(Discontiued) Cover Corp: A Tired Guard of Idols (Hololive SI) (2024)

Stepping out of the bathroom, I found myself utterly disoriented. The reflection in the mirror bore my likeness but with some major difference to states simply wasn't me. The world seemed to twirl without end, lights blurring into extended trails, and forms began to warp.

As I slumped against, the hallway wall, my back scraping the paint as I slid to the floor. The atmosphere in the apartment was bland and new; it felt suffocating sitting here without anything that belonged to me or anyone I knew.

Pressed against the wall, the stark reality of my situation struck me repeatedly. I had died, only to find myself in another's body. Whoever this as a person had their own aspirations, their loved ones, and now, it seemed they had been wiped out by my very existence. The guilt of inhabiting this body without their original soul felt like an anchor on me.

Was I nothing but a parasite?

"Oh God, did I kill someone?" I whispered into the emptiness. My breath became heavy, and the sharp pain in my head intensified. The mere thought of having accidentally taken a life sent my hands trembling. I felt the urge to vomit, but my stomach was empty, leaving me gasping for air. My mind raced, seeking any explanation for this situation, trying to come to terms with it. It couldn't be my fault, could it?

The name R.O.G. echoed in my mind, a cryptic enigma that offered no solace. What kind of God had borne such a boring name? Who would expect someone named R.O.G. to have the power to alter reality? And why, out of everyone, was I chosen to be resurrected?

The message was vague, plunging me into a sea of questions about the alternate universe I seemed to have entered. The reference to Japan only worsened the confusion.

Was this even Japan back home or a different one from fiction?

That thought was unsettling, stoking the fires burning in my brain. If my fate was somehow tied to the media I consumed, I was screwed. The last thing I remembered reading was a chapter of JJK, a world fraught with danger and misery from supernatural threats. The thought of facing curses and monstrous beings like Ryomen Sukuna filled me with fear due to their sheer power that could stomp me like a summer ant.
In the midst of my mind's turmoil and discomfort, a sudden realization hits me.

"Shoot, I probably need to eat..."
as the subtle rumbling of my stomach echoes. This gentle growl brings me back to reality, reminding me of my body's basic needs.

Slowly rising, I shuffled back to the kitchen where that infuriating letter was still on the counter, mocking me. I rummaged through the white cabinets looking for something to distract myself, but there wasn't even a single crumb. I looked in the fridge, only to find it bare. It seems the owner of this place doesn't believe in stocking up, as there wasn't a drink in sight just empty shelves. It's as if this place has been cleared out, leaving nothing but the bare traces of what once was.

With a heavy sigh, I shut the fridge and turned back toward the counter, my stomach growling louder by the second. I didn't want to venture out, especially not knowing if I had anything to use as a weapon should things become dicey.

Maybe they have some money hidden in this apartment

Standing in the kitchen, I pondered my next step. A sense of discomfort washed over me as the apartment's emptiness echoed the gaps in my memory, leaving me lost in a fog of doubt. That same pain returned, and this time it was more intense.


A voice echoed in my mind, compelling me as if on autopilot, and I found myself moving towards an adjacent room. Despite my efforts to resist or halt, I continued forward, mechanically pushing through the white door.

The bedroom was dimly lit, with curtains filtering out most of the sunlight. The bed was neatly made, appearing pristine and undisturbed. Beside it stood a small wooden cabinet. "Wait, there might be some money in there." I spoke to air.

My heart raced with a mix of nerves and curiosity as I approached the wooden cabinet. Its cool, smooth surface felt reassuring under my fingers. Hesitation washed over me as I pondered the decision to open it.

Taking a deep breath, I took hold of the handle and tugged the cabinet door open, unveiling a small, concealed compartment. Nestled within was an aged wallet, with a key securely attached to it.


"Fine, I'll take it. Are you happy now?" I grumbled, a mix of annoyance and resignation in my voice as I retrieved the wallet from its hiding place. The leather was worn and appeared as if it was about to tear itself apart. I opened it to find a few Yen bills, neatly folded, and a driver's license. The photo showed a face that wasn't mine, and the name was Michael Walker. That's my name, but it wasn't me person in the picture?

The letter's claims seemed to be reality. The sudden understanding of Kanji, the wallet, the key, and now this license all signs pointed to a reality I couldn't deny.

"I'm too hungry to deal with this," I grumbled to the persistent voice in my head, almost waiting for an answer. I crammed my wallet and keys into my sweat pocket and left the bedroom.

Either way, I screwed

Here I am gazing at the apartment, uncertain if danger awaited me the moment I stepped out. Taking a deep breath, I faced the door. Still debating about my next actions.

"Well, this is it I 'd rather eat something before I die again" I said under my breath, unlocking the door and bracing myself for the unknown horrors that might be waiting.

Okay so the letter was accurate about a few things. Firstly, I was indeed in Japan; as I stepped into the apartment, I was greeted by the unfamiliar sight of narrow, cramped streets. Various signs were inscribed in Kanji and Japanese lettering.

"So this is not New York," I muttered, meandering down an unfamiliar path. I racked my brain for where I might find affordable eats, and the second thing was definitely not my world. Venturing down an unfamiliar path, I found myself among a diverse group of Japanese people sporting hair colors that didn't seem possible. Among them were beings that could only be described as 'demi-humans.'

They bore a resemblance to humans but with distinct animal-like traits. It was subtle yet unmistakable, with animal ears and tails that caught the eye. As I wandered, each passing figure only deepened my confusion, doing nothing to aid my attempt at pinpointing the fictional universe I'd stumbled into.

"It can't be Jujutsu Kaisen? That world doesn't feature animal-eared characters or curses. My Hero Academia or Beastars, perhaps? But no, quirks in MHA would mean more outlandish looks, and Beastars is off the table since its characters never took on human forms alongside actual humans..."

The second thing was, no matter what, I couldn't pinpoint where I was. Every franchise I thought of just didn't match my surroundings, whether it was the modern Japanese architectural style or the mix of familiar and unfamiliar brands and products. Holding up a soda can with a purple color and looking at the label.

"The hell is a Dr. Oopsie?" This drew a few confused or annoyed glances from passersby, probably wondering if I was a bum or had just escaped from a ward.

I kinda what to try it

Looking around for any possible clues a beacon of hope appears. A familiar sign from home, decked out in the unmistakable yellow, green, and red. Guess no matter that no matter the universe, you can always count on finding a 7-Eleven.

Rushing toward the 7- Eleven like there was not tomorrow leaving that Dr. Oopsie behind inching so closer to those glass doors.

"Your total comes to ¥1,539," the cashier announced, awaiting my payment. I hesitated, a sudden rush of nostalgia hitting me, reminiscent of my college days with the starter pack of instant noodles and water bottles in hand, enough push through two weeks.

Reaching into my wallet with shaky hands and pulled out the crumpled bills. As I handed them over, I caught a fleeting look of concern across the cashier's face while they inspected the faded currency.

"Thank you. May I ask you something?" the cashier said politely, handing back my change along with a branded bag containing my purchases.

"Of course, go ahead," I replied, intrigued by this world and hoping the cashier would share more information.

"Are you heading to the Hololive Performance in Chiba?" they inquired.

I was surprised by the mention of a 'Hololive Performance.' It sounded like it could be related to VR gaming, or perhaps it was a local event. It wouldn't hurt to ask for more details.

"Sorry, I don't know what that is. Can you tell me about this Hololive thing?" I inquired, maintaining a casual tone despite the whole being reborn still kind of screwing with my mind and the random voices.

The cashier seemed dumbfounded aback by my question like I was a speaking nonsense before quickly composed themselves and answering my question.

"Hololive is a renowned virtual idol agency that features talents engaging in different activities, including live streaming and performances. They have gained immense popularity not just in Japan, but globally among international audiences as well."

"What does this have to do with me?" I responded.

"Well, we had a lot of people seeking snacks for the concert, particularly foreigners visiting for the event, and I thought you were one of them getting ready for the performance " The cashier replied innocently.

"No, I'm just here to pick up a light snack, that's all. Have a good evening," I replied, picking up my plastic bag.

Leaving the store, I pondered over Hololive. I thought they were a company known for those V-tuber things. I never really grasped the appeal from the few clips I've seen. It was somewhat strange that the cashier didn't mention V-tubers; could that be another difference?

"You know what? I should just enjoy my chips in peace." As I struggled with the plastic bag to access my snack, the persistent feeling of unease lingered in the back of my mind.

I wonder how everyone is managing without me?

Walking down the street, munching on my chips, my thoughts inevitably turned to the loved ones I had left behind. Would they preserve my body? How would they break the news of my death to little Nicole? And how did my sister and my parents cope with my passing?

Must be nice not having to deal with your death.

Here I am, munching on chips, observing others as they go about their daily routines. They seem so carefree and free, able to visit their loved ones, while I'm trapped in a different world, abandoned like garbage by someone who didn't care, left alone.

I could feel the heat from of rage being abandoned to die was cooking my inside. I was torn, unsure whether to blame myself, the driver, or R.O.B. The unfairness of being torn from my life and cast into this strange new reality was eating away at me, stoking a deepening anger.

Maybe it was really just my fault I died for being reckless. I miss them so much.

Absorbed in my thoughts, I failed to notice the figure speeding towards me like a gray rocket. In an instant, the figure crashed into me, sending me tumbling and my chips and soup flying across the sidewalk. As the hooded figure stumbled backward. Now this is it I could take random voice but running my snack time that was new low.

"Hey! What the f*ck? You made me drop my chips!" I bellowed at the figure, then began to take in her appearance
She was a girl with a gray hood pulled over her cap, braids of purple hair with a subtle streak of blue, giving her a slight resemblance to an onion, and a navy-blue cap featuring a stark white anchor emblem. She was panting as if she'd been running for her life.

Something felt off but before I could utter a word..

"Sorry!" she squeaked, darting into a nearby alleyway. Not far from her, another hooded figure dashed after her, but he seemed off. It seemed time slowed down as he ran. My eyes wandered down to his pocket and caught a wooden handle connecting to something shiny.

'Oh God, that was a knife..' A chill was sent through my spine at the mere thought. It was probably a stalker situation, or someone was about to die instantly. Panic shot through my body. My brainstorming with any possible situation.

'Damn, should I call the police?' But then I realized I only had my wallet and no phone and waiting meant they'd be too late. I was unsure of what to do. If I waited even for a sec that girl would be a goner.

But I didn't want to die or go through pain again. ' I could walk away and let this be someone else's problem...'

No! What the hell was I thinking? That girl had a life and loved ones, just like me. If she were to die, she'd face the same sh*t I'm experiencing. I may have died alone, but that doesn't excuse letting someone else die just because of my bitterness when I have the chance to protect someone and prevent them from suffering like I did.

Discarding the remains of chips and a plastic bag on the sidewalk, I rushed into the alleyway, a mix of fear, anger, and adrenaline driving me, hoping I was fast enough to catch up.

I could make out the shape of a guy with the knife over the onion girl. Her voice rang out in the alleyway as I was there behind the guy.

"Please... leave me... alone!" The girl with purple hair could barely speak as she shook like a leaf in the wind against a rusty dumpster. As the guy kept walking toward her knife in hand and spoke "Come on? I just wanted a little feel from you..."

The girl's voice trembled with fear as she pleaded with the hooded figure, her words barely audible over the thudding footsteps of her pursuer. Witnessing her distress ignited a surge of anger within me, propelling me to intervene.

"Hey, sh*thead!" I called out, my voice cutting through the tense atmosphere of the alley. The hooded figure turned towards me, a mixture of confusion and irritation clouding his features as he registered my presence. His grip on the knife tightened, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"What did you say, Gaijin?!" he growled, his voice dripping with hostility as he took a menacing step towards me. Refusing to yield, I stood my ground despite the fear pulsing through my veins.

"I called you sh*thead," I reiterated, my voice steady with resolve. But God that blade looked sharp.

"Can't pick anyone up without resorting to a knife? That's pretty sad. Here I thought I was the pathetic one, but you seem even more messed up than me."

The hooded figure's sneer deepened, his gaze flicking between me and the cowering girl before shifting toward me "Do you have a death wish? Leave before I make you regret it," he spat, brandishing the knife threateningly as he advanced towards me. As he closed the gap between us, relief surged through me, knowing he had shifted his focus from the girl, allowing her a chance to flee.

'Good, he's concentrating on me now; the girl might manage to escape. Whatever power give me some random blessing out of this situation'

"Oh, please, as if I didn't just die not even a day ago" I shot back, my voice thick with defiance, readying myself to face the hooded figure.
Surprised by my bold retort, the hooded figure paused, his eyes widening, momentarily stopping him in his tracks.

"Trying to be funny now?" he mocked, tightening his hold on the knife as he collected himself and resumed his threatening advance.

The girl with the purple hair looked on, holding her breath, as the tension in the alleyway soared to its peak. His smirk morphed into a sinister smile as he approached, his steps deliberate and sharp like a wolf eyeing it prey.

"You really think you can stop me on?" he taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. "You're just a stupid gaijin who's about to learn a painful lesson." With a sudden lunge, he aimed the knife towards me.

He was quick as I barely dodge the first swipe of the knife, feeling the rush of air as it sliced through the space where my head had just been. Adrenaline surged through my veins, heightening my senses and sharpening my movement.

But there was one thing he missed. He had left his chest open with a swift step forward. "I am going to die here. I am bringing you down to hell with me mophead!" I roared out as I launched a left-handed punch toward his chest with whatever force and rage, I had left in my body.

The impact of my blow was jarring, sending a shockwave of pain reverberating through my arm as it connected with his body. Guess I had the wrong stance.

God, this is why I don't fight?

While clutching my left arm to see if it just how badly I damage it. The punch might have hurt me, but the hooded figure got the worst of it, reeling back as though he'd been drunk. As he staggered, the knife slipped from his loosening grip and hit the ground with a clatter. A look of shock and agony twisted his face, and he gasped for air, trying desperately to find his footing.

Now, I seized the opportunity to step forward, my adrenaline-fueled determination overriding the ache in my arm. With a surge of energy, I grabbed the hooded figure by the collar, my grip firm and unyielding.

"You listen to me now," I growled, my voice low and intense, locking eyes with him as I held him in place. "You think it's fine screwing with people's lives? You're nothing but a parasite, preying on others to feel powerful. Well, guess what? I hate bastards like that..."

The hooded figure's eyes widened in disbelief, wriggling like a fish in my grasp. Fear flashed across his face as he continued to thrash and plead.

"Please, don't hurt me," he pleaded, his voice trembling with fear as he pleaded for mercy. "I-I was just messing around, I swear! I won't bother anyone again, just let me go!" His words fell on deaf ears as I tightened my grip, my resolve unwavering as I stared at him down. "What the issue? You said you going to kill me. Guess you don't have the bark to stick to your own words. Get out of my sight before I bury you."

The sight of him filled me with disgust. His selfish actions, driven by desire not caring of the harm caused, reminded me of the driver responsible for my death, leaving a sour taste in my mouth. With a shove, I pushed the hooded figure away, causing him to stumble back and struggle to find his balance. He didn't say a word as he turned and disappeared into the crowd outside the alley.

I inhaled deeply, attempting to calm myself with the thought that the danger had passed. Adrenaline coursed through me, and my left arm throbbed where I had been hit. The feeling of panic persisted but it didn't matter.

Got to help the onion first then deal with almost dying again

The girl was what mattered. As I neared, I noticed her crouched and trembling against the dumpster, her purple hair a stark contrast. Her eyes, also purple, flicked about in panic, her breathing was uneven, and she held her chest tightly.

"Hey, just relax and follow my lead. Breathe in and out slowly," I murmured softly, offering reassurance as I knelt beside her. "You're safe now. That guy can't harm you anymore."

She gave a shaky nod, trying to steady her breaths as she gazed at me, her eyes reflecting both relief and astonishment. "Th-thank you," she breathed out, her gratitude faint but clear amidst her labored breathing.

As I helped her to her feet, the girl's legs wobbled, but she managed to stand with my support. Her purple eyes met mine, filled with a mix of gratitude and curiosity. "What's your name?" she asked, her voice still shaky but tinged with curiosity.

I paused, unsure of how much to reveal. Wait isn't thing to started with your last name in Japan.

"The name's Walker Michael," I replied, giving her a reassuring smile. "And you?"

"Uhm, my name is Minato Aqua," she said shyly, almost bracing herself for a reaction.

"Well, Aqua, it's nice to meet you. Are you okay? Do you need to find a safe place?" I asked, checking for injuries but only noticing a stain on her gray hoodie. She looked surprised by my concern. "Wait, you don't know who I am?"

"No should I?" I responded, clearly confused. "We've just met in this alley. Are you famous or something? I don't understand why I should know you." Her expression shifted from confusion to realization. "Oh, yes, I mean, no. I just thought... Never mind. Thanks for your help, Walker-san. I'm fine."

"Do you want me to hail a cab for you?" I offered, sensing her discomfort.

"That might be wise. It's not safe here, especially after what happened," I suggested, eyeing the dim alley, still tense from the earlier altercation.
Aqua nodded, her voice a soft whisper. "Yes, that would be great, thank you."

"Do you have a number for a cab service? I don't have my phone, but I can try to flag one down," I said, a bit embarrassed. I had forgotten I didn't have my phone. As we stepped out of the alley and walked towards the curb, Aqua seem to become a status

"Actually, I have a contract. I'll call them," she said, taking out her phone and dialing. I was on guard duty as she made the call, a weird feeling of déjà vu about her washing over me. "It's probably nothing. Just the hunger and fatigue talking," I told myself, keeping an eye out for any sign of a car or movement when a black sedan rolled up.

"Hey is that your ride?" I inquired, snapping her back to reality. Aqua gave a relieved nod. "Yes, that's my ride. Thanks again, Walker-san," she replied with a slight smile. I smiled back, relieved to see her safe. "No worries, Aqua. Just stay safe, okay?"

Aqua moved towards the car, paused, and looked back at me, her purple eyes meeting mine, filled with thanks. "I will. Thanks, Walker-san," she said softly before she climbed into the car. I remained there lost, watching the sedan fade into the sunset the persistent feeling of familiarity lingering.

Just who was Minato Aqua, and why did her name ring a bell?

I was about to dive back into my delicious chips when I realized I was just clutching at air.

"Wait, where did it go? That was all my food!" I cried surveying the streets for any sign of my vanished bag. The street had emptied out with the approach of dusk, yet there was no sight of my snacks or the plastic bag. With a resigned sigh, I came to terms with the loss of my chips and soup.

"Fine, I'm just going to head back. It's been a long first day." I mumbled, heading vaguely towards my apartment. Cursing this R.O.B for not blessing me with my family and my now orphaned bag of chips.

Little did I know that the encounter in the alleyway would change my life and put me in the crosshair of a certain talent agency.​

AN: Hope you enjoy this chapter getting into the plot. Not the easiest writing fight scenes but trying and putting in some key plot point. If you would like to see anything in this story comment it below. There might be 2-week delay with the next chapter due to life stuff and being away.

(Discontiued) Cover Corp:  A Tired Guard of Idols (Hololive SI) (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.