Corpus Christi Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)

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Bandar July 22 194S THE CORPUS CHRIST1 CALLER-TIMES Deaths Pacific i Once-Swank Hotel Wlierc Nazis Strutted Now Jail for 52 of Former Big Wigs Biggest Mud Transfusion 9 Called Aid to Valley Crops McALLEX (Sp) The biggest Rio Grande Valley orchard and farm lands have had in months is coming to an end It started with arrival of a major rise on the Rio Grande nearly two weeks ago bringing enough water to heavily irrigate the Valley for the first time in two months The transfusion came about because of the heavy flow of silt in the river Opinion of LULAC Supreme Council Meets in Laredo Today LAREDO July 12 WV-The Supreme Council of the League of United Latin American Citizens will hold its first meeting under the administration of President Gen Amulfo Zamora of Laredo here tomorrow The council will act on adopted by the LULACs at the Corpus Christi convention in June particularly those with reference to aid to be givp to returning servicemen Following the meeting he Laredo council will host at a luncheon for officers including: William Flores El Paso past president general: Joe Garza Corpus Christi organizer general governor of Poland who maia an unsuccessful ruicide attenrpt before arriving here is suspected of being emotionally unstable Several times when he has ieee ill he has called 'or a priest buf waved him away when he re gained his vigor E3 Ha IS 0 Admiral Doenitz and several others refused to eat with him saying they considered him worst criminal fixed said Col Andrus told them the Wehrmacht and navy no longer existed that even their state no longer existed and that they would eat with anybody 1 chose place at their There is no abrupt cleverage in ranks of the high Nazi held here sucli as there is at the prison camp in Wiesbaden but certain individuals are held in contempt by their colleagues Capt Biddle said Dr Robert je Biddle said is snubbed by most of the internees Dr Hans Frank former Nazi growers was divided over the benefits of the silt but all screed that it could not harm their groves or lields Tre river which flowed 14000 feet of water a second last weeK-end the Rio Grande City gauging station has now fallen to 6000 second feet and is expected to continue declining have never seen so much silt in the Rio Grande's said Conrad Roitsch veteran McAllen orchard manager believe it will be good for 'he Valley's crops because it is new George Schulz soil chemist here said the amount of silt deposited by two weeks of irrigation would be light compared win what a flood lays down in a region as large as the Valley Voicing the opinion of the average citrus grower Elmer Linnard of McAllen said mud and silt in the water may make little difference in themselves the water is muddy it hasn't spent time moving from where it fell as ram to here it is used for That means it han't had much lime to dissolve salts ar-i other haimlil minerals The silt v-iiely doe no harm and may egetable trailer With it that will be Theie was no debate over the si: All faineis noted its in unusual amounts during the current rise What I hey are wor- Big Three (Continued from Page 1) observers believed his remarks served to underline the intention of the United States government to keep the general welfare of all people an objective in its international negotiations Correspondents saw the variance in the press customs of Washington London and Moscow delineated by the way information came out of Potsdam during the week There has been no news release solely on the initiative of the Soviet delegation The only British release of wide interest was given out 36 hours late concerning the dinner which Churchill and Stalin had without any other official guests American releases averaged two daily and today departed from a mere recording of social engagements to give the progress report on the conference itself in vague but heartening terms Cliurrh Services A quiet Sunday morning was in store for the American delegation with the President planning to attend religious services lt Col Lawrence Nelson of Columbus (in Baptist minister and divisional chaplain of the Second Armoied Division was to deliver the message The chaplain of the rying about is that the river will BTlh Armored regiment Capt fail back to its low markes of Northern Jr also a Baptist was CHECKED IN 7 DATS WITH Liauio tar malarial IVMRIOMI TAKE ONLf niRtCUQ WALGREEVS and DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Qni carnal (Continued from Page 1) viding tacit confirmation that its air lurce was powerless to halt the assaults Attacks on Tokyo Despite bad weather a number of strikes were made by MacAr-thur's planes along the China coast Night patrol bombers raked installations in the Pescadores Islands between Formosa and China Search planes of the Seventh fleet blockading the China coast attacked an enemy troop concentration near Swatow and sank three cargo vessels Other planes hit highways in IndO' China and the Kuanlan shipyards on Malaya shooting down a Japanese plane in the latter sweep MacArthur also announced that six Japanese ships were sunk and at least 30 damaged by wide-ranging planes blockading enemy shipping in the Southwest Pacific and South China Sea Gains en Borneo On Borneo MacArthur listed Japanese losses at 4306 killed and 441 captured while the Allies lost 386 killed 12 missing and 1351 wounded In land operations oil Borneo Dutch troops smashed another mile and a half north of the captured Sam bod a oil field center to take the village of Cam-bodja The drive was supported by swarms of Australian planes which hit motor transport barracks and fuel dumps in the area inland from Balikpapan The enemy acknowledged that the 45-day round-the-clock raids had inflicted considerable on the Japanese people who now are in a state of constant alarm "inasmuch as the surprise bombings these days are carried out with suddenness the shock sustained in the minds of the people is not Tokyo radio said in a domestic broadcast the psychological effect brought about by them is surprisingly strong we must be absolutely The enemy complained that "the tactics of the raiding enemy planes have become so complicated that they cannot be anticipated from experience or the common sense gained so far" Lt Gen Reikichi Tada presi dent of the Japanese board of technology admitted that Japan was not able "to grapple with the fleet-footed enemy on the vast To recompense for this serious defect Tada said the Japanese must rely on their new special suicide adapted for use "on our narrow State Papers (Continued from Face 1) Morgan and representatives of Lee Iliggison Co felt that France and Britain were trying to push the United States out of the market and saw no reason to block the deal It had been widely predicted that German policy following the Reich's recent defeat will be based on pleas for sympathy combined with efforts to get around antiaggression controls The 1930 pa' pen show actual operation of just such stumbling blocks in the path of those who tried once before to destroy German war potential and plans Germany was expounding a desire for international peace but stressing German armed equality with the rest of Europe as an important basis cf that peace Complaint Registered While Hitler three years from power ranted about tearing up treaties the German ambassador in Washington complained about military inferiority imposed by the Treaty of Versailles At that time he get to the point of demanding revision of the Versailles arms clauses however He took the stick by the other end and pressed for disarmament by everyone else stating that policy was "equality through A State Department release described American relations with other countries in 1930 as "cordial and little marred by tension or One of the world's highest waterfalls 2000 feet is at Ku-kenaam British Guiana Niagara is 167 feet high World Food (Crntinied from Page 1) matters He said that beginning Tuesday the Senate will meet at 11 a (EWT) an hour earlier than usual tb expedite consideration The debate on the food organization was strictly among the Republicans Senator Austin (R-Vt) assumed the job At steering the resolution to pasage Senate Democrats sal back and left the whole discussion to the Republicans Reverccmb said he was troubled by a report made by the Hot Springs conference which he said included the suggestion that an international organization have power to recommend of If the United Stales is going into the organization he declared it should lie with the understanding that this country surrenders none of its freedoms Republicans Head Debate Austin said the resolution accepts no obligation except contributing to the fund Senator Willis expressed concern over a provision in the organization's constitution for an "approDriate international io settle any disputes over interpretation of the constitution we not by that committing ourselves further than is Willis asked Austin said he did not think sc a country is so nationalistic that it will not agree to submit its interpretation of an issue to an international body why that is what leads to the Vermonter said Joseph Colton Not Injured As Car Train Hit Joseph Cotton 45 escaped serious injury at 7:50 last night when his automobile was struck by a Missouri Pacific Lines switch engine at a railway crossing in the 2100 block of Buffalo Street Cotton an operator at the Texas Drive-In Theatre was taken in a Murray-Jackson ambulance to Memorial Hospital for x-rays of his left arm and side He was released later and was taken to his residence 701 North Water Street Cotton was driving west on Buffalo in a 1941 Chevrolet sedan when he was struck by the engine which was proceeding northward Cotton told police he was traveling about 15 miles per hour when he was struck and that he did not hear a bell He said he heard the whistle just as the train struck him The car was carried about 20 feet down the track The lert side was crushed and the door on that side torn off William A Starr who was In charge of the train said that the train was traveling about five miles an hour across the street at the time it struck the car Congratulations To Cpl and Mrs Douglas Harper of Marysville Calif on the birth of a daughter July 12 Harper now stationed in India was employed by the Water and Gas Dept here before entering the Army To Mr and Mrs Ludwir Hrr-mis of Chapman Ranch on the birth of a girl yesterday at Memorial Hospital AI Kroidenweis PHARR (Sp) Funeral services for Edward Kreidenweis 55 a pioneer water district employee here who came to the Valley in 1910 were conducted yesterday at McAllen by the Rev Clark with burial in the McAllen cemetery He died at his home early this week Survivors include his wife Mildred of Pharr a daughter Mrs Kathryn Chaney of Pharr a son Owen Kreidenweis with the Navy at Norfolk Va: his mother Mrs Katherine Kreidenweis of Pharr six sisters and two brothers Robert Lee George SINTON Robert Lee George 79 retired railroad conductor died here at his home early Saturday morning following a lengthy illness A native of Kentucky George had lived in St Louis many years before coming to Sin ton 35 years ago He retired several years ago He is survived by his wife and a nephew Jim George of Sinton He was a member of the Masonic Lodge and the Methodist Church Funeral services will be conducted at 4 Sunday afternoon at Sinton Methodist Church with the Rev Theo Cox pastor officiating Masonic services will be held at the graveside in Sinton Cemetery Starbuck Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements Mrs Sarah Clements Mrs Sarah Jessie Clements 58 died at her home 242 Shely Street yesterday afternoon She was a native of Michigan unl had resided in Corpus Christi for 30 years Survivors inelude her husband Pete Clements four daughters Geraldine Clements Abilene Mrs Pauline Falmet Dallas Mrs Peggy Wilerson Kansas City Mo Mrs Mary Pauttlebaum Corpus Christi: four sons Barney Clements John Clements Frank Clements all of Carpus Christi Chapman Clements with the Army in Germany and nine grandchildren Funeral arrangements were not complete last night Murray-Jackson Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements Oscar North Funeral services for Oscai North 54 construction foreman for Southwestern Bell Telephone Co who died Friday at his home on Highway 9 be Monday morning in San Antonio He is survived by his wife Mrs Donna North and his mother Mrs Amelia North of San Antonio Mrs William Avcy Funeral services for Mrs William Avcy 79 of San Antonio will be Monday in San Antonio witli the Rev Dr Shirkev pastor the Travis Park Methodist Church officiating She died Friday in her home She is survived by two daughters Mrs Harry Wood Sr of this city and Mrs Cunningham of Lafayette La four grandchildren and seven great grandchildren Dr Dielil Scheduled To Allend Regional WLB Training Session DALLAS July 21 Twenty-five public panel members of the Eighth Regional War Labor Board will meet here Monday Tuesday and Wednesday for a short course of instruction involving wages disputes and related problems Chairman A Langley Coffey announced today 1 Members will come from Texas Oklahoma and Louisiana Among those from Texas are: Dr George Diehl Corpus Christi Dr Don Morris Abilene: the Rev Malcolm Twiss El Paso The whooping crane is the largest of North American birds Made FACE INTRODUCTORY FOR ONLY three weeks ago and there will be another water shortage in August prior to the September rains Town Talk 3Ir and Mrs Travis of Paris are visiting their son and daughter Mr and Mrs Travis and Mr and Mrs Ben Brown The Parisian is a re- tired clothing merchant Staff Sgt Jack Salyers son of Mr and Mrs Salyers 1407 Third Street is visiting here this week end Salyers is now stationed at Kelly Field San Antonio He entered the Army in September 1942 He has seen overseas service with the Army Transport Command in the Aleutians and Africa In World War I Australia's casualties were 226000 of 333000 troops sent overseas Every co*ckROACH ON YOUR PREMISES IS THERE WITH YOUR 33 ROACH AND WATER BCG POWDER KILLS BY CONTACT! Sn Inilanl Will Kill All Tear win If I wl li All Imii as DirrrtrS Saif Bark Aasrantaa! GET IT AT DEALERS! By GEORGE TUCKER MONDORP Luxembourg July 21 JP) One of the great dramas of the post-war era is being played out in the rooms and corridors of the once fashionable Palace Hotel where Reichsmarshal Hermann Goering Joachim von Rib-bentrop Grand Admiral Karl Doe-nitz and 49 other high-ranking Nazi officers and Wehrmacht officers are being held pending further disposition by the Allied War Crimes Commission Stripped of their plumage surrounded by barbed wire and machineguns they bear little resemblance to the who tried to loot the world No Coddling Allowed Col Andrus commanding officer whose 391st Antiaircraft Battalion guards the enclosure and garrisons the town said: stand for no coddling here Those men are in jail We have certain rules and those rules are With Andrus as conducting officer I went through every room in the seven-story building for inspection of the conditions under which the once-mighty Nazis live The once impeccable Ribbenlrop who moved through salons of the elite occupies a bare single room on the fourth floor When he gazes out his barred window his view is of a guard on a raised platform with mounted machinegun lie sleeps on a folding canvas cot with straw mattress There are no mirrors and no electrical current is provided When he wishes to shave one safety-razor blade is issued to him and taken away after it has been used All panes have been removed from the windows and replaced with unbreakable substitutes in keeping with anti-suicide precautions Comedown For Envoy Ribbentrop has one extra suit His room is furnished with a small chair a toothbrush and an aluminum drinking cup Capt Hubert Biddle prison officer of Bremen Ohio said Rib-benthrop keeps his own room and makes his own bed since there are no orderlies here "Ribbentrop is sometimes lackadaisical in this Captain Biddle said I have had him on the carpet for it several Goering now in the hotel hospital where an effort is being made to lessen his dosage of sedatives has a larger room across the hall from Ribbentrop It has identical furnishings except that Goering's chair is larger is so heavy he broke his other Captain Biddle said Goering who also is suffering from an attack of bronchitis is being given a gradually reduced diet of paracodeine When he arrived said Colonel Andrus he was taking 21) times the normal dosage of the drug The routine at the Palace Hotel is almost identical with that of penitentiaries in the United States with the exception that the only movies are atrocity films and the only amusem*nts walking in the sunlight and innocent conversation Recently Dr Walther Funk former president of the Reichsbank was permitted to lecture his fellow prisoners on the importance of paper currency Daily Schedule The prisoners remain In tlieir rooms until breakfast at 7:30 am and are free to attend English classes or walk in the yard until noon Luncheon is at noon and dinner at 6:30 pm A typical menu is cereal soup and coffee for breakfast pea soup beef hash and spinach for luncheon powdered eggs potatoes bread and chocolate or tea for dinner When Julius Streicher arrived nnicm Blllll will you want to feel voung again? Why feel old at 40 60 pr more? Enjoy your youth again If added years have slowed down your vino and vitality just go to your druggist and ask for Caseila tablets Many men are obtaining remarkable results with this amazing formula GET PEP o-Order 1 to lead the singing in the Ameri can compound Last night Adm Emory Land chairman of the Maritime Commission Meely assistant secretary of war and Lt Gen Lucius Clay General Eisenhower's deputy in Germany had dinner with the President The party again was entertained by pianist Sgt Eugene List and violinist Pvt Stuart Canin both of New York City who previously played for the Big Three Drivers Figuring in Morgan Street Crash Issued Summonses A pickup truck and a Ford sedan collided at the intersection of Morgan Avenue and Rosewood Street at 6 o'clock yesterday evening inflicting considerable damage to both vehicles According to highway patrolmen the pickup was driven by Manuel Garza 25 of Route 3 Box 89 Robstown and the sedan was driven by Nervous Edwards negro 28 of Corpus Christi Both drivers were given summonses to appear before Justice of the Peace Jack Southerland Monday Sgt Ben Krueger and Morris Hollo-well of the Highway Patrol investigated 18008 TRUCKS ARRIVE CHUNGKING July 21 Sao Tang Pao organ of the Chinese Army reported today that more than 10000 American trucks had arrived in free China since the Slilwcil Highway opened in Jan uary The soft little chenille scuff that's won so many hearts in pink with blue heel and border blue with pink or red with white 199 SHOE MAIN FLOOR ONE HOUR FREE ON THE HILL PRICELESS INGREDIENTS of LIFE TEXAS MU! ARY HtSTTUTTE Tm Wfi el Ufk uhiil ae Msshw IsHs sf Is uM 8OTC Msec rifle ns(i psob imjeo ri Mnus umnnri faculty SALE IID AY A rm i Surplus Aluminum Boxes 12 Inches Long 8 Inches 6 Inches Wide These boxes are Army surplus ammunition boxes of heavy aluminum with strong leather straps for carrying lengthwise Brass hinge on the cover Makes an ideal POWDER glove-fitting stepin by MIRAMAR Swirling bands moka for flattery os well as superb fit in this Miramor soft white crushed kid 695 SHOE MAIN FLOOR BOX 'What an arc! Such a difference on your skin A strictly powder for YCU Watch our consultant blending She can cater to your every whim in colors for your fashion costume suntan or paling complexion i See her in person today NON-RUSTING TACKLE BOX Grand for small tools and many other uses All tho sweetness of a spring flower garden captured and enlivened with a tang of spice that's Potpourri Cologne cooling rereshing with a bo'uquet ever so briahtly fragrant Tho flacon $100 (plut to PERKINS JivnruuV coNPjfNT 1.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.