Helluva boss: Leviathan's fashion drama by me and my friend @Inkyosh547 from wattpad | Fandom (2024)

I know what you're all gonna say and I know @Vivziepop said she's making leviathan resemble to the Bible version and he's a surfer. So, this was script that was supposed to be for her

Plot: The I.M.P go to the envy ring for Leviathan's annual fashion show to Guard the place, while loona had chat with an old ex from the past


(We start the scene where we see I.M.P company building was usually at, until we cut to the office and see Loona looking through phone on “fancy style” app. Moxxie and Millie enter the room while carrying their coffee)

Millie: *smiles* morning Loona.

Loona: *looks at her phone* Whatever.

(As Moxxie and Millie sit down on the couch and were about to drink their coffee. Suddenly, Blitzø kicks down the door. Which made Moxxie and Millie spilled their coffee on moxxie's crouch, which earn Moxxie a lord cry of pain)

Blitzø: Loonay, m&m get suite up! A client wants our asses to Guard a fashion show in the envy ring!!

Loona/Moxxie/Millie: *Shock* THE ENVY RING!?

(We then cut to what looks like a car hanger, the shutter door opens and the I.M.P van exits out of it. As it drives, we see the sky is purple and there are buildings that have signs like “The “real” style just for you” or “ Try the “real” deal”. As they drive past them, they stop at a gate. As one of the Guards who is a fish demon walks towards the van and checks the list that had names on it)

Guard 1: *Checks the list* Name?

Blitzø: Blitzø, the “O” is slight. Your boss hired us for security.

(As the Guard looks at the list, he sees “i.m.p” on it and let's the second one know)

Guard 1: *to Guard 2* Let them in!

(As Guard 2 nods his head, the gate begins to open and the van drives in. As the van stops, the gang gets out as they were wearing their bodyguard outfits from Helluva boss s1 ep2. As Loona gets out, she is wearing a suit and wears a black skirt with black heels. Then they look in fount of them and see it was a big purple palace, with a serpent-like head on a water fountain in front of the palace and it had a black flag with a purple envy symbol on it. As they look at the palace, they were amazed of it's look)

Millie: *Amaze* Wow, that's the greatest place I have ever seen!

Blitzø: Yeah, let's go inside. The client waited for our asses to be there.

(As they go inside, they see some imps and fish demons setting up drinks, decorations and other things around the palace. They then see an imp talking host of the party, she was a female demon-like serpent with purple on her scales and with gray under her belly. She was wearing a black tail suit with gold trim on and had a light purple flower, she had a bright red bowtie and black gloves. She had black horns with two purple stripes on it, she was wearing a queen crown on her right head while wearing a hafe-mask on her left side and she had a cobra-like fins with the black “envee” symbols on them. This host was none other than the queen of the envy ring herself, leviathan. Or Lucy for short. As Lucy was talking to the imp, she spotted the i.m.p gang and slithers to them)

Lucy: Ah, if it isn't I.m.p, I assume you know why you're here?

Blitzø: because you want us to Guard your “fancy” show?

Lucy: Well that, and the reason why is because I need my show secured for anyone trying to kill me. Or my girlfriend vikki.

(Once she said “vikki”, Loona was surprise to hear that name)

Loona: Wait, did you say “vikki”?

Lucy: Yes, why do you ask?

Loona: Oh, uh…

Blitzø: *realized* Wait, isn't she that bi-?

(But before Blitzø could say that, loona quickly covers Blitzø's mouth)

Loona: *Nervously smiles* We met at bee's party one time.

Lucy: Ah, yes, Beelzebub. She may be the queen of gluttony, but Bee really needs to clear it up after she's done.

Loona: *Nervously smiles* Yeah, she really does need to. *Nervously chuckles*

Lucy: Well, if you four need anything? Let me or one of my services know.

(As Lucy slithers away, Blitzø takes off Loona's hand off his mouth)

Loona: *Nervously smiles* We met at bee's party one time.

Lucy: Ah, yes, Beelzebub. She may be the queen of gluttony, but Bee really needs to clear it up after she's done.

Loona: *Nervously smiles* Yeah, she really does need to. *Nervously chuckles*

Lucy: Well, if you four need anything? Let me or one of my services know.

(As Lucy slithers away, Blitzø takes off Loona's hand off his mouth)

Blitzø: Loona, Why did you have to cover my mouth?

Loona: Look, as much I would love for you to say that. I don't want to die by leviathan, so don't say the “b” word.

Blitzø: Ok hon, but just let me know if you want to leave. Ok?

(As blitzø walks away, Loona looks very nervous. We then cut to the palace, as there were spot lights going back and forth and a banner saying “Leviathan's annual fashion show”. We then cut to inside to see many imps & fish demons in the room where a catwalk was at)

Announcer: Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to Queen Leviathan's annual fashion show! Now, let's get this show started!

(Montages & song, before you ask? Didn't know what to make a music theme)

(We then cut to see Loona looking around the place, until she spotted Vikki in a purple dress and long black gloves talking to some imps & fish demons. Then Loona quickly walks away, then she goes to the second floor. As she walks, she sees a balance outside and goes to it. Then she Grabs a lighter and a pack of cigarettes and grabs and lights one up, as she leans on the railing. She heard a voice behind her)

???: Oh, wow. Lookee who it is.

(As Loona turns around, she was shocked to see the voice was from vikki)

Loona: *sighs in announcing* Oh, f*ck... You again…

Vikki: *Smirk* Stalkin' me now, huh?

Loona: *Annoyed* Oh, don't f*ckin' flatter yourself, vikki. I have my own life, y'know, without YOU in it.

Vikki: *Smirk* Uh huh, sure! Lunatic Loona.

Loona *Annoyed*: It’s just “Loona”, vikki. And gee whiz, we've been in each other's relative vicinity TWICE, in the last FIFTEEN YEARS! That would make me,THE SHI-!

(As Loona was about to finish her sentence, they suddenly felt a rumble. We then cut back to the fashion show, until a wall was destroyed and it revealed some imps and fish demons with guns. As they move out of the way, a big demon comes out of the smoke and reveals themselves to be a big demon with purple tentacles. He Had black scales while wearing a black leather vest with white symbols of the “envee” symbol on each side. His shoulders had purple mini blades on them, his left arm had a dark purple fin behind his arm and his hand was purple with mini dark purple fins between his fingers. His right hand had a crab-claw with purple on it. He had a gray neck with two purple stripes on it, he had two purple fins attached to the head and neck. He had purple sharp teeth while he was wearing black triangle glasses, he had purple Speaks on his forehead while he had a fishing rod-like on his forehead. This was none other then the wannabe ruler of envy and Lucy's enemy, mark)

Mark: *to everyone* Greetings f*ckers!! I am Mark, you're soon to be ruler! And I want to know, *Demonic* Where is leviathan?!

(As he said that, the floor started to shake. Until smoke appears and shows Lucy in her full demon form. which her whole body was big, she had wings behind her back that were massive, she had 6 eyes and her claws are sharp)

Lucy: *full demon form* What do you want now mark, can't you see there's a show going on here?!

Mark: *grins* I think you know what I'm here for?

Lucy: *full demon form* When will you learn that I'm the true ruler of envy?!

Mark: *grins* Until I, *Demonic voice* GET what I want!!

(As they start to charge at each other, everyone runs to exit. Then blitzø, moxxie and Millie started shooting and fighting the imps and fish demons. As this was happening, Loona and vikki run into the room and were shocked to see what was going on)

Loona: *Shock* What the f*ck is going on?!

Vikki: *sighs* Is mark!

Loona: *confused* “mark”, who's mark?

Vikki: Lucy's enemy, he tries to fight Lucy to rule the envy ring every single damn time!

(As Vikki was talking about Mark, Loona spots a imp pointing their gun at vikki. Until Loona jumps on vikki before the imp could kill her)

Vikki: *sarcastic* Gee, thanks for the help.

Loona: We gotta take cover, follow me!

Vikki: *Annoyed* Oh, I'm not listening to you anymore!

Loona: Look, just follow me! We need to take cover!

Vikki: *Annoyed* really, why should I listen to you After what youdid?

Loona: Are we still talking about that?! Look, I'm sorry, ok?!

Vikki: *Angry* “You're sorry?!” ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

(Then a flashback happens and reveals Loona and Vikki, when they were a couple together)

Vikki: We were a perfect couple when we first met, we promised each other we would marry each other one day!

(We see vikki on her phone, until she spotted a picture of Loona with another female hellHound saying “with my girlfriend at lulu world”)

Vikki: But all that changes when you decide to go out with another girl!

(Then we cut to another scene where we see Loona and Vikki arguing, then we cut to a final scene where we see Loona walking out of the room with vikki crying)

Vikki: And I bet you didn't even care once about me!

(We then cut back to the present, where Loona looks at vikki with tears in her eyes)


(Then Loona turning around to face vikki with tears in her eyes, vikki appears mildly taken aback at Loona's revelation)

Loona: I DID love you, I did!

(One of Mark's imps see's Vikki and Loona and his gun pointed at the two Hellhounds direction, Vikki reacts quickly and pushes Loona to the ground. As they crawl to bar stand, Loona turns to vikki)

Loona: Look, I'm sorry for everything! I, it, I was-! *sighs*

(She looks down with sorrowful sigh)

Loona: It was my fault.

(Vikkistill gives her a look of disapproval)

Vikki: Glad you could admit it. Want amedal?

Loona: Look vikki, I'm sorry…

(Then we cut to the same flashback, we're we see Loona leaving vikki's apartment)

Loona: I am so sorry you got so hurt…

(Then Loona pulls out her phone and sees a picture of her and vikki in bed cuddling, until Loona let's out a tear as she whimpers)

Loona: sorry for what I did, and I... IknowI can never make it right.

(Then we cut present, as we see Loona still talking to Vikki)

Loona: *let's out some tears* I mean, I do hate— SHIIIIIIIIIIT!

(As Loona was about to finish her sentence, the imps and fish demons fire their guns at the two Hellhounds, until they run out of bullets and vikki peeks her head out)

Vikki: *shouts at the imps and fish demons* Trying to have an emotional moment here, dickhe*ds!!

(We then cut back the blitzø, moxxie and Millie as they kept fighting and shooting the imps and fish demons. Then we cut to Lucy and mark still fighting, until they locked hands at each other)

Mark: *grins* You know, once I kill you and become the new ruler. I'm gonna have fun with that hellHound of yours as my personal bitch!~

(Once he said that, Lucy was beyond piss off)

Lucy: *full demon form* YOU STAY THE f*ck AWAY FROM HER!!

(Then Lucy punches mark, casing his glasses to break from it)

Mark: *Angry* You bitch, you know how expensive those glasses were?!

(Then they start fighting again, until we cut to Loona and Vikki. As they try their best to dough the bullets)

Vikki: So, why didn't you try to tell me any of this? Or come see me? Evenoncewould've been fine!

Loona: I tried, but even since you cheated on me. I didn't want to see you ever again!

Vikki: I never cheated on you!

Loona: You didn't?

Vikki: No! Because someone sent me a picture of you cheated on me first!

(Eventually, they both share a look of realization)

Loona/Vikki: *realized* Oooohhh…

(Until they heard the bullets firing at them, until vikki grabs a gun from one of the fish's demon dead bodies and starts shooting at them)

Vikki: Look! Misunderstanding or not, it's hard to just forgive you. It's been 7 months, *shoots three demon fish* and that's so much time... But! *shoots another imp* I guess you didn't really ruin my love life.

Loona: Wait, so, I didn't break your heart when we broke up?

Vikki: I mean, it felt painful...*hits a goon with a knife*and challenging, and y'know*puts her guns down*f*ck YOU STILL, BUT... It's not like I'm broken. And I now have someone who understands me and…

(She then pulls out her gun and shoots more of Mark's goons)

Vikki: HYAH, HYAH, f*ck YOU!

(Then she Grabs another gun from the dead imp and shots every single imp and fish demon she sees)

Vikki: My life has actually been pretty great.

Loona: Yeah, that's lovely. You got a good thing going with lucy, don't ya?

Vikki: Oh yeah, it's been...*blushes*Fantastic...*flustered*UH, CUZ YOU KNOW, IT'S A GREAT GIG! And, hehe, and she's got the LONGEST TONGUE! You know? LIKETHE SLIPPERY AND SLIMYS TONGUE YOU EVER SE-...

Loona: Yeah yeah yeah, I get it, I get it!*puts hand on her shoulder*I'm happy for ya, vikki.

(But their moment was ruined as more imps and fish demons tried to shoot them, but Loona and Vikki shot back at them. We see Lucy and Mark still fighting, until Lucy throws her head at Mark's right arm and chumps it off. As Mark's right arm falls to the floor, mark screams in pain)

Mark: *in pain* f*ck!!

(As he hold his right arm, he looks sees his minions were dead and he narrows his eyelids at Lucy, as he looks at her menacing)

Mark: *narrowing his eyes* You may have won this round Lucy, but sooner or later. *Demonic voice* I WILL BECOME THE NEW RULER!!

(Then mark runs out of the hole he made, leaving Lucy, vikki and the I.M.P crew panting after the fight)

Millie: *panting* Well,..that was something.

(Then Moxxie faints and falls to the floor, then we cut to the outside of the palace to see ambulances and news reporters in front of it after what happened. Then we see Lucy talking to the reporters, until we see Loona talking to Vikki)

Loona: So, I guess that was something none like any other huh?

Vikki: Yeah, I guess it was.

Loona: So, *puts her arm around vikki's shoulder* friends?

Vikki: *starts smiling* friends, *puts her arm around Loona's shoulder*

Loona: Well, I guess I should be going now. See ya *Walks away*

(As Loona was heading towards the van, vikki stops her)

Vikki: Oh, Loona,...

(Loona stops in her tracks and looks at vikki)

Vikki: *smiles* It was nice seeing you again.

Loona: *smiles* Me too, vikki, me too.

(As Loona walks towards the van, she looks at vikki one more time and waves goodbye. Then she enters the van and it drives off. As Vikki see's the van driving away, she pulls out her phone and sees the picture she still had of Loona throwing up. Until she deletes it and it switches to show a picture of Loona and Vikki putting their hands together into making a shape of a heart. As vikki looks at it, she smiles to it)

(The end)

Voice Actors:

Brandon Roger's as Blitzø and Guard 1

Richard steven Horvitz as Moxxie

Vivian Nixon as Millie

Erica Lindbeckas Loona

James Monroe Iglehart as mark

Jinkx Monsoon as Vikki

Rochelle Diamante as leviathan/Lucy

So, be honest with me. What do you think about about this script?

Helluva boss: Leviathan's fashion drama by me and my friend @Inkyosh547 from wattpad | Fandom (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.