The Montana Standard from Butte, Montana (2025)

MONTANA STANDARD, BUTTE, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 18, 1946 Candidates for Precinct Committee Posts Are Listed by County Clerk Idaho. All of the articles taken from the grocery store were recovered. Officers making the arrests were Riley, Capt. Emett Sullivan, Patrolmen Ryan and Maguire. Friday, the Crystal Creamery company at 301 South Main, less 2 Daniel Kelly, Leonard hotel; Sadie E.

Cleary, 307 West Granite; Students Are Told to Maintain Their Individuality i FORT COLLINS, June 17. 'fFi President James A. McCain of the University of Montana, told graduates of Colorado A. and M. col-leg? at the school's 61st commencement Monday to maintain Individuality despite threatened subordination by scientific advance.

"This commencement finds ac- The names of 136 Silver Bow oounty residents who filed petitions candidates for committeemen Precinct 25 Elizabeth Hennelly. 410 than a block away from the Smith1 grocery, was broken into by the! forcing open of a side door. Fredj Rosselet, manager, stated. Onlv a Garden; Precinct 26 Nell McCar Five Arrested in Burglary Case Three Juveniles Among Suspects Grocery supplies and a small amount of cash were stolen from the Smith Grocery company, 349 South Main, following a break -In late Sunday night or early Monday morning, the Mrs. L.

M. Smith and Miss Annie Turner, reported Monday. It was the tenth and committeewomen in the coun thy, 411 West Granite; Precinct 27 Lewis O. Dwight, 813 West Park; Precinct 31 Jessie MacDonald, 1531 Harrison; Precinct 32 Ruth L. Christie, 1340 West Granite; Precinct 33 Lloyd C.

Crlppen, 1850 Harrison; Agnes E. Jenkins, 1430 Harrison; Precinct 34 Caroline C. Holp, 47 West Silver. Precinct 45 M. Douglas Mutch, 1725 Whitman; Precinct 36 Arlo T.

AxeLson, 19 South Montana; Precinct 37 Thomas Hoon, 2081 Florence; Precinct 38 E. J. Strasburger, 303 South Idaho; Precinct 39 Lee C. Colston; 1174 Evans; Precinct 42 John C. Hauck, 845 West Galena; Precinct 43 John V.

Bennett, 201 Wing, Meaderville. Precinct 44 J. Kenneth Davis, 509 Colorado; Anna Lindquist, 633 South Main; Precinct 45 John Edwards, 2212 Yew; Precinct 47 W. H. Cockayne, Columbia Gardens; Marion T.

Myles E. Maloney, 928 'a Utah; Virginia Sullivan, 800 South Main. Precinct 28 Thomas J. Chope, 610 West Granite; Precinct 29 mm jr Mri OrafO flOvt, lif. 101 UtA it.

ri too Gen. Gaffey and Two Other Officers Die in Plane Crash FORT KNOX, Ky June 17. Maj. Gen. Hueh J.

Gaffey and two other Army officers were killed and four servicemen were Injured Monday when their plane crashed as it came in for a landing at Godman field here. Gen. Gaffey, 51 -year-old commander of the Second and Fourth armored divisions In Europe during World War II, has been commanding officer of the armored school at Fort Knox since the war's end. He was named post commander at Fort Knox only last Tuesday. The others killed in the crash of the B-25 plane were Lt.

Allan J. Hoenlg. post signal officer, of Trenton, N. and Lt. Robert A.

Peter, pilot of the plane. The injured were Capt. Gordon K. Steele, Fort Knox; Lt. Carl Lin-deman, assistant post signal officer; Sgt.

Michael E. Devine, Godman field, crew engineer on the plane; 8 2c Vernon J. Tiso-tyre, Eau Claire, a passenger on the plane. knowlrdgement of the supreme value of personality shaken by man's quest of nature," lie said, commenting on development of the atom bomb. I "These exercises can be dedicated to no more fitting theme than the reaffirmation of the predominant role of personality." i Charity groups In Argentina are sending food and clothing to i Europe.

burglary in nine days. Five persons were reported jailed supply of postage stamps Is reported missing. Butte Photographers Win Contest Prizes Helen McLeod of 1125 Farrell and Frank P. Zubick. of 820 West Park hhve been awarded special prizes for photographic excellence in the $3,000 national high school photographic contest sponsored by the Eastman Kodak company, it was learned here Monday.

Evan Richards, 17-year-old Schenectady. N. student, won the grand national prizes in the contest. Miss McLeod's entry shows an engineer sitting in the cab of Engine No. 2661 of the Northern Pacific railroad and is taken from ground ENRICHED Anderson, Columbia Gardens; Pre cinct 48 Edwin F.

Jordan, 623 by city officers in connection with the case. Three of them were said to be juveniles. Police were questioning the suspects. South. Idaho; Precinct 49 Edmund The burglars gained entry by breaking a window on the Por ty's 63 voting precincts were listed Monday by Addis A.

McGrath, cleric and recorder. Four committee members may be elected from each precinct, one man and one woman from each political party. Candidates for committee posts follow: Democratic Ticket Precinct two William Sullivan, 45 West Daly; Precinct three Robert Maguire, 902 North Main, and Margaret Sullivan, 818 Mountain; Precinct five Thomas Kelly, 711 East Summit, and Margaret Callahan, 337 Clear Grit; Precinct six Catherine Harrington, 47 West LaPlatte. Precinct seven James W. Comba, 332 East Woolman, and Hannah Lynch, 123 Anaconda Precinct eight Neal E.

Shea, 118 West Agate; Catherine Butko, 401 West Boardman Jane Sullivan, 705 North Main; Precinct nine Horace Dris-coll, .24 East- Copper; Margaret Nagle, Napton apartments. Precinct 10 Thomas Kelly, 855 Empire; Elizabeth McCarthy, 804 Zarelda; Precinct 11 James A. Mountain, 310 North Arizona; Mrs. Mae Narvaez, 215 West Mercury; Precinct 13 Mrs. Myles C.

Bailey, wtirets domes Ladendorff, 2212 Walnut; Isabel Ladendorff, 2212 Walnut. Precinct 50 Oliver Nystrom, 649 Travonia; Precinct 51 Neil M. Jus-slla, 1822 Reynolds; Precinct 52 Allen S. Richardson, 915 West Gold; phyry street side of the small store. Although they obtained only $1 and a few pennies from the cash regis Clara M.

Giem, 1103 California; Mrs. Anne Albright, 1005 4 Maryland; Precinct 30 Michael J. Fitz-patrick, 916 West Quartz; Precinct 31 Mrs. Elizabeth Bauer, 1506 Casey; William J. Walsh.

1351 Harrison; Precinct 33 William Jan-hunen, 2015 Walnut; Precinct 35 Pat Kenney. 1938 Oregon; Precinct 36 Mary E. Morgan, 326 South Idaho; Patrick J. Dowling, Elks club; A. D.

(Bodie) Arel, 304 South Idaho. Precinct 38 Pat C. Sullivan, 402-A West Mercury; W. J. McMahon, 214 South Jackson; Precinct 39 Frank Mooney, 2900 Wynne; Precinct 40 A.

H. Leybold, 221 South Clark; Mrs. Sam L. Anderson, 109 South Crystal; Precinct 41 Robert J. Byrne, 1000 Faucetts; Precinct 42 Mona E.

Daly, 808 West Galena; Precinct 43 Mrs. Adeline Lena Butori, 27 Main, Meaderville; Precinct 44 Fred Gilmore, 628'4 Colorado; Katherine M. Savage, 543 Colorado. Precinct 45 Robert Brown, 16 Lincoln, Meaderville; Precinct 46 Con P. O'Neill, 111 West Iron; Anna ter, they left in their wake a rifled Martha N.

Evans, 1313 West Gold; safe which contained no monev. desk drawers and their contents Precinct 53 Dudley S. Gibson, 2519 Bayard; Mrs. Ralph Gilham, 2420 strewn about the office, and a Harvard; Precinct 54 L. E.

Rush- broken cash register. An unesti- rrrated amount of cigarettes, candy. ton, 154 West, Iron; Precinct 55 Guy D. Piatt, 2920 Quincy; Precinct 56 Grace M. Roderick, 2630 South gum and grocery supplies were taken.

WOMEN GLADLY PAY MORE FOR ADDED COMFORT! Montana; A. R. Grenon, 2424 South Police Chief Bart Riley said two of the persons jailed gave the names of Alvin Daniel Jones and Leo Dakota; Precinct 57 Edgar Crad-dock, Williamsburg; Ethel Crad-dock, Williamsburg; Precinct 61 Andrew J. Johnston, Basin Creek; Precinct 62 Eugene R. Tuttle; Isabella G.

Tuttle, Divide. Tin turn. Iiairmtrf TEPS com a frw pinii mor. Hut thow Urn pfnntrt will buy rim mo Mmftrl, "peic-of-mlnd." inA level, resulting in outstanding per-j spective lines. Young Zubick's entry shows six men in deep concentration! during a poker game, the camera being pointed from above the heads of the players.

Montana Firemen Meet Thursday BILLINGS, June The Montana Firemen's association will convene Thursday for its annual convention, State President Ottman of Roundup, announced Monday. Over 200 delegates were expected to attend the three-day meeting here. Panama has prohibited the operation of chain stores. I SI Stevens. men are said by officers to be W.

O. from Army service. The other three persons, two boys and a girl, are ju you use your regular soap. I rJt Ml SAFE for all washable col- I TTlliLti'' I I ors, finest lingerie. I fl I If your dealer doei not have I BLU-WHITE yet, remember mUtfsk I JteMCe dint utliftctntn ihin you rould pouibl frt out of tha frw nftnrjri vmi'rf I burlnf ehnr.

Inferior food. veniles. The men admitted, according to Riley, participation in the burglary. The men were arrested in a South THtWg 18 WO FINER SANITARY NAPKIN! Buj TEPS todi, for nt UM. A Tot'Uuk Product Masonic Lodges Will Recess for Summer The summer vacation period for Main street rooming house Monday morning.

The juveniles were arrested In a rooming house on South 234 East Mercury; Precinct 14 Frank Moore, 52J North Montana; Anna M. Sheehy, 621 North Montana. Precinct 16 Romayne Dwyer, 427 North Washington; William Clarke, 413 Vi North Washington; Precinct 17 Jennie Mikich, 636 East Park; Precinct 18 Walter A. Sullivan, 914 West Woolman; Dorothy McCarthy, 815 West Quartz; Precinct 19 Steve E. Ryan, 620 Nevada; Precinct 20 D.

J. Kinsella, 1153 Caledonia; Precinct 21 Nellie Conncll, 105 Silver Bow Homes. Precinct 22 Mrs. Margaret La-Forest, 17 West Granite; Precinct lodge meeting at the Masonic tem ple will start July 1 and already groups are planning for the recess which will continue during July and August. During the vacation M.

Quinn, 106 West Gold; Precinct 47 Marie Stefanic, 71 Plum; Precinct 48 Boris D. Gershevsky, 502 South Washington; Mrs. Regina Vedovatti, 639 South Idaho; Precinct 49 Patrick J. Fogarty, 2208 Elm; Precinct 50 M. J.

Sheridan, 501 West Aluminum. Precinct 51 John F. Edwards, 2398 Massachusetts; Ruth Cleary, 1722 Wilson; Precinct 52 Charles J. White, 400 South Emmett; Precinct 53 Nellie M. Baker, 2400 Yale; Precinct 54 Frank Coburn, 821 Colorado; Precinct 55 W.

S. Manley, 3034 Quincy; Precinct 56 Frank J. Fitch, 2233 Colorado; Precinct 57 Paul Fall, 1904 South Idaho; Precinct 60 John Sullivan, Greg-son; Precinct 63 Kenneth Mclvor, Melrose. Republican Ticket Precinct one W. J.

Barnicoat, 79 West Bennett, Walkerville; Rena Jones, 83 Bennett, Walkerville; Precinct three Harry Baker, 123 East Center; Precinct four W. W. time, the officers of the various EE groups will take care of the important business of their respective lodges. 000 Bagdad temple of the Shrine and nor TRUZZ0LIH0 Tirzah temple of Daughters of the Nile have held their final meetings before the vacation. On Thursday night Summit Valley lodge No.

123, A. F. and A. M. will hold its last CHICKEN TAMALEf; FOR ALL OCCASIONS for yourself.

the amazing values at Safeway carefully note what you pay, and youll discover unexpected rewards in how much you save. Discover all your favorite brands, too, at regular meeting until September. They're Delicious The schedule for the present week includes: Tuesday, Butte lodge No. 22, work in second degree, at the temple on We6t Park street; Wednesday, Sum Higman, 506 West Daly, Walkerville; Hazel Higman, 506 West Daly, Walkerville; Precinct six Harold T. Blackler, 824 North Montana; Precinct seven William C.

Squires, 425 frJlsAiS 13 uu ISA a 1 North Wyoming; Henrietta Smith-am, 21 East Gagnon. Precinct eight Philip M. Rob erts, 215 West Boardman; Precinct nine Albert E. Wilkinson, Napton Hills Coffee 33c gfm mil Cut Or Bmm, 4-8 Sr. bULD INN no 13c Lb.

apartments; Precinct 10 Ronald C. George, 802 Zarelda; Precinct 11 May Time No. 2H Can DC WHOLE BEETS Max Dean, Finlen hotel; Precinct 12 W. Ben Ivey, 18 West Copper; Elizabeth Ivey, 18 West Copper. Precinct 14 Harry J.

Cole, 307 2 Lb. Jar 57c Instant Coffee 33c Bakers Cocoa T. Hershey's Cocoa Lb 10c 25 BENDIX de luxe Home Laundries 25 BULOVA 17-Jewel Wrist Watches $2500.00 in CASH PRIZES fRti INTRY BLANKS AT SAHWAYI I taiYORKfl I 11 HOURS 20 MINUTES 1 $a75 III jQmvMiu- I I 4 nRfU I INF Whltt Corn Cream Style GARDENSIDc no. 12c mit Valley lodge No. 123, special, work in the third degree exemplified, lodge to open at 7:30 o'clock, meeting to be held on the fifth floor of new temple, followed by a lunch; Thursday, Summit Valley lodge, regular, work in third degree, lodge opens at 8 o'clock, meeting on fifth floor of new temple, followed by a luncheon, and Montana commandery No.

Friday, Silver Bow lodge No. 48, regular. Army Officer Asks President to Intervene in Trial BAD NAUHEIM, June 17. (U.R) Defense counsel for Col. James A.

Kilian disclosed Monday that the former Lichfield depot commander, on trial for alleged brutalities against American soldier prisoners, has asked President Truman to intervene in his behalf. Lt. Sol. Raymond E. Ford, Kilian's West Quartz; Precinct 16 Stuart Waters, 418 North Jackson; Pre Vac Pack 1J Ob.

Can HIGHWAY CORN GARDENSIDE PEAS No. Caa 13c 12c 15c 15c cinct 17 James T. Merrifield, 809 East Park; Precinct 18 W. H. Paul, 853 West Quartz; Precinct 19 Spencer L.

Tripp, 436 South Main; Precinct 20 William J. Nance, 1211 West Quartz; Kate S. Jackman, 1009 Caledonia. Precinct 21 F. S.

Decker, 602 Utah; Precinct 25 Fred Searle, 1307 Jefferson; Precinct 26 Carl Engel, Mueller apartments; Precinct 28 Andrew J. Guenther, 602 West Broadway; Precinct 29 J. D. Grib-ble, 1040 Missouri; Precinct 30 PUMPKIN spinach "rr? I Ra- LJ 1 Heartl Bag la Large Extra, Dozen SAKyc A0 1 Ajy I Il tsp Economy Seedless, 4 Lb. Bag 'y SWEET POTATOES 29c attorney, said the defendant had; Carlton's Fancy sections GRAPEFRUIT XJt No.

3 Can 7c BABY FOOD Qerber's Can Obertl Ex. Lge. Pint 32c RIPE OLIVES GRAPEFRUIT SL 39c TOMATO JUICE LNrio can 51c asked Mr. Truman to appoint a "board of injuiry" to investigate both the basis and methods of building the government's case against him. On Saturday Lt.

Granville Cubage of Oklahoma City was convicted by an eight-man U. S. Army court of authorizing and knowingly permitting unauthorized punishment of G. I. prisoners at Lichfield.

He was sentenced to a reprimand and fined $250. Thousands of Jews Naturally freeh produce rushed from farm to atore. Guartwiteed to pteaee you and priced by weight to save you notwy. MINCED CLAMS nH Can 29c CADnilJCC Kln Solomon, Tomato 11 dAKUIflEJ Sauce, No. 1 Tall Can I IC DDCM Lunch Meat rnCfll 12-oz.

Can 34c TOMATOES Flee Outlaw Bands Garths Whole Peeled CHERRIES California Bings, U. S. No. 1 Lb. 29c PEANUT BUTTER Beverly 2-Ib.

Jar 59C 13c WARSAW, June 16. (Delayed) No. 2 Can (JP) Thousands of Jews being re BLACK BEAN SOUP loToT 12c 10'4 Oz 34c patriated from Russia are fleeing westward and southward to escape intermittent waves of anti-Semitic terror at the hands of outlaw bands. Approximately 1,000 Jewish slay- TREET 12 Oz. Can 5 52c GRAPEFRUIT i Hum: Ba VEGETABLE SOUPS 8c CHICKEN JOTTED MEAT 5 Can 10c XmBtr.

MoUr Oh CANTALOUPE Junito, i lie ORANGES TtL 5 54c NOODLE SOUP MIX 9c Pkg. y. JC. I. ings have been verified in the past 10 months and the toll is being boosted by bandit attacks on repatriation convoys operating on railways and highways.

The government is severely punishing those perpetrating anti-Semitic acts, but the activity of the lawless bands is so widespread that it is difficult to assure adequate protection for all. RADISHES GREEN ONIONS DISCOVER Better tasting meats tender, jaiey, flavorful. Guaranteed to please you regardless of cut or price or your money back in full. NEW POTATOES California White Rose U. S.

No. Largo Bunches Fresh From the Gardens ti idixcVt Prime Youn Hens. Lb. OVERCAME FAULTY ELIMINATION AT 78! 10 5c 49c 45c Lbs. Bunch TOMATOES TURKEYS tcuI ...45 19c 2 15c 13c Texas.

IT. S. No. 1. Lb ADD ATC Arizona Clip Top hi 1905 Reo termed the U.

S. No. 1 Famous Cereal Brought Relief When Medicines Failed LETTUCE Washington, U. 6. No.

1 Lb. LUNCH MEAT $098 Pure Pork. 6-lb. Can Sliced, Per Lb 55c KRAUT Oc Well Matured. 3 Lbs.

I DILL PICKLES lQr Crisp and Tasty. Lb. I FRYERS ABtc New York Dressed nff COTTAGE CHEESE 1Cr Fresh Daily. Lb. I LUNCH MEAT OiQu Asst.

Lb the fittest" in motoring Gasoline must likewise meet each year's cfcaTlenge Modem ears require on even chain of boMtng points a refining technique in which Silver excel WATERMELONS California Klondykes 5c Lb. 1 HOME OIL and REFINING CO. Great Fell. Montana If you reed constipation relief, read this sincere, unsolicited letter "Pardon me for writinsr this unsolicited letter, but I must praise Kelrojg's All-Bran for the relief it brought me when medicines failed. I suffered from constipation for 40 years.

About 2 months ago I began eating All-Bran every day. Now I no longer suffer from constipation and I get up in the morning feeling: like doing a day'i work. I am 78 years old." Mrs. Effie C. Spurgeon, R-2, Montrose, Missouri.

You, too, may never have to take another harsh laxative for constipation due to lack of hulk in the diet if you eat KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN every day, and drink plenty of water. Try it for ten days. If, not completely satisfied, send empty carton to Kellogfj Company, Battle Creek, Michigan. Get double your monty back. ALL-BRAN is not a purgative.

It's a wholesome and nutritious cereal that provides gentle bulk helpful to normal bowel movements. Get ALL-BRAN at your grocer's. Made by Kellogg's of Battle and Olympia Service Station 935 South Montana Bill's Silver Service Harrison Ave. ti Rowe Road Toney Sutey Meaderville W. J.

Fisher Racetrack, Three Forks Feed fc Grain Co. Three Forks Bulk Plant, 935 South Montana Ray Enderlr, Agent 1 yoi do you shop ATCAmvy. F03KX1 tSS FOXTH2 CSTff APvmwtP aho tocAuy rofuuR LOW EVtRytW PRJCT4? coKxieuY mwtww to fUAZzyoa tzemxiss Of CurOftfSlrX? do you buy farm-fpsh fruits AHO VEGETABLES. PfDCEO 8V THE POUNOIO SAVt YOU WONty?.

The Montana Standard from Butte, Montana (2025)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.