenirs and liquid refreshments, the ~roup had much toshow in this line for their months of combat. Pistols, knives, and a long trail ofsoda water bottles marked the path across the Rhine plain.

Of Pat Patterson, Hank Mazer, and Larry Flint, who have left the platoon,there will alway be pleasant memories. The rest of the group-Alex Alexandrof,Junior Lynch, Linkous, Greenleaf, Steigler, Sheehan and the sergeant, Lewandoski,will always have a tenderness for the old traffic control gang.

Pfc. Le Roy E. Reid Pfe. Otto E. Schweikert Pfc. Alan L. Stiegler


ain duties of tills guard are to collect, guardand enclose prisoners of war until they can be turnedover to the division cage. On long moves, this groupalso aided the traffic control section.

Their work had many long hours, and often inprecarious locations. N eckargartach and Heilbronnwere two such locations. They established collectingpoints in these towns, and guarded the prisoners,while sweating out artillery and rocket barrages, untilthe prisoners could be removed to rear areas.

The drive south from Heilbronn brought them arecord number of prisoners for one day. Three wereleft in a town to guard 123, willIe three more menwent to the next town to guard 158 prisoners. Othermen of the section had the experience of clearingone town and routing 58 prisoners-19 from onehouse alone. More than 310 were marched eightmiles thru light snow and rain back to regiment.These prisoners were then shuttle-marched back todivision.

By the end of the war, the prisoner of war guardhld, themselves, captured 61 prisoners. But now, inoccupation, the work is again routine, and morethrilling days are only memories.

Pfc. James P. Beauchar.1p

Pfc. John H. Forstman

PRJ NER F '1\ ,U


Pfe. William J. Akers Pfc. Elmer R. MiJay Pfe. Philip P. Whelan

Pfe. John T. Sheehan

PCe. Sanford H. Glassman

Pfe. Paul 'Boggs

PCe. Jackie M. Lynch

Pfe. Lowell A. Greenleaf

Pfe. Stanley D. Barber

Pfe. Curtis A. Meyers

Pfe. Oscar House

Pfe. Donald Larson


Pfc. James P. Scruggs

Pvt. William B. Macke

PCc. Anthony F. Jankowski


PCc. Edward W. Throne

Pvt. Allen Barth

PCc. Francis M. Link

Pfc. Roy R. Linkous


Pvl. Jack E. Baucom

PCc. Joe J. Martin

Pfe. John DiSalvo

Pfe. Walter R. Chambers

Pfe. William E. Gmerek

Pfe. Charles P. Bromley


T -Sgt. Byrl Floyd

n order to write up any history of the Regt'l AidStation one cannot help but mention our BattalionAid Stations which we support, for they are the onesthat really made history. We supported them in theirtasks and shared their glory in the end.

One question that was being asked quite frequentby the men was, "Does the enemy respect the RedCross that the Medics wear? Although this questionwas an easy one to answer still there was no simplegeneral answer. There were many known cases wherethe enemy would hold their fire while a Medic,marked with a Geneva Red Cross, went to the aidof a comrade only to resume their fight after thewounded man had been treated or removed. Therewere also very tragic episodes in which aid men were

killed by rifle fire when they were plainly marked, in many cases the bulletwould pierce the cross on the helmet or the artn. After a few such cases mostof our aid men took to cutting down the size of their crosses or removing themaltogether.

The function of the Regt'l Aid Station in combat as well as in rest periods wasto give medical treatment to the companies which compose the Special Units,also we kept a flowing supply line of men and supplies to our Battalion Aid Stations.We kept all of the many complicated records, making sure that men who wereevacuated were done so through proper channels, and in the fastest way possible,also recommending for award of the Purple Heart for all men in the regimentwho were wounded. Our job was to submit to higher echelons all medical reportsconcerning the regiment. Later as we took up occupational duties we supervisedthe management and sanitary conditions of all Displaced Persons and civilianhospitals in our area.

The change from combat to occupation was a real one for us. The return togarrison existence was felt by all. From here on in work ceased being done ina juggled fashion all work became systemized. Our aid stations dispensaries witha regular morning sick call.

This all brings us to our present position, waiting for the day that we will onceagain board a ship that will bring us, instead of looking back to see "The GrandOld Lady", we will approach it face to face. As we look back to the bitter days offighting we can all get together to answer that question in our minds when westarted out. We did a good job, we saved lives. All Our training was not in vain.


Tee 4 Frank J. Scalisi Tee 5 Percy R. Marsters Tec 5 Eugene D. Flowers

As for the men who made up our section, we worked as a team. Commandedby Major Vanda A. Davidson who was our commanding officer and regimentalsurgeon. Captain Thomas P. Rab held and still holds the position of ass't regi­mental surgeon. Theirs was the job of determining how badly a man was sick orwounded, make a diagnosis and determine the disposition. Not long ago ourcommanding officer left us for an assignment unknown and to take his place cameCaptain Walter S. Wiggins, formally with the 12th Armored Division.

Under the supervision of our commanding officer, Tec Sgt. Howard C. Shute,our first sergeant, was in charge of all the enlisted men. Later when he was trans­ferred, due to points, the job was taken over by our present Tec Sgt. Byrl Floyd,former section sergeant of our first battalion section. Tec 4 Frank J. Scalisi, whoinherited the name of "Doc", held down the job of surgical technician. Under

PCc. Nickolas J. Riggio Tec 3 Julius H. Fraser Sgt. Anthony Curcio


Pfe. Frank Altamura Pfe. Armand W. Cabana Pfe. Fedele P. Infelise

direct supervision of our medical officers he treated the men. The records sectionwas headed by Tec 3 Julius H. Fraser with Tec 5 John W. Fogle as typist andPfc. Fedele P. Infelise as ass't records clerk. Their job was to compile and in­vestigate all records and requests. The transportation problem was handled byTec 5 Percy R. Marsters, our motor NCO. His job was to see that ali vehicles inthe medical detachment were kept rWlning. The job of bringing up all our supplieswas held first by Sgt. Camillio J. Farino and then it was turned over to Sgt.Anthony J. Curcio, former aid man with Service Company. Tec 5 John H. Stow

. during combat held the job of surgical technician at our Regimental Rest Home.Back with us now he has various jobs from being a technician to assisting with thetyping of records and correspondence. Our runners job was well done by Pfc.Benjamin Klein. His job was to deliver all our correspondence to message center

Tee 5 John M. Malicki


Tee 5 John W. Fogle Tee 5 John H. Stow

and keep us informed on times of movements. Transferred out to the 36th Divisionhe was replaced by our present Pfc. Frank Altamura. Tee 5 Grady L. Thompsonwas the original aid man for Hq. Co., but due to him being evacuated he was replacedby Pfc. Nickolas J. Riggio. Tec 5 John M. Malicki holds down the job of mailclerk. The job of driving our 2 %- ton truck changed hands a couple of times.Pfc. Earl Harris held down the job through practically all the combat. He later wastransferred to Service Company and the job was taken over by the present Pfc.Armand W. Cabana. Between drivers it was held by Tee 5 John W. Fogle. Pfe.Ebenezer Russell, a new man in our section, formerly with 3rd Battalion SectioD,holds down the job of handy man, giving his services where needed. Tec 5 EugeneD. Flowers has the job of assistant driver for the commanding officer.

Although our staff of dentists and their assistants are very rarely with us theyare still a part of this section of the medical detachment. Their job of keeping themen's teeth was well done. Captain Edward Udis, who replaced Captain FrankC. Benza and Captain Jesse Flashner with their assistants Tec 5 Theodore A.Newbert and Tec 5 Robert Strozewski handled all the work in this department.

Special Recommendation should be given to the following men for they are theonly men left of the original Medic's who started with the Regiment in their firstdays of training at Fort Jackson.

Tec 3 Julius Fraser

Sgt. Anthony J. Curcio

Tec 4 Frank J. Scalisi

Tec 5 John W. Fogle

Tee 5 Percy R. Marsters

Pfe. Nickolas ]. Riggio



,}\ n IPW team conslstmg of Lt. Klaar, SergeantMaxi Gilbertman and Corporal Frederic Grunwald,.joined headquarters company during the Vosgescampaign. Lt. Klaar, who previously worked withdivision, was sent to regiment when Lt. Newtonbecame a casualty in Ingwiller, France.

Interrogation of prisoners of war is the main dutyof this team; however, as with most units in combat,changes were made to confer with the situation andthe terrain. For instance, after penetrating the Sieg­fried Line, this team was called upon to aid theCivilian Intelligence Corps and Military Government.This was a "natural" for the team, as they spoke

Tec 5 Frederick Grunwald fluent German. In working with Displaced Persons,language demands were greater, as the variety inclu­

ded: French, Spanish, Russian, Polish and Italian. For interpreting in thesecases, other members of the company were used.

In the course of combat, over seven thousand prisoners were handled, bringingabout many tragic and humorous incidents. One of these incidents occured inHeilbronn when a German girl was brought in for interrogation. Her entire familyhad been killed as they had flown the white flag of surrender from their windowbefore the section had been taken by the Americans. She gave valuable informationwhich aided the action in that city. Another incident concerns a Feldwebel whocame into the IPW at three one morning, and, hearing fluent German spoken bymen in American uniforms, wanted to get in on the racket.

This was also brought to light when a German officer was interrogated: he hadadmitted that his company of one hundred and fifty men had captured twentyAmerican soldiers. These twenty Americans, using all available weapons, heldup a counter-attack for some hours, ingoring all surrender offers. The positionwas an impossible one, and eventually the Germans closed in on them. TheGerman officer concluded with these words, "Those men changed my mindabout the American soldier. They are the best men r have ever seen."

Now, with the close of the war, the interrogation team is working in conjunctionwith the military government in the processing and screening of Germans in theAmerican occupation zone.


-;) --:->-;:"~ ........:»-r~~~'""~ -v'->--' -0'-l'~ -v~ ~,.,~\~ ~;' ( .:- --( (+r'"( ( +""'-rT+£/' ( .,..:;Iy...--r ( +,,--'r ( i ,,--'( ( -'('---( -:-'---( ( +c::1

~ -~

~if ~r:n~o~fo~t~ eX~le~ ~rk ~n~b~t~ v~ri~ ~e~~ ~ t~ ~~~--: company over the period of combat, November 6, 1944 to May 8,1945, -'ll( \'-. Headquarters Company was awarded the Meritorious Service Plaque. .......0(~ In line with the merit of the company, the men p&rformed individual aets of _~!t--' heroism and merit, for which the following awards were given: i?'t SI LV ER STil{ RS d?l-' Capt Alfred H. Weller I:lernard E. Brauer* ~._.~


t,'~~ Major Yanda DaVIGSOn Edward C. Leccese j~J( \ Capt. Marvin L. Beaman Frank A. Lekich ;---(

Capt. Carl A. Johnson William J. Lewis -,~

\,::-- Capt. Waleer Wiggins Percy R. Marsters ~\1~\. Lt. Allan F. Gpud Thomas J. McPherson, Jr. ""+:'!fP

Lt. Albert H. Heineman Leo C. Miller ~t+ Lt. Alfred G. Peiffer William H. Moore ~

(; Lt. Kenneth H. Voelker Roben A. Ourada ..J~~)( ( WOJG LeRoy Van Winkle Joseph S. Pachucy +~


John W. Aitchison (2) Roben N. Pinkenon*-+ Jack T. Brown Jack E. Riley 9.;~r'f Leocadio V. Diaz Frank J. Scalisi ~(J

~_ ...,_ Julius H. Frasier Morris M. Sier it.~

Harold C. Gormsen Roben J. Stamp ',,'}'/}.\==- Howard W. Griffin James D. Sweeney i.~( \ Roben E. Horne Roben J. Tietz ""'~

~+ Frank J. Jones, Jr. Edward Witkowski ~

,-, Stephen P. Kabana Samuel C. Worley:.:.\'j)" 'Q1Jl ~.r,t PURPLE Htt\RTS ~

o Capt. Alfrea H. Weiler (2) Frank A. Lekicb +~9~I Allen Banh Roy E. Linkous .~t-'+ Bernard E. Brauer· William E. Martin* (;\~f.>~) Michael L. CarroU Roben N. Pinkerton* ~.e/zC John P. Decker Saul B. SaiJa ~

)w+ Richard L. Holbrook Edward W. Throne it/?"- Edward P. Holsapple* Roben J. Tietz ~vjL i'" Anthony F. Jankowski Samuel C. Worley ~O

\. Wilfred J. Jondro StanJey J. Wright +~

J.~-:- Marvin C. Klann" ~

?t-: * Posthumous Award ~~. ~. J~t ~~d"J'·+J~}.<_r:- ) J.__ -:- ) )..-/+,}'2...0'+~,i5' d";rr t ) )....-' + !l ) +1) )....-1 +) J,,-:... -t- ) )~ c.0:Jt~,-,~~ J...f-'::>- .!--5"0-~ U6- tc.",,~~ X0- ';"-'C,'----~~


he sports program for Headquarters Company during occupation was carriedalong in a successful manner despite three changes of location, one alert, and thevariable summer weather of Southern Germany.

Softball was the first activity to get underway. A division round-robin softballtourney started when the company was billeted in Illertissen. The team had a fairseason, and provided recreation and relaxation for both· the players and thespectators. Members of the team included Bob Tietz, Bob Stamp, Dick Holbrook,Joe Page, Jack Brown, Tom McPherson, Nick Riggio, Lou Revellino, Sam Worley,Mike Katinsky, Ed Leccese, Bill Gmerek, Olli Rautio, and Lou Lorenzo.


In Goppingen, the company aquired a riding stable and eight horses. Ridinginstructions were given to the less talented, but men who preferred "Western­style" riding were on their own, and the German horses had to accustom them­selves to the cowboy tactics. Swimming was also popular as the company hadaccess to both an indoor and outdoor pool.

With the occupation in Stuttgart, came such sports as volley-ball, ping-pong,and track. The horses were also transported to this new location. Captained byTom McPherson, the ping-pong team of Carbrello, Cochran, Tietz, Lekich, andBurbank, now has a string of wins and no losses, and is heading for the regimentalfinals.

In August, a regimental track meet was held at the stadium in Bad Cannstatt.Bob Tietz won a first in the javelin throw, and Ed Leccese placed second in thebroad jump, while Bob Boyer took a third in the high-jump. Other company mellrepresenting tJ:1e Founh Battalion were Saul Saila, Harold Gormsei::l, Dave Reeves,Carl Winge, and Norm Harris. Fishing also entertained some interest, withCaptain Weiler, Mr. Van Winkle, and Saul Saila being the main enthusiasts.

With the continuecl occupation, the sports continue, and, combined with alleducational schedule, the occupation takes on a well balanced aspect.



---- -----1---------------,




I -

eaven help anyone rash enough to question a member of headquarters com-pany about what he did during the war. Readers of the preceding pages will

get only a fair idea of the amount of material on hand to attack the unwary listener.For, in addition to this company effort, there is also being compiled both regimentaland divisional yearbooks. We doubt the possibility of Someone bringing up thewar more than once. But, someday, we might be asked, "And what did you doduring the occupation?" The questioner will not be satisfied with the simpleanswer that we celebrated V-E day and later V-J day. No one, who has not spentan evening in the Sad Sack Shack, will believe that such a world wide celebration,occupying the citizens of New York for only two days, could consume so muchof our time. Yet, at this point, some four months after Victory in Europe, it is hardto put the finger on any other activity which demanded so much of our time andenergy.

It is true that during brief stays at Illertissen, where we were issued newclothing, and at Goppingen (rhymes with "burp-again"), where we went ona diet apparently calculated to make us fit the new clothing, some means werefound for preserving the first flush of victory. But, in most instances, the celebra­tions were localized, and, usually, ran down after a day or two. It was only inStuttgart, where kind providence located our billets next door to a cafe, that webegan our task in earnest. We started off with the optimistic view that 2000 bottlesof cognac, champagne, and brandy would see us through any emergency. Thatstock lasted four weeks, and we hadn't yet seen the end of the emergency. In fact,as V-J day began to dawn, and our occupation of Stuttgart began to appear semi­permanent, new emergencies arose. How were we to celebrate the new victory?

We solved that problem, in part, by engaging a master of ceremonies to takecharge of the troupes of entertainers beginning to storm the club. This characterwas named "Chesterfield"-.:J.O reason, he w.)uld smoke anything, even Chelseas.His main duty was to introduce each act, even though his introductions often leftthe audience slightly bewildered due to his mishandling of the personal pronoun.For example, a singer might get this confusing send off: "Now her comes to singfor me and us a song, a girl." In addition to his role as M.C., Chesterfield foundtime to sing at least twice each evening that "lovely American ballad, Lili Marlene".After a while we did begin to regard it as an American song, and, I suppose, ifhe'd have stayed around long enough we would have begun to regard his Englishas the way her should be spoke.

The liquor supply problem was solved, by the discovery of Vermouth.This wasn't the insipid stuff that people back home throw into co*cktails mainlyfor color, but a real drink with a real kick. Since several specially trained observersstated that the Chief's rendition of Captain Bligh's harangue against Mr. Christian,


and the Deacon's vocal efforts with"Jelly-roll on his mind" were as good afterfive vermouths as after the same portion of cognac, we faced future festivities with

an untroubled, though perhaos cloudv mind.

By now, we had acquired a staff at tour German civilians: a bartender, twowaiters, and a clean-up girl. The main duty at the latter was to tell us each morninghow much new glassware to order because of breakage that occured the nightbefore. Since we had no overhead for rent (the cafe owner freely volunteered theusc of his premises) or salaries (the burgomeister paid those), we began to makemoney. As the war department said we couldn't take it with us, a good part ofthis profit was splurged on entertainment. Jugglers, fire-eaters, dancing girls,magicians, all these we got in vast quantities. The rest of our money is being savedto meet any other "emergency" that might arise.

Of course, we had a training schedule too. 1 he Army was determined that wemaintai:1. our high standards of physical-fitness, so every clear morning 12 of uswould go out to the drill field for deep-knee bends and side-straddle hops. Whatgood this did for the remaining 145 men, who never showed up for these exercises,is hard to discover.

However, we can state, that there were quite a few among us who were notbothered with any idleness during these four months of occupation. The unfor­tunates of the guard platoon and the switchboard crew have been kept busy dayand night, and the men of message center, the kitchen, and company headquartershave had regular daytime duties.

And we have been fortunate being located here in Stuttgart, for, with the largestage and theater facilities, Special Service here has been able to corner almostevery movie, play, and production in the ETO. We have also been given thechance to take part in all sorts of activities, including the most popular sports. Inaddition to all these, there is the most important part of the keep-the-troops-busyprogram: passes. Though, few and far between, we have all enjoyed the changeof scenery and the "rest" afforded by passes to Paris, the Riviera, Brussels, Eng­iand, and other well known SpOts in Europe.

But our answers as to what we did after the war, and the answers attemptedhere in these few paragraphs all point to one very positive thing: we have beenand are still waiting to be sent home. Most of us are sweating out our points, andsome are just hoping for a miracle-but -it's always the same story ... HOME!At the time of this writing, the German civilians and the civilians in the Statesknow as much as we of our fate. The conclusion of our Army careers, like theconclusion of this book, still hangs in mid-air. What's next? That's what we'dlike to know too.


















eivi LIl\NUSE




MAJ. VANDA A. DAVIDSONRustin, Louisiana

CAPT. MARVIN L. BEA/WANBox 14Hamilto'l, Georgia

CAPT. CARL A. JOHNSON103 7th Ave.Roebling, New Jersey

CAPT. THOMAS P. RAB2715 N. Maine St.Dayton, Ohio

CAPT. ALFRED H. WEILER922 Grand Ave.Connerroille, Indiana

CAPT. WALTER S. WIGGINS447 E. Washington Town, Pennsylvania

LT. ALLAN F. GOUDCamden, Sowh Carolina

LT. ALBERT H. HEiNEMAN18 Slawson SI.Dolgetlille, New York

LT. HARR Y KLAAR6310 SE 30th Ave.Portland, Oregon

LT. ALFRED G. PEIFFER117 S. Charlotre, St.Manhel'm, Pennsylvania

LT. KENNETH H. VOELKER5118 Ashland Ave.St. Louis, Missouri

WOJG LEROY VAN WiNKLE192 E. 19th SI.Brooklyn, New York

JOHN W. AITCHINSON89 Zeigler SI.Roxbury) Massachusetcr

WILLIAM J. AKERS254 Lillie SI.Belleville, New Jersey

VASlLY V. ALEXANDROF810 E. Denny WaySeattle, WQshington

JAMES E. ALLGOODRI.lElberton, Georgio

FRANK ALTAMURA60 School SI.Norwic.h, Connecticut

STANLEY D. BARBER422 Campbell Ave.Whiu Bear, Minnesota

JACK! E. BAUCOM914 E. 51h SI.lfIilljield, KanIOs

ALLEN BARTH17895 Lake RoadLakewood, Ohio

KENNETH J. BELL1108 S. 41h SI.Ironton, Ohio

JAMES P. BEA UCHAMP4031 NW 22nd Atle.Miami, F/crrida

MILTON BLOOM570 Broad St.Meriden, Connecticut

PAUL BOGGSLoneyvi/le, West Virginia

ROBERT J. BOYER22550 McCauley RoadShaker Heights, Cleveland, Ohio

FRANK O. BRANDT1876 E. 76 TerraceKansas City, MiHoun"

CHARLES P. BROMLEY717 A LilacWebster Grove, MiSSOUri'

JACK T. BROWN611 N. Unioll SI.Lincoln, Illinois




PETER BRYKAILORichfield Springs, New York

JOHN BURBANK590i DevonshireDecroic, Michigan

GERALD M. BUSHEY8 Scace Sc.Bradford, Pennsylvanio

ARMAND W. CABANA180 Pearl Sc.Nashawa, New Hampshire

RfCHARD CARBRELLO26 Herman Sc.Worc/'lesle r, Massachusetts

LEO CARON183 Oak Sc.Lewiscon) Mm'ne

MiCHAEL L. CARROLL840 Qui,uy AveScramon, Pennsylvama


SIGURDUR T. CHRISTOPHERSON11 Westgate DriveSan Franci,co, Cahfornia

THOMAS R. CHfLDRE::;S620 W. Franklin Sc.Salisbury, Norch Carolina

JOHN J. CLOSE109 S. 7th SI.POllsville, Pennsylvania

CECIL B. COATES804 Walnc.c Sc.Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

GUY P. COCHRAN629 Oak St.Columbus, Ohio

RENE C. CROISSANT755 Park Ave.New York, New York

ANTHONY J. CURCro54 BroadwayBayonne, New Jersey

PHILlP 0. DAVIS1440 Undercltff Ave.Bronx, New York

JOHN P. DECKERBox 82Mena, Arkansas


LEOCADIO V. DIAZ251 Lexington Sr.east Boston, Massaclwsetts

JOHN DfSALVO1704 Liberty Sc.Erie, Pennsylvan£a

ANTHONY G. DROGOSH3953 Harding Ave.Detroit, Michigan

JOHN W. DUCKETTPopular Bluffs, Missouri

JOHN C. DURKEL774 Forest Av•.Bronx, New York

FRED R. ECHELBARGER704 N. Vine Sc.Fostoria, Ohio

CICERO C. EUBANKScam on, Tennessee

EUGENE D. FLOWERSWinding Road,Fairoaks, California

BYRL FLOYDEnnis, Texas

JOHN W. FOGLECope, South Carolina

JOHN H. FORSTMAN30-95 35th Sc.Long Island City> New York

JULIUS H. FRASERMorrisboro> NOTch Carolina

RO YCE G. FREESE3150 Girard Ave., S.Ml'nneapolis, M1·rme:J.oLa



JOHN T. GILLICK2059 St. Raymand Ave.Bronx, New York

SANFORD H. GLASSMAN601 E. 211h St.Brooklyn, New York

WILLIAM E. GMEREK1292 4th Ave.Akron, Ohio

JAMES W. GOLDENRt.2CuJber.sonJ Norrh Carolina

HAROLD C. GORMSENTharnycrojr Apt!.Scarsdale, New York

JOHN H. GOULD44 Orchard Sr.Cambrlage, Massachuse",

HA YES F. GRAVES598 3rd Ave.WN, Kallispel, Mon,tana

LOWELL A. GREENLEAF217 W. Bluff 51.Marquette, Michigan

HOWARD E. GRIFFINRt.lDallas, Georgia.

HAROLD R. GRUBHAM1800 E. Prospeer Rd.Asil/ubula, Ohio


NORMAN D. HARRIS312 McKinley SI.Pocatello, Idaho

JOHN M.HAULENBEEK7563 Park Ave.PensQuken, New JerseJI

WILLIAM L. HENNESSY3626 N. Keeler Ave.Chicago, Winois

RICHARD L. HOLBROOK775 91h Ave.Soh Lake City, Urnh

JOHN D. HOLLAND122 Chestnut Ave.Cranston, Rhode Island

ROBERT E. HORNE1218 E. Ewing Ave.Sourh Bend, Indiana

OSCAR HOUSE466 Seven mile Ave.New Miami. Hamilton, Ohio

THOMAS C. HUNDLEYHamburg, Arkansas

FEDELE P. INPELlSE835 S. Ashland Blvd.Chicago, lIIinois

FRED B. JAMISON122 Cherry St.Lebanon, Pe.nn,<;yl1Janla

ANTHONY F. JANKOWSKI1025 Dewey Ave.Evanslon, JIIino,'s

WILFRED J. ]ONDRO2231 Figuroa Ave.Searcle, Washington

FRANK J. JONES JR.Moncks Corner, South Carolina

STEPHEN P. KABANATuscarora, Pennsylvania

MICHAEL ]. KATfNSKY675 Mary Sr.Scranton, Pennsylvania

WILLIAM H. KEISER5024 Reading RoadBond Hill, CinCInnati, Ohio

JACK J. KORMAN1030 Kelly St.Bronx, New York

ROBERT N. KRUDENER1509 Academy SI.Kalamazoo) Michigan

RICHARD M. LAKERI. 4Mart'on, Indiana




DONALD LARSON434 Oak St.Ishpeming, Michigan

EDWARD O. LECCESE184 Waterman Ave.Easz Providew:e, Rlwde Island

FRANK A. LEKICH2359 Cruenz St.Long Island CitY. New York

BERTJ<AND J. LEMIRE94 Wilson Sz.Brook/vn. New York

DOMINIC J. LEPONEBldg. 29, Door 114, Apt. 204Yel/ow Mill Village, BridgepOt'z,


JOHN P. LEWANDOSKI2301 S. 29th Sz.Omaha. Nebraska


FRANCIS M. LINKRD. 1Rushville, Indiana

ROY E. LINKOUS913 Hamwver Sr.B/mfield, West Virginia

LOUIS E. LORENZO123 W. I06th Sz.New York. New York

ALFRED E. MACKRFD 3, 'Box 13Harrington. Delaware

WILLIAM B. MACKE73 SummerhillNewPort, Kentucky

JOHN M. MALICKI3050 Broad Sz.Chicago, Illinois

PERCY R. MARSTERS86 CodmanPorzland. Maine

JOE J. MARTINTalihina, Oklahoma

JAMES M. MCMAHON292A Howard Ave.Brooklyn, New York

THOMAS J. MCPHERSON JR.278 Euclid Ave.Hac/unsack, New Jersey

WILLIAM J. MIHALIK917 Ridge Sz. .McKeesport, Pem,sylvama

JOHN MEKITAAngie. Louisiana

~URTISS A. MEYERS820 Ingomar Ave.Indianapolis. Indiana

ELMER R. MIDAY117 Roland Ave., NECanlon. Ohio

LEU C. MILLERRt.ILetrobe, Pennsylvania

GEORGE W.MINKLERBox 327Port Ewen, New York

RICHARD J. MITCHELL201 Willow Ave.Hoboken, New Jersey

WILLIAM H. MOORE1976 Cleveland Ave.Columbus. Ohio

ROBERT H. MUNZ41 Woodland Ave.Kearny, New Jersey

BERNARD MUFSON674 St. Marys St.Bronx, New York

TIMOTHY J. O'HARE2 Shippen Sz.Weehawken, New Jersey

PAUL J. OLSONRz. I, Box 43Lakepark, Minnesola

WALTER H. OLSON805 87zh Sz.North Bergen, New Jersey



a~ ;'----------------------------------

ROBERT A. OURADA174 Norrhgate RoadRiverside, /IIinois

JOSEPH S. PACHUCY23 P<>plar St.Chelsea, Massachusetts

JOSEPH T. PAGE6 Carey LanGWatervilk, Manie

EARL W. PARKER21 Cambridge SI.East Orange, New Jersey

STEPHEN F. PASHILK519 Steuben Sr.Warsaw, Wisconsin

EDWARD D. PA YTAS384 Canter Ave.Piusburg, Pennsylvanio

HARLEY M.PEARSON2116 10,h Ave.Huntington, West Virginia

DWIGHT E. PHILLIP211 I Ok/ahoma Ave.Muskogee, Oklahoma

RICHARD C. PILLSBURY8 Fowler Ave.Rensselaer) l'iew York

JOHN E. PLANTINGPendelton, Oregon

LOUIS F. RATH97-13 83rd St.Ozone Park, New York

OLL! K. RAUnGRr. 3, Box 109Cloquet, Minnesota

RICHARD C. REYNOLDS14 Plymouth Ave.Milton, Massachusetrs

DAVID G. REEVES31 Bennett Ave.New York, New York

LEROY E. REID10144 Arleta,Pacoima, Cahfornia

LOUIS REVELLINO381 E. 158th St.New York, New York

NICKOLAS J. RIGGIO2438 Ralph Ave.Brooklyn, New York

JACK E. RILEY580 Harmon St.Detroit, Michigan

THOMAS F. ROSS4526 Park Ave.Weehawken, New jersey

EBENEZER K. RUSSELLWZ"scon.s1"n Dells, Wisconsin

RUSSELL N. RUST10640 Gratiot St.Detroit) Mich£gan

SAUL B. SAILARFD.Hope Valley, Rhode bland

PASQUALE ]. SAUCHELLJ67 Coger Sr.Rochelle Park, New Jersey

FRANK ]. SCALISI347 Wilson Ave.Brooklyn, New York

OTTO E. SCHWEIKERT56 Spruce Ave.Floral Park, New York

JAMES Y. SCRUGGS357 College Ave.Rock Hil!, South Carolina

JOHN F. SEIFERTLake Worth InnLake Worth, Flwida

HERBERT SHAUGER41 Dakota Ave.Lake Hiawatha, New Jersey

JOHN T. SHEEHAN81 W. 182nd 51.New York, New York

EDWARD SICKORFD.1Waterford, New York



MORRIS M. SIER242 Delancy S"New York, New York

FRANK SKETL JR.3162 W. 41st St.Cleveland, Ohio

ROSCOE L. SOLOMON88 Battle Ave.White Plains, New York

JOHN T. SOPOROWSKI12 Lillian TerraceWoodbridge, New Jersey

ROBERT J. STAMP530 6th Ave., SClimon, Iowa

ALBERT E. STALEY119 Stabur Ave.St. Mathews, Kemucky

ALFRED STERNBERG25 E. 177th St.New York, New York

ALAN L. STIEGLER922 Girard Ave., NMinneapolis, Mim1uota

JOHN H.STOW29 Gibson St.North East, Pennsylvania

JAMES D. SWEENEY ]R.51 Oxford DriveEast Hart/Md, Connecticut

EDWARD J. SYDOR17 A lpine TrailAU/Hun) Massachusetts

EDWARD W. THRONE266 Sawyer SI.Rochester, New York

ROBERT J. TIETZ2526 N. California Ave.Chicago, Illinois

ROBERT J. VANDERHEYDEN68 Arch St.Green Island, New York

ERNEST VETTERKampsville, lllinois

RICHAR.D]. WALLACE261 Summer St.Southington, Ccmneaicul

PHILLIP P. WHELAN32 Woodside Park Blvd.Pleasant Ridge, Michigan

EDWARD G. WILDANGERNutswamp RoadRed Bank, New Jersey

PAUL A. WILSONRt.1Nampa, Idaho

CARL D. WINGE3912 E. 38th St.Seattle, Washington

EDWARD WITKOWSKI55 SoU/hold RoadWOTchesltTJ Massachusetls

SAMUEL 1. WOOD2808 Palml[feen Ave.McKeespOTt, Pennsylvania

FOY WOODYMargret, Georgia

SAMUEL C. WORLEYGun Wi1<on, Virginia

STANLEY J. WRIGHT5713 Pamplin PlaceSc. Louis, MiJSouri

ROBERT ZARTARIAN79 Pearl St.Et/erell, Massachusl!tlI

KARL P. ZERFOSS JR.5453 Woodlawn Ave.Chicago, lllinoi,






USA - ETO: Regimental Headquarters Company - The George C - [PDF Document] (2024)
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