Curtis and Nancy Sliwa's Animal Rescue Hour | 06-25-2023 (2024)

Curtis and Nancy Sliwa's Animal Rescue Hour | 06-25-2023 (1)

Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Animal Rescue Hour

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Curtis and Nancy Sliwas Animal Rescue Hour | 06-25-2023


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Tonight on the Curtis & Nancy Sliwa’s Animal Rescue Hour: Curtis and Nancy talk about the kittens Nancy helped deliver, the dog that was stabbed and died in Central Park, pigs invading the U.S. from Canada, and much more.

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Curtis and Nancy Sliwa's Animal Rescue Hour |  06-25-2023 (2024)


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COLUMBIA, S.C. - South Carolina authorities said they have arrested the CEO of a local animal rescue non-profit after they found multiple dogs and cats dead inside her home. Richland County deputies said Caroline Dawn Pennington, 47, was arrested after she turned herself in this month.

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Nancy Sliwa (Republican Party) ran for election to the New York City Council to represent District 6. She lost in the general election on November 2, 2021.

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Hilarie Grey - Chief Executive Officer - The Animal Foundation | LinkedIn.

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Actress Kaley Cuoco is ready to talk animals—rescued ones, to be exact. Among the menagerie at her ranch in Thousand Oaks, northwest of Los Angeles, are horses, donkeys, chickens, goats, cows and pigs.

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In late August 2023, Sliwa, along with four other organizers, were arrested after an anti-illegal immigration rally outside Gracie Mansion.

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Guardian Angels

At that time she was married to its founder, Curtis Sliwa; was known as Lisa Sliwa; and worked as a model with Elite Model Management in New York City and Paris. With Sliwa, she co-hosted a talk radio show on WABC-AM in New York City that ended shortly before their divorce.

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Personal life. Katz was in a relationship with Curtis Sliwa, the founder of the Guardian Angels, and separated from him in 2014; they have two children together, conceived in vitro over the previous five years.

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Matt Bershadker, ASPCA President & CEO

Throughout his leadership, Matt has set the strategy for the organization and overseen the development and execution of innovative programs that impact thousands of lives and drive compassionate systemic change for animals in need.

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Tom Snyder, CEO of Animal Samaritans

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The ASPCA, the first humane society in North America and today one of the largest humane societies in the world, was founded by Henry Bergh and incorporated in 1866 by a special act of the New York State Legislature.

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Arturo "Art" Munoz Jr.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.