The Bourbon news from Paris, Kentucky (2024)




THROOP, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. CARLISLE, KENTUCKY. Office over B. F. Adair's grocery.


J. ED. RAY, M. D. verONice and residence on Pleasant opposite Second Presbyterian Church, WM.

KENNEY, M. PRACTITIONER OF MEDICINE SURGERY, May be found during the day, when not professionally engaged, at Brooks' a Drug Store, at night, at the Thurston House. UNO. T. HINTON UNDERTAKER -ANDFurniture Dealer.

A full suits, line carpets of furni br: ure, cket coffins, pictures, buri. window hangings, cons antly on hand, aac will be sold to compute with Cincinnar prings. l-tf W. H. DAWSON, WAGON- MAKING HORSE Sho*r KENTUCKY.

kept EASONED constantly wagon on material hands. of I all employ. kinds none but first-class hands in all branches. Work done promptly and at Hard Pan P'rices. Give us a call and see for yourselves.

16iantf W. H. DAWSON. GEO. W.

DAVIS, -DEALER INF 0 Window Shades, Carpets, oil Cloths, Mattresses, tOP Special Attention Given to Undertaking and Repairing. Main Street, Paris, Ky. W. H. H.

JOHNSON, Prop's W. B. CONWAY, Clerk JOHNSON HOUSE. MILLERSBURG, KY. square from the depot.

Good Livery Stable Attached. The kindest attention given and guests made comfortable. Good Sample Rooms. A table filled with all all the delicacies of the season. RATES REASONABLE.

ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE TO Debtors and Creditors. A persons will holding present claims them against to me Wm. at once, properly proven as required by law. Also, all persons owing Win. Shaw, will please come forward and settle.

(2lapr-tf) A. Assignee. C. C. YOUNG'S Repair shop -FORGentlemen's Clothing.

A GENT cinnati for a first Bundles -class Dye shipped House weekly, in ('In- and satisfaction guaranteed. SHOP IN JUNE. BLOCK. UP STAIRS. NEW NEW HENRY SPEARS.

W. L. M'CLINTOCK. SPEARS Co. We desire to call the attention of the public to the fact that we have just opened the largest and ino-t complete stock of staple and fancy groceries ever brought to this city.

Our stock is fresh and new and and einbraces Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Cigars, Tobaccos, Canned Goods in almost endless variety. In fact, we have everything usually kept in a first-class grocery. We are making a specialty of Fancy Groceries and in this line can please the taste of the most fastidious. We bought our goods for CASH, and to cash customers are offering speciai inducements. A Fine Bourbon Farm FOR SALE PRIVATELY.

HAVING offer determined private to quit farming, I at sale, farm known as the Douglas Lewis farm consisting of 230 ACRES OF FINELY IMPROVED LAND, situated six miles from Paris, on the Harrods Creek pike, in the Cane Ridge territory. On the farm there is a large brick residence with 10 rooms and all necessary outbuildings, including a tobacco barn sufficient for housing 10 acres of tobacco -also two good tenant houses; two fine orchards, one young and just bearing; 200 acres in grass and 25 acres of timber; also an a abundance of drinking end stock water. It is convenient to a good district school and to old Cane Ridge Church. For further particulars, call on or address H. M.

CARPENTER, Paris, Ky A She made a dash pitorskates, She never tried She snatched the front off a man, And Cown on: the floor. She rose ant mado another dash, Her fave a look of joy; Her heel; flew she made a "mash" By sitting on the toor. 6 THE woo isare said to be full of hickory nuts. TIE of like of kershaws was never seen before. You can legally shot.

a partridge or a rabbit to day, but not a squirrel. plain gold in. elet with one bangle on it. Leave at thi- onlice. WANTED.

-A plain, 4. nd-hand wardrobe, not too lurge. Apply atthis office. POLK FORSYTH sold seven shares of Citizen's Bank stock privately, at $122.50. CHESTNUTS are selling at El per bushel in Carter county -and the worms thrown in.

THIs is said to be Indian Summer. It is almost warm enough white folks' summer. As a special attraction at the riuk, how would a Boo dance fill the bill? SEVERAT, parties will leave here to-night at o'clock, for the Richmond, fair, to meet with Groyer. LADIES, do you want some great bargains? If you their do, new just, on the Twin Brothers" I at store. THE tobacco of John F.

lodges wat; burned last week: near Odd rille, Harrison county. Loss, $1,0.0. WHISKEY is advancin4 slightly in and the talks which have loane I money on large lots are chucking. JACKSON REID has taken session "Tammany Hall" and is now running in full blast, and doing a fine lusiness. THE "Little" Presbyterian Church congregation speaks of building a parsonage in the rear of George W.

Davis' furniture store. IF you need a new hat, cap, suit of clothing or of boots or call on the "Twin Brothers." They will fit you cheap. SAM INSKO has bought D. I 'N grocery on Georgetown street, and moved in from the country an liaken of it. his FOUR cars of one of Doris' 118 tr ins were ditched thirty miles below Memphis, and several horses an were Killed, Sunday.

THE Mt. Olivet Democrat that, D.r:. Wm. Carpenter 1-: 1: fail hawk seventy-five yard, with shot gur, last week. THE Presbytry OF Genera: dissembly will meet at "Little" Presbyterian Church to-day, 1 the new minis'er will be ordained t.

THE "Twin Brothers" receive! their 110- endous new stock of dry goods ant clothins yesterday. Everybody call this afternoon and see them. TIrE Mickens, Ander-0: and Buckner Minstrels parade this afternoon at 2 o'clock, and will show at the oper. -house to night. Admission 25 an 35 cents.

Dr. KELLER, of this city, has writ. 2. lengthy article to the Lexington which he advocates the use of chi for the execution of criminals, WANTED- Good book agents for this city and vicinity for new English and Germau magazines. Address: International l'ablishing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio.

TIE Anest self- rising buckwheat flour over offered in this market, can now be found at Dan Roche's grocery. In fact, everything else good to eat in. be found there. ON Friday night at the rink, a prize of $3 will be given to the person making the fastest around the room and crawling through a barrel, and $2 to second man. THE official counting of the votes cast in Cincinnati last Tuesday begat and in a week or two, perh.

it will b3 nown who has been elected! over there. HORACE MILLER has sent to this ofice :1 dozen. Irish potatoes which weighed 916 pounds. They were not selected with a view af -just picked up as he came 11) them. A BOURBON coun saw a 10 pound pumpkin over in Indiana -the first instance on record where a Bourbon county man, out.

sight-seeing, saw anything but Times. THERE is a ruinor in town, derived it if, said, from John Augusta Wiiliams, of Harrodsburg, that John B. Bowman was shot at his ranch in New Mexico, but not Gazette. ALBERT WRIGHT, a Lexington barber, has been sent to the penitentiary for two years, for forging al order for 30 cents. A man seldom gets a longer sentence than that for murder, in most counties.

Do not wait until the dead of winter, Lut prepare now to make happy the family circle, by getting one of those "Solid Comfort" grates. Economy, cleanliness and happiness are the good results. MISS HETTIE GANO, of Cincinnati, a pupil of Murdock, will give a musical and el a tionary entertainment at the opera house, Friday night, for the benetit of the "Little Reapers." Admission, 25 cents. HENRY HIBLER, killed a deer on the old W. A.

Turner place, near Black ('ros4 Roads, Saturday, 05 yards distant with No. bird shot. He kindly remenibered the NEWS with a mess of breakfast cutlets. THE motion for a new trial in the case of Commonwealth against Robert rel, will be heard some time in Decemb.r next. A stay of proceedings has been granted until this motion for at new trial is decided.

MESSRS CRAIN Boori have discontinted their insurance office here, and Booth ins returned to Lawrenceburg. Mr. Booth made many during his short stay here, and we are sorry to give him up. AT New Castle, Henry county, last Week, Per Peyton was sentenced to the penitentia- ry for killing Alsonso Hall, in Noveniber last ye.u. As Crad will probably say to-morrow, "this is not our Ed Peyton, the saloonist." THE "Kit Clay Gun Club" defeated the "Young Nimrods" in a glass ball match, Saturday by an average score of nine and twosevenths, to seven and two-fifths.

Another match will be shot between them at Cun4 pingham on the 31st. battle of Chattanooga or descriptive, Ridge, GEN. GRANT'S article of the will appear in the November Bivouac. MISS SOPHIA HUTIIINSON desires all of the ladies to reraember that she will have a millinery opening at her mother's residence on the 24th inst. She will have on display a flue line of the latest novelties an old item of goods in her stock.

IF you want a suit to fit you to perfection and do good service too, you will find those custom-made goods of J. W. Davis Co's equal to the best made-to-order goods-and for less than half the money. They I I I keep nothing shoddy in their house. SMITH KENNEY has presented the Tadies' Exchange a barrel of the finest Irish potatoes we ever saw.

They are very large and smooth variety and are called Kenney's Fada vorite. They can be seen at Spears Co's grocery, where the ladies have placed them on sale. TITE Nimrod Gun Club was reorganized Saturday, with Hon. C. M.

Clay, President, Geo. Bell, Secretary, and the following rank an file members: Col. E. F. Clay, Jas.

E. Clay, C. A. Kenney, Matt Kenney, J. M.

Russell, T. C. Woodford, Dud Talbott, W. C. Goodman.

W. W. GILL is still in the front as A provision dealer. His little store in the Ficklen building is headquarters for everything 111 the fruit and vegetable line. He is now retailing Michigan cabbages which weigh from 15 to 20 pounds each, and sells as many as thirty barrels per week of them.

FRIDAY afternoon as two little children of Jas. Scott and John Doyle, aged 8 years, were playing with a railroad torpedo, it exploded and slightly wounded both of them. A piece of glass cut 2. big gash in the boy's leg. They were hammering the torpedo with a rock, thinking it was a tin can.

STRANGER, when you come to town to purchase your winter underwear and heavy outer-clothing, you will, of course, desire the best goods for at given amount of money. Look all over town -it is no trouble to show goods, and the merchants will all gladly wait on you. But remember, mark things well in your mind's eye, and compare them with those elegant goods of J. W. Davis An Interesting Article.

THE November Bivonac will contain a graphic article detailing the movements of Lee's Army from the time he crossed the Potomac -to the night before the battle of Gettysburg. The writer, Wm. I. H. Swallow, was formerly Assistant Adiutant General of the Army of Northern A Virginia.

He presents some new facts concorning the orders under which Gen. Stuart was marching, and conthat Lee's original plan was to march direct to Harrisburg, where the army was to be concentrated, and it was with this understood that St art separated from his main army and ved through Hanover toward Carlisle. Special Delivery Stamps. PERSONS using special delivery stamps sh aid not forget that the regular two-cent stamp must be added for postage. The tenvent stamp is used for special delivery at the end of the route.

Two such letters were dropped in the office here last week, and kind friends to whom Mr. Clay bad spoken while examining the letters, added the regular postage, or they would have been sent to the dead letter office. Only cities of 4,000 inhabitants will deliver the special delivery letters. Some one dropped in one for Carlisle, last week. That was a dime thrown away.

The special delivery will not be used here, because, when the last census was taken, we did not have 4,000 inhabitants in the corporate limits, as about one third of our city was then -as it is to-day-out in the country. Assignment of Johnson Rogers. JOHNSON ROGERS, of Woodford, and formerly of this county, assigned yesterday, to Judge Matt Turney, for the benefit of his creditors. He was forced to assign, on account of being on nis brother's paper for large amounts -his brother having assigned few days ago in Woodford, with liabilities vey large--probably $65,000, and assets of 1,20) acres of land. The amount of Johnson's individual liabilities is less than $1,000, but lie i On his brother's paper for large -probably for half of his indebtedness.

A setts, 70 acres of land in Bourbon, and about: 200 acres in Woodford, with stock, crop, Yesterday morning just after the assignment had been made, and a few minutes be fore the deed lin been recorded, D. L. Thornton, attorn for the creditors of W. 1. Rogers, arrive.

re and brought suitand got a judgment for $10,000 against Johnson, and placed is in the sheriff's hands for levy. A Neglected Pioneer's Grave. FRI AY last, as Polk Forsyth was out in tie chet," of the Little Rock precinct, his ntion was called to the neglected 0 of John Boone, a brotiier of Daniel, famous Kentucky pioneer, whose grave unmarked, under a buckeye tree on the 4..10 between the farms of Win. See and Wm. Carroughs, Not a stone marks the spot.

Collin History says that Boone was shot. the forks of tree, by some Indians, whilst watching for baffalo at a sulphur spring near that spot, which is directly on the oli buffalo trace to the Blue Lick Springs. The citizens of Bourbon -particularly of that precinct-ought to take some steps toward the protection of the grave of Boone. A few years ago, some persons of the neighborhood unearthed some of his bones, found them in a good state of preservation, and carefully put them back again. Some kind of a monument should be erected, and a neat, substantial fence put around it.

Who will take the lead in the movement? Circuit Court Proceedings. CIRCUIT Court opened yesterday with C. Lockhart acting Judge pro tem, in the place of Judge Morton, who was detained in 1 exington on account of the death of sister-and Commonwealth's Attorney Bronstone following cost. Grand Jury is in session Bedford, Porter, Ml Clay, Jr, Hutheraft. Bedford, Moore, Meng, Brown, A Bacon, Dodge, Lunsford Talbott, Brock, Soper, Skinner, A Thomas, and John B.

Keny, foreman few minor cases only were tried yesterday, such as tining saloons for violating the Sabbath. About a dozen proprietors of which were fined $10 each. The case of John Williams, colored, for the murder of another co'ored man at North Middletown over a year ago, 1s set for todev. The eight ku-kluxers from North will be tried this w. ek.

The case of Buck Terry for killing Marcus will proba' l. not be tried before neX' week. SCINTILLATIONS. -John B. Miller left for Washington, terday.

-Porter Orr, of Millersburg, is the guest Johnnie James. -Sam lIall, of Maysville, has gone to New Orleans to spend the winter. -Sam McDonald, the Flemingsburg drummer, was in town yesterday. -D. T.

Wilson, of North Middletown, is Cincinnati, buying more goods. -Frank Carr' was down from Livingston Sunday, to visit his old friends. -Frank Baird, the insurance agent, been about town for several days. -Hon Harry Ward, of Cynthiana, was attendance of Court here yesterday. -Col.

J. W. Watson, of Maysville, was guest of Mrs. Cornie Watson, Sunday. -Eld.

J. S. Sweeney returned yesterday from his debate in Southern Kentucky. -Bailey Whipple, a june bug of a Louisville drummer, was in town last Friday. -Dick McCarney has returned from extended vist to his old home at Warsaw.

-Luke Connelly has arrived home from Missouri, greatly pleased with Kentucky. Mrs. Jas. M. Taylor and her mother hare returned from an extenned visit 10 Scott county.

-Superintendent Huntington, of the C. road, was here yesterday, the guest John Stuart. -Mrs. M. L.

Rogers and her daughter Drs G. Stoner, left this morning for the Louisyille exposition. -Miss Blanch Kenney and Miss Annie Lyle are recreating in the mountains east Thompson Station. -Dr. D.

D. Eads has arrived here from Missouri, and will probably locate here the practice of medicine. -Ike Clay and Lew Huddleson have turned from a Red river fishing tour. They are poorer but wiser men. -G.

G. White left yesterday in company with E. D. Sayre. of Lexington, for a visit their cattle ranche in Texas.

-A. P. Allis has gone to New York, to accept a position as a foreign buyer for one the largest houses in the city. -Miss Annie L. O'Connor, of Ballston Spa, New York, is here on a visit to her brother, ex- mayor O'Connor, of this city.

-Charlton Evans and sister, Miss Enie, Bourbon county, are visiting Miss Mamie Slack this week. Bulletin. Dr. A. W.

Walden and Miss Lillie Lec, youngest daughter of the banker A. J. Lee, were married at Owingsville, last Wednesday. -W. K.

Massie has rented James K. Ford's handsome residence on Duncan Avenue, and will henceforth be 3. resident of our city. -Almost all of the State officers at Frankfort attended the wedding of Register Matt Adams and Miss Gordon at Winchester, last week. -W.

J. McIntyre returned from Bourbon county Saturday. Ie rented a farm near Paris and will move there in the spring. Times. -Dr.

Ed Ray, representative to the Blue Lodge, and J. V. Lovely, representative to the Chapter, A. F. left yesterday for the Grand Lodge at Louisville.

-Mrs. T. J. Megibben, of Cynthiana, Mr. and Mrs.

A. M. Gossett, of Paris, and Mr. and Mrs. J.

T. Lail, of Cynthiana, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. M.

Wilmoth. -John Smith attended dance and concert given by a gang of convicts, in P'ow All county, Saturday night. He was SO pleased with the performance that he expressed a desire to act as advance agent and travel with the troupe. -Thos. N.

Beed, Auditor of Washington Territory, called on us to-day. Mr. R. moved from Bath county, and surveyed and laid off the city of Sacramento, and several other cities of the Pacific slope. Ile is a well preserved man, and looks upon the "slope" as being the "future great." Era.

-Cat parties are now fashionable in Louisville. Not long ago a little girl' who possesed Maltese, sent out invitations to a number ver of friends to bring cats to five o'clock tea, each cat to have a ribbon about its neck to correspond with that of its mistress. The assembly of puss*es was amused by the introductlon of soft bails a and toy mice. At tea a table was furnished with saucers of milk and small cakes. Catnip and lavender grasses and flowers made up the decorations.

Barrel Race. THE long looked for barrel race will take place Friday night, October 23rd, at therink First prize, $3 second prize, $2. Fifteen starters allowed. No one weighing less than 115 pounds allowed to contest. Kentucky Patents.

IL. N. JENKINS, solicitor of patents, Washington, D. officially reports to the BOURBON NEWS, the following complete list of patents granted inventors for the week ending October 13th, 1885 L. ('.

Huber, Huber, mail-bag; W. J. Mingua, Augusta, lamp-shade and ornament J. II. Davis, Covington, roller-skate.

Gen. Logan's Denial. SEVERAL days ago, Lewis Payue and brother, of Fayette, were interviewed by the Lexington Press, regarding their alleged capture of Gen. John Logan. They corrected the Press in a previous statement regarding his capture, and said that it was at Ft.

Donelson. A friend of Logan's mailed him copies of both papers, and received the following letter him WASHINGTON, D. Oct. 15, 85. ter of the lIth inst.

and read the artiMy Dear Sir I am in receint of your letcle inarked in the Lexington Press. This article is as much of a lie as the other. At Fort Donelson I was severely wounded, and was taken to Grant's headquarters On the bont before the battle ended. I was not on the field, nor was any sword taken by any one. The whole story is a baseless fabrication and bears not a semblance of truth.

Very Truly, JOHN A. LOGAN. From the Mt. Oliret Democrat. the JOIN RYE and wife, of Bourbon, visited family of Esq.

Wm. Woodward last week. G. W. Dietrich while in Bourbon wrote a letter to his girl that contained 750 words.

was N. C. down Ball, this of Flat Rock, Bourbon county, week to bring Mrs. Nelson Asbury, who was here on a visit to her daughter Mrs. Ball, home.

He was looking well and reported business good. He: aid he left his son-in-law and partner, F. T. Davis, very sick. E.

M. Newman and Sheriff Wheeler made a business trip through Bourbon last week, visiting Millersburg, Fiat Rock, Cane Ridge and some other points where Robertson folks were settled. They report that Bourbon is the finest country ou earth, and that everybody was doing well. Hiram Galbraith and wife and Willie Rigg, of Bourbon, are visiting relatives in this county, this week. friends John W.

Dotson, of Bourbon, was among in Robertson, last week, 3 The Trader, Turfman, Farmer and Sportsman. -W. S. Buckner, Joe Hedges, Col. Stoner and other horsem*n are attending the Lexington trotting races.

Cyclone, Wilkes Boy and Post Boy will contend for houors at Lexington to-day in the great stallion race. Morrow Renick left yesterday for the Kansas City Fat Cattle Show, with ten animals to exhibit-five 2-year and five 3-yearolds. They will also take in the Chicago show. Brasfiela's Combination Sale of horses the bidding spirited. Sixty-three brought closed Friday.

The at attendance was fine aud an aggregate of $12,785, an average of $203. The aggregate for the two A days $26,870. Messrs H. P. Wade, Ralph Stone and H.

V. French, of Jefferson, Ohio, are here looking at the produce of New York, who has many fine colts scattered over the York, Reveille and other noted horses. county. Mr. Wade the owner of New Lexington trots yesterday, Patron Woll the three-year-old race in three straight heats.

Time, 2:20, 2:25 This is duplicating Hinda last year. Tne 5- year-old race was won Epaulette; best time, 2:19. Both of the above were bred by Jas. B. McFerrin.

Ed Nolan arrived bere Sunday from New York, in charge of the queen of the turfDwyer Bro's Miss Woodford, to be retired from the turf and bred to Hindoo, at Messrs Clay Woodford's Runnymede Stock Farm. The lady was accompanied by Barnes, Kenney and a two-year-old colt by (Luke Blackburn-the latter to stay two years. They all arrived in good condition, attraction much attention at Turncy, Clark Mitchell's stables Sunday morning. JEFF OXLEY, who recently died at Nicholasville, had his life insured for $5,500. Just prior to his death ho sold his drug store, and left his family in good shape as regarding business affairs.

His estate is valued at 000. AN old woman played a sharp trick on the Cynthiana people last week. She represented that she came from Oddville, and in order to get money to go to St. Louis, she would raffle off a china set of 100 pieces, which was 100 years old. She collected $50 on her statement and skipped out on the cars.

MATRIMONIAL. Win. Apperson, of Mt. Sterling, will quietly wed Miss Katie Adair at her mother's residence, this afternoon, at 4:30 o'clock. The marriage of Duke Martin, formerly of Maysville, to Miss Mattie Burnett, of cinnati, is announced to take place to-morrow, Chas.

E. l'arsons, of Rushville, and Miss home of Lucy the A. Ross were married at the bride's father, James M. Ross near Johnson Junction, last week. DEATHS.

'The Rev. Darius Woodson, colored, of the St. Paul's M. E. Church, died in this city Saturday night, and was buried yesterday afternoon.

Mrs. Mary Brown Major, wife of Col. S. I. M.

Major, of Frankfort, died at 9:25 Saturday evening at the residence of her brother, Dr. Preston B. Scott, in Louisville, after a lingering iliness. MILLERSBURG. John W.

Boulden and wife are in Louisville. There arc now fifty-three boarders enrolled at the Female College. Rev. Pope preached at the Methodist church Sunday evening. E.

C. Capitalists would do well by investigating Foster's silver mine. Jimmle Carpenter is very ill, with Inflammatory rheumatism of the breast. ing The for a consumptive promulgator is preparMother Hubbard evening. It Hunt has married been reported here that Henegar in Shermau, Texas.

Miss Emma Iukill and Miss Wilmuth were the guests of Miss Fannie Clarke, Sunday. Miss Colie Murphy was a delegate to the Woman's Christian Association at Cincinnati, last week. Uncle Billy Ross is here looking up a claim he says he las in some valuable downtown property. ed at Three or four colored people were immersChurch the creek. Sunday, by.

the Christian minister. a quiet stock With during the exchanges, the exception the week. of market some has little been local very Miss Jessie Powell, living on Alex McClintock's place, ran away to Cincinnati and married a man named Floyd, a few days ago Ilarmon Stitt and Harlan Vimont fired one hundred guns in honor of the Repub i- can victory in Ohio. Other Republican's put out flags. Alex McClintock is sowing 100 acres of wheat, product of which ne has sold to at Win.

the Tarr, depot. at 90 cents per bustiel, delivered of Mack Miller's cave was visited by a party explorers Sunday. They say that by removing certain rocks, a much larger cavern will be found. They do tell that a certain popular young groceryman is very soon to marry an uptown girl. Howard you like to know the leliow's name? Because a man intends inaugurating areal estate agency, there is no reason why he should say there are at number of vacant houses in Millersburg.

Thieves stole a hog and some potatoes from Frank Champ, and some hogs from Jeff M. Vinont, Dinwiddie McKee and several others. We want a vigilence committee. The cheerful editorials in the NEWS, relative to easy times, have done much towards bright'ning up trade here-abouts. After all hard times is simply a disease of the mind.

Last week Dr. Stitt successfully excised a hydatid tumor from the neck of Wm. Mack Miller, of Nicholas county. 'The tumor was situated immediately over the jugular vein. A reporter of the Lexington Transcript came tiere last week and wrote up puffs for each of its subscribers.

In every instance he located them in Pendleton county. He also changed Marshal Ballenger's name to Smith. 7. John English smote Ballenger and festooned his eye. The darkies are very happy in cousequence; but had John walked across his abdomen and tangled his hands in Ballenger's hair, he would have been made their king.

Col. Thomas Oliver has written a letter to Mrs. Ella Gould, at Shelbyville, telling her her that he regrets the course he pursued during troubies. but was blinded through his for love the for George. Mrs.

Gould is an applicant Shelbyville post-ofi. e. At the Shorthorn sale of G. W. Thursday, cattle sold high.

Short-horn Judy's, men who were there, say that the same cattle would not have brought half the money at no point Bourbon. All com.mon stock ed. sold high also. The sale was largely attendSo decision it seems -that, -according to a magistrate's here in classic Millersburg a man can get drunk, drive his wife and children from the place, mutilate the furniture and boot it over decent people, and yet not be amenable to law. Although the wife was not at home, during the trial, and is now be hiding among the neighbors, no fine must citizens imposed.

Shame! Certainly good has or have a law whether the magistrate not, and they are pretty apt to see that it is enforced. NORTH MIDDLETOWN. B. F. Judy and family are visiting at suilles.

troth's visit Florence in Scott Berry county. returned Saturday, Ike Skillman, son of J. W. Skillman, of Nebraska, is visiting relatives and friends here. Jeff Elgin, Ben Paton and John August were in town Saturday.

H. C. Smith, W. G. Skillman, A.

Dellwiller, J. W. Prescott and W. F. Neal, leave Wednesday, on a two-weeks' fishing and expedition.

They go to Rockeustle liveling Hume Desha has returned home. He not stiff. well yet; one of his shoulders being very THE only cash house in Paris, and save money when you trade at V. K. SHIPP's.

LOW RATES for beef by the quarter. WEBLING GLEASON. CHOICE Timothy seed, low for cash. V. K.

SITIPP. HIGIIEST price paid in cash for Hides and Pelts at Webling Gleason's meat store. MOUNTAIN mauls, feed-baskets and bandles-cheap for cash. V. K.

SHIrT. a call. V. K. FOR CASH.

-Coal and feed-store. Give me BuY your coal, salt, fencing wires, cornlow, shellers for and cash. cutting boxes, of V. K. Shipp, 2t HAVING bought a car of oak fencing plank very low, I will sell any quantity wanted prices to save you money -for cash.

W. K. SHIPP. MRS MOLLIE TULLY DICKEY will give her annual fall opening of millinery goods and notions at the 'Corner Millinery Store," the 24th instant. Mrs.

Dickey has one of the largest and most elegatit stocks which it her possible chief for money to buy, and Mrs. Gamble, trimmer can not be excelled by any lady invited in to the call. South. Everybody respectfully 24th. Do not forget the date- Oct.

tf SPECIAL NOTICES. Tie original Racine wagon is the Mitchell and is sold by GASS HANLY. A CHOICE lot of canned goods. WV. A.

PARKER, Assignee. BRAN FOR am just in receipt of a car load of Stone Mill wheat bran. tf SPEARS STUART. less PURE old Bourbon whiskey quantities than five gallons, four years old, for sale cheap. W.

A. PARKER, Assignec. Now is the time to buy a wagon very cheap. We need money--must sell them. jyl4tf GASS HANLY.

NINE packages of coffee for a dollar at W. W. Gill's old stand. TIE Mitchell wagons have been made at Racine, for the past 25 years and bear the reputation of being the best. jylitf GASS HANLY.

A CHOICE lot of green coffee at wholesale or retail at W. W. Gill's old stand. A. PARRER, Assignee.

WE have a large line of buggies to and lignt spring wagons that we are selling very low. jyl4tf GASS MANLY. SEVENTEEN pounds of sugar for a dollar. W. A.

PARKER, Assignee of W. W. Gill. WE have contracted to handle all the Mill Feed produced at Shaw's Mill. If you want any, call on CHAMBERS, MITCHELL CO.

(Taug2mo) C. F. DIDLAKE Co. SMOKE the best five cent cigar in the world -Overbey, Wells Co's Henry Clay. J.

A. Lyle Co. sole agents for this city. tf THE entire stock of goods of W. W.

Gill's must be closed out in 60 day. The ladies are invited. W. A. PARKER, Assignee.

COME AND GET -Bran and shorts, at wholesale or retail, the product of Shaw's Mill, is ours. CITAMBERS, MITCHELL CO. C. F. DIDLAKE Co.

HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE. I good draft two horses two-horse for wagons and three sale-cheap. D. T. WILSON, 20octf North Middletown, Ky.

COTTAGE FOR RENT! MY to Mt, mother Sterling, having I desire decided to move sub-rent back for the Mrs. unexpired portlon of the year (10months) Erringer cottage on Vine street. A. C. ADAIR, 20octf Telegraph Oflice.

CLASS IN GERMAN WANTED ALFRE ZEMBROD, late land, of Zurich, Switzernow sojourning at Clintonvitte, desires to teach a class in German in Paris, of evenings. Clerks and students desiring to enroll, call at this office, or at Davis, Varden Moore's, for particulars. 200ct3t On TUESDAY, October 27th, '85, at my residence on Duncan's Avenue, I will sell iny bold goods, consisting of seven room Brussels carpets, kitchen parlor, ibed-room, diningand furniture. china and glassware, Phaeton -Gosling's make- good as new; number one milch cow and yearling heitr JAS. K.

A. T. FORSYTH, Auctioneer. PARIS 'BUS LINE. L.

F. MANN, Prop. FLETCHER MANN, Sups Fare, 26 cis. including ordinary baggage in the city. Orders left at hotels or startsis.

trains connected with and calls made any. Chesapeake Ohio Railway 3 SOLID TRAINS AND PULLMAN SLEEPing and Drawing Room Cars Washington City, Staunton, Charlottesville and Richmond, Virginia. Through the grand and varied scenery of the Kanawha, New and Greenbrier Rivers and the Alleghany Blue Ridge Mountains. Breakfast at Kanawha Falls, Dinner at Clifton Forge in the Alleghanies, and Tea at the National Capitol. The most desirable route to the Carolinas, and the only line Newport News, Vid Point Comfort ano Norfolk.

No 4. No 6 Lve 11 03 pm 11 45 ain Arr Kanawha Falls 55 ain pm Arr ('lifton 1 25 pm 6 45 am Arr 5 20 pm 11 30 ain Arr 9 15 Arr Richmond. 8 55 pml3 45 pm The fast Express No. makes only a limited numher of stops, and pass the famed Hawk's Nests, and White Sulphur Springs in daylight. JOHN STUART, Ticket Agent, Paris, Ky.

C. W. SMITII, H. W. FULLER, Mauager.

Gen'l Pass'r Agt FRANK H. ADAIR, to Dr. ST. MILLERSBURG, A FULL medicines, line of pure and fresh drugs an nal pure old medic purposes, paints, oils, varnishes, cotion INSURANCE AGAINST WIND AND FIRE! My Agency represents eight large and prompt paying companies. J.


WINCHESTER, KY. OFFICE HOURS, FROM 1 TO 3 P.M. Wednesday afternoons especially devotec to eye cases. MRS. JENNIE KIRBY, CHARTS used of the most improved system rious in cutting and fitting.

All the vafashion plates, books and papers on hand for inspection of customers. street. Rooms in Mrs. Doehrer's residence on High OFFUTT FORD ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, PARIS, KY. trict Practice aud in the Courts of the County, DisCourt of Appeals.


BOSWELl. Ashland House, LEXINGTON, KY. H. E. BOSWELL SON, Prop'rs.

Centrally located, on Short street, neartn the Post-office. Rates, $2 per day. ESTABLISHED IN 1873. BOULDEN'S Fire Insurance Agency MILLERSBURG, Represents None but First-class Companies. ETNA, of Hartford.

HOME, of New York. PHONIX, of Hartford. KENTON, of Covington. FRANKLIN, of Philadelphia. SUN FIRE OFFICE, of England.



R. M. RICE SON. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, Window Shades, and Furniture Supplies Generally, NORTH MIDDLETOWN, KY. Special attention given to UNDERTAK ING.

An elegant new hearse; all kinds of caskets and wooden cases, and robes of al' kinds on hand. We patronage beg your inspection and solicit your 1. AT RICE SON. KENTUCKY CENTRAL RAILROAD. PAST LINE BETWEEN LEXINGTON and CINCINNATI.

Schedule in Effect Oct. 11th, '85. South -Bound. No 6, No 4, No l2, Ex.Sun Daily. Ex.

Sun Lve Lve 8 10 am 8 10 pIn 200 pI Falmouth 955 9 34 pm 332 pm Lye Cynthiana. 11 02 10 26 pm 4 37 pm Arr 11 40 am 11 00 pin 5 15 pin Arr Lexington 12 37 pm 6 15 pm Lve 11 am 11 03 420 pm Arr Winchester. 12 80 11 40 pin 6 10 pm Arr 00 pm 7 10 pm Arr Lancaster 13 Arr 65 00 pin Lve Richmond 205 pm Arr a 3 30 pm 600 pIn North-. ouud. No ll.

No 3. No l. ave 800 am Lye Berea 10 22 am Arr 11 45 am 715 am 8 05 am Arr Richmond 11 00 am uVe Richmond. ti 05 all 125 pm Arr 7 05 am 2 25 pm Arr 8 08 am 3 25 pir: Lve 25 a 2 40 pm 4 20 pm Lve 8 20 am 3 30 pm. 5 20 pm Arr 8 53 an 3 58 pn 5 54 pm Arr 11 30 55 an an 6 1 00 16 pn pn 6 45 57 pm pm MAYSVILLE BRANCH.

North- Ex. No. 51, Sun. Ex. No.

Sun 63, Lve Covington 2 00 Lve Lexington 7 25 a 4 20 Lve Paris 8 20 a 5 25 In Arr Millersburg. 8 47 a 5 18 Arr Carlisle 9 08 a n1 10p Arr 10 50 a 7 50 pm South-Bound. Ex No. 52, Ex. No.

Sun. 54, Sun. Lve 5 45 a 2 45 Lve 7 26 a 4 25 pm Lve Millersburg. 7 18 a 4 17 Arr 8 15 a 5 15 pin Arr 0 10 a 6 10 Arr 11 30 a In 8 45 Trains 3 and 1 are daily between Winn ester, Lexington and Cincinnati; other trains are daily except Sunday. Through tickets and baggage checked any destination reached by a railroad.

80 For tickets, rates and information per taining to time, connections, call c- address JOHN STUART, AGENT PARIS, KY. C. W. SMITH, HI, W. FULLER, Gen'l Manager, Gen'l Pass'r Agent, RICHMONI, YA, "BLUE GRASS ROUTE." SHORTEST AND QUICKESTROUTE -FROM-CENTRAL KENTUCKYTO ALL POINTS NORTH, EAST, WEST, AND SOUTHWEST.


The Bourbon news from Paris, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.