Engels - Ali and his camera - Raymond Pizante - Ali and his Camera ISBN 9780582427747 PENGUIN - Studeersnel (2024)

ali and his camera





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Ali and his Camera ISBN 9780582427747 PENGUIN READERS 2160623 Het Drachtster Lyceum Ali and his Camera Raymond Pizante Ali and his Camera ISBN 9780582427747 PENGUIN READERS 2160623 Het Drachtster Lyceum Ali and his Camera Raymond Pizante Ali lives in Istanbul, a big city in Turkey. He lives in an old building near the famous Blue Mosque, After school, Ali comes home and sits at the window. He looks at the boats. They are going out to sea. are you mother asks. taking photos of those Ali says. His mother looks at him and laughs. How can you take photos? You got a know that, Mother! taking photos in my head. I can see the photos Ali shows a place near his eyes. His mother laughs again. talking and go to your she tells him. 1 Ali lives in Istanbul, a big city in Turkey. He lives in an old building near the famous Blue Mosque, After school, Ali comes home and sits at the window. He looks at the boats. They are going out to sea. are you mother asks. taking photos of those Ali says. His mother looks at him and laughs. How can you take photos? You got a know that, Mother! taking photos in my head. I can see the photos Ali shows a place near his eyes. His mother laughs again. talking and go to your she tells him. 1 There is an old market near school. There are small shops in the market. People buy and sell food there. Ali goes there every afternoon after school. He works with a smile. He carries bags for people. People like him and they give him money. He puts it in his pocket. day going to have a lot of Ali says to his mother. I can buy a camera. And then going to take a photo of you in the not in the kitchen! On the balcony, with your his mother says. not on the balcony in my his father says. 3 There is an old market near school. There are small shops in the market. People buy and sell food there. Ali goes there every afternoon after school. He works with a smile. He carries bags for people. People like him and they give him money. He puts it in his pocket. day going to have a lot of Ali says to his mother. I can buy a camera. And then going to take a photo of you in the not in the kitchen! On the balcony, with your his mother says. not on the balcony in my his father says. 3 One afternoon, Ali is carrying a heavy bag for an old man. a man behind the old man says. you know Ali looks at the man behind them. He is big and strong. I know him. He work in the my the old man says. a Ali thinks of the money in his pocket. walk he tells the old man. walk quickly. young, but Suddenly, the big man takes the bag from hand and starts to run away. Ali runs after him. The man hits Ali. Ali falls down, and his money falls out of his pocket. The man puts down the bag. Then he takes money and runs away. One afternoon, Ali is carrying a heavy bag for an old man. a man behind the old man says. you know Ali looks at the man behind them. He is big and strong. I know him. He work in the my the old man says. a Ali thinks of the money in his pocket. walk he tells the old man. walk quickly. young, but Suddenly, the big man takes the bag from hand and starts to run away. Ali runs after him. The man hits Ali. Ali falls down, and his money falls out of his pocket. The man puts down the bag. Then he takes money and runs away. got a camera, Ali says. The old woman looks at him. Then she smiles. right. Take my photo without a camera. But wait. First, going to do my she says. They come to the old street. Ali carries the bags up to her flat. It is a big flat, with a lot of pictures. much money do you the old woman asks. much do you want to give Ali answers. here and she says. She goes into a small room and comes back with a camera in her hand. was my first camera. Take she says. got a camera, Ali says. The old woman looks at him. Then she smiles. right. Take my photo without a camera. But wait. First, going to do my she says. They come to the old street. Ali carries the bags up to her flat. It is a big flat, with a lot of pictures. much money do you the old woman asks. much do you want to give Ali answers. here and she says. She goes into a small room and comes back with a camera in her hand. was my first camera. Take she says. Ali looks at the camera for a long time. He takes it in his hand. Then he gives it back to the old woman. a beautiful camera. I I take he says. She takes hand and puts the camera in it again. son want it. He has a new camera very good to me. How can I thank Ali says. Come again one day and take my photo. A real photo. And some money for take your money. But I can carry your bags from the market again, Ali says. a good boy. Remember my name. Mrs she tells him. course, Mrs Ali says. Ali. Take good photos with my camera. 7 Ali looks at the camera for a long time. He takes it in his hand. Then he gives it back to the old woman. a beautiful camera. I I take he says. She takes hand and puts the camera in it again. son want it. He has a new camera very good to me. How can I thank Ali says. Come again one day and take my photo. A real photo. And some money for take your money. But I can carry your bags from the market again, Ali says. a good boy. Remember my name. Mrs she tells him. course, Mrs Ali says. Ali. Take good photos with my camera. 7 Ali remembers Mrs Yildiz and goes to her flat. She opens the door and sees him. She is very happy. want to take your photo, Mrs Ali says. She takes Ali into the kitchen. A tall man is drinking coffee there. is my son, Yusuf. Take a photo of me with him. Come, Yusuf. Sit here with please, Ali says, and he takes their photo. works for a newspaper. He can teach you about photos, Mrs Yildiz says. Ali looks at Yusuf. you? I want to learn. I want to take good he says. Yusuf looks at Ali and smiles. out and take some photos. Then come to the newspaper and show them to he says. Ali remembers Mrs Yildiz and goes to her flat. She opens the door and sees him. She is very happy. want to take your photo, Mrs Ali says. She takes Ali into the kitchen. A tall man is drinking coffee there. is my son, Yusuf. Take a photo of me with him. Come, Yusuf. Sit here with please, Ali says, and he takes their photo. works for a newspaper. He can teach you about photos, Mrs Yildiz says. Ali looks at Yusuf. you? I want to learn. I want to take good he says. Yusuf looks at Ali and smiles. out and take some photos. Then come to the newspaper and show them to he says. going to take a lot of photos. all in my head Ali says. Ali walks in the streets of Istanbul. Suddenly, the city looks very beautiful. He takes photos of bridges and boats and old mosques. He takes photos of people in the streets and in shops. Then, one day, he goes to see Yusuf at the newspaper. Yusuf looks at the photos. not he says. Ali says. Not bad. Your photos are not of the photos are good, but some of them Yusuf tells Ali. Ali is not happy about this. Suddenly, he says, me my photos, He is angry, but Yusuf does not understand. 10 going to take a lot of photos. all in my head Ali says. Ali walks in the streets of Istanbul. Suddenly, the city looks very beautiful. He takes photos of bridges and boats and old mosques. He takes photos of people in the streets and in shops. Then, one day, he goes to see Yusuf at the newspaper. Yusuf looks at the photos. not he says. Ali says. Not bad. Your photos are not of the photos are good, but some of them Yusuf tells Ali. Ali is not happy about this. Suddenly, he says, me my photos, He is angry, but Yusuf does not understand. 10 at my photos, Ali says. Selim looks at them and then he says, all see with our eyes. But good photographers see things with the eye of the Ali starts to learn. He takes photos of people. He takes photos of doors and windows. and windows are alive, Selim says. Ali sees a lot of young children in the city. They work in shops, or they sell fruit, cold drinks and newspapers in the streets. Ali takes photos of them, too. There are smiles on their faces, but their eyes are not smiling. Ali shows Selim his new photos. you like Selim says. learning. building 12 at my photos, Ali says. Selim looks at them and then he says, all see with our eyes. But good photographers see things with the eye of the Ali starts to learn. He takes photos of people. He takes photos of doors and windows. and windows are alive, Selim says. Ali sees a lot of young children in the city. They work in shops, or they sell fruit, cold drinks and newspapers in the streets. Ali takes photos of them, too. There are smiles on their faces, but their eyes are not smiling. Ali shows Selim his new photos. you like Selim says. learning. building 12 can I sell my photos to a Ali asks. Selim answers. Ali works at the market after school. He always wants money for film. He takes photos of the people at the market, too. Early one Saturday morning, he sees some young children on a bridge. They have big, unhappy eyes and they are fishing. Ali takes a photo of them. He goes to flat, in the old city, and he shows Selim the photo of the children on the bridge. Selim looks at it for a long time. he says. learning can I sell my photos to a Ali asks. Selim answers. Ali works at the market after school. He always wants money for film. He takes photos of the people at the market, too. Early one Saturday morning, he sees some young children on a bridge. They have big, unhappy eyes and they are fishing. Ali takes a photo of them. He goes to flat, in the old city, and he shows Selim the photo of the children on the bridge. Selim looks at it for a long time. he says. learning in the he tells him. here it Selim says, and he shows Ali the newspaper. understand! How ? Who Selim is smiling. was you! You showed my photo to Selim smiles again. Then he says, you stop Ali says. is a very important day for Ali understand. Why is tomorrow newspaper has a job for a young Selim tells him. person is going to learn about photography. And that young person is you. going to start your new job They laugh and laugh. in the he tells him. here it Selim says, and he shows Ali the newspaper. understand! How ? Who Selim is smiling. was you! You showed my photo to Selim smiles again. Then he says, you stop Ali says. is a very important day for Ali understand. Why is tomorrow newspaper has a job for a young Selim tells him. person is going to learn about photography. And that young person is you. going to start your new job They laugh and laugh. ACTIVITIES Pages Before you read 1 What do you know about Turkey? How many towns can you name? How many buildings? Can you name a famous river? 2 Look at the Word List at the back of the book and talk about these questions. a Which of these do you have in your town? Where are they? a bridge a market a mosque a statue b Which of these you buy in a shop? a camera a city a fish vegetables C What you do with a bag? carry it sell it show it tell it While you read 3 Who is talking or thinking? a can you take photos? You got a camera. b got any money for cameras. C going to work in the d my bag! Perhaps a thief. e can take a photo of you and f was my first camera. Take After you read 4 Work with a friend. Student A: You are friend. He has a new camera. Ask him about it. Student B: You are your questions. 5 What is Ali going to do with his camera? 16 ACTIVITIES Pages Before you read 1 What do you know about Turkey? How many towns can you name? How many buildings? Can you name a famous river? 2 Look at the Word List at the back of the book and talk about these questions. a Which of these do you have in your town? Where are they? a bridge a market a mosque a statue b Which of these you buy in a shop? a camera a city a fish vegetables C What you do with a bag? carry it sell it show it tell it While you read 3 Who is talking or thinking? a can you take photos? You got a camera. b got any money for cameras. C going to work in the d my bag! Perhaps a thief. e can take a photo of you and f was my first camera. Take After you read 4 Work with a friend. Student A: You are friend. He has a new camera. Ask him about it. Student B: You are your questions. 5 What is Ali going to do with his camera? 16 WORD LIST with example sentences alive (adj) Two of the men in the car were dead, but one was alive. balcony (n) We can walk from our bedroom onto a big balcony. bridge (n) There are two bridges across the river. One is for cars and one is for trains. camera (n) I want to take a picture of that building. Have you got a camera? carry (v) Is your bag heavy? Can I carry it for you? city (n) We live in a small town, but we like visiting big cities on holiday. fish I am going to catch some fish, and we can eat them this evening. laugh (v) She never stops laughing. She is a very happy child. learn (v) We are learning English because we want to visit London. market (n) I buy fruit from a shop because there is a market every Saturday in my town. mosque (n) Istanbul has a lot of famous mosques. I visited Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque. pocket (n) Have you got any money in your coat pocket? real (adj) He a real friend. He wants your money. sell (v) We want to sell our house and move to a small flat. show (v) Is that a new dress in your bag? Show me! statue (n) There are statues of famous people in the gardens. tell (v) They tell interesting stories about their years in India. thief (n) Thieves are taking bags from trains at night. vegetable (n) I only eat fruit and vegetables, because I want to eat dead animals. without (prep) They are buying a house without a garden. WORD LIST with example sentences alive (adj) Two of the men in the car were dead, but one was alive. balcony (n) We can walk from our bedroom onto a big balcony. bridge (n) There are two bridges across the river. One is for cars and one is for trains. camera (n) I want to take a picture of that building. Have you got a camera? carry (v) Is your bag heavy? Can I carry it for you? city (n) We live in a small town, but we like visiting big cities on holiday. fish I am going to catch some fish, and we can eat them this evening. laugh (v) She never stops laughing. She is a very happy child. learn (v) We are learning English because we want to visit London. market (n) I buy fruit from a shop because there is a market every Saturday in my town. mosque (n) Istanbul has a lot of famous mosques. I visited Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque. pocket (n) Have you got any money in your coat pocket? real (adj) He a real friend. He wants your money. sell (v) We want to sell our house and move to a small flat. show (v) Is that a new dress in your bag? Show me! statue (n) There are statues of famous people in the gardens. tell (v) They tell interesting stories about their years in India. thief (n) Thieves are taking bags from trains at night. vegetable (n) I only eat fruit and vegetables, because I want to eat dead animals. without (prep) They are buying a house without a garden. LEVE Ali and his Camera Ali wants to take photos of people and places in Istanbul, but he has a big problem. He got a camera. How can he get one? Penguin Readers are simplified texts which provide a approach to the joys of reading for pleasure. Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter Easystarts 200 headwords Level I 300 headwords Beginner Level 2 600 headwords Elementary Level 3 1200 headwords Level 4 1700 headwords Intermediate Level 5 2300 headwords Level 6 headwords Advanced Original British English Number of words (excluding activities): 1,881 Cover illustration Chris Molan Audio CD pack also available PEARS Longm ISBN 9 LEVE Ali and his Camera Ali wants to take photos of people and places in Istanbul, but he has a big problem. He got a camera. How can he get one? Penguin Readers are simplified texts which provide a approach to the joys of reading for pleasure. Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter Easystarts 200 headwords Level I 300 headwords Beginner Level 2 600 headwords Elementary Level 3 1200 headwords Level 4 1700 headwords Intermediate Level 5 2300 headwords Level 6 headwords Advanced Original British English Number of words (excluding activities): 1,881 Cover illustration Chris Molan Audio CD pack also available PEARS Longm ISBN 9

Engels - Ali and his camera - Raymond Pizante - Ali and his Camera ISBN 9780582427747 PENGUIN - Studeersnel (2024)
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