Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (2024)

Examples of using Anunță că in Romanian and their translations into English

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (1)

{-}Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (2)

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (3)

  • Colloquial Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (4)
  • Official Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (5)
  • Medicine Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (6)
  • Ecclesiastic Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (7)
  • Ecclesiastic Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (8)
  • Computer Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (9)
  • Programming Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (10)

Nan Lieberman anunță Că ea ar putea să-l provoace.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (11)Nan Lieberman announces that she might challenge him.

Kakashi apoi anunță că au trecut cu toții testul.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (12)Kakashi then announces that they have all passed his test.

Subiecte în care o jucătoare anunță că părăsește jocul.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (13)Subjects where a cherry announces that she leaves the game.

Ministerul Sănătății anunță că Brazilia va produce insulină.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (14)Ministry of Health announces that Brazil will produce insulin.

Anunță că va fi publicat un raport anticorupție al UE la fiecare doi ani.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (15)Announces that an EU anti-corruption report will be published every 2 years.

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Deși se îndrăgostesc unul de celălalt, Carol anunță că va părăsi școala.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (22)Although they fall in love, Carol comes to announce that she will be leaving school.

Dl Lustenhouwer anunță că CESE are un nou secretar-general, dl Luis Planas.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (23)Mr Lustenhouwer announced that the EESC had a new secretary-general, Mr Luis Planas.

Președintele anunță că va face această comunicare în cursul sesiunii plenare.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (24)The president announced that he would give his statement during the plenary session.

Creștinismul anunță că Fecioara Maria nu lasă o rasă umană după moartea ei.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (25)Christianity announces that the Virgin Mary does not leave a human race after her death.

Facebook anunță că noile telefoane Huawei nu vor avea aplicațiile lor pre-instalate.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (26)Facebook announces that new Huawei phones will not have their apps pre-installed.


Ianuarie NASA anunță că roverul Opportunity se află pe planeta Marte de 15 ani.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (31)January NASA announces that the Opportunity rover has been on the planet Mars for 15 years.

Mama anunță că ar trebui să înceapă despachetarea, ceea ce îl trimite pe Ruth într-o panică.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (32)Mama announces that they should start unpacking, which sends Ruth into a panic.

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Transnistria anunță că inițiază o reuniune extraordinară în formatul„5+2”.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (33)Transnistria announces that it initiates an extraordinary meeting in the“5+ 2” negotiation format.

Un buletin vine pe ecran și anunță că Harrison Bergeron a scăpat din închisoare.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (34)A bulletin comes on the screen and announces that Harrison Bergeron has escaped from prison.

Președintele anunță că aspectele bugetare vor fi abordate la începutul ședinței.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (35)The president announced that budgetary issues would be addressed at the start of the meeting.

Februarie: Uniunea Sovietică anunță că a trimis trupe în apropierea granițelor cu China.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (36)February 15- The Soviet Union announces that it has sent troops near the Chinese border.

Chase anunță că echipa este pregătită de acțiune deoarece Ryder le spune puiilor ce sa întâmplat.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (37)Chase announces that the team is ready for action as Ryder tells the pups what has happened.

În 12 mai 2010, Entertainment Weekly anunță că Lie to me o să aibă un al treilea sezon.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (38)On May 12, 2010,"Entertainment Weekly" reported that"Lie to Me" received a 13-episode third season pick-up.

Dacă Naratorul anunță că Rândul antet opțiunea se află deja, puteți continua să-l editați tabelul.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (39)If Narrator announces that the Header Row option is already on, you can proceed to edit the table.

Martie: Președintele american Jimmy Carter anunță că SUA vor boicota Jocurile Olimpice de vară de la Moscova.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (40)March 21** U.S. President Jimmy Carter announces that the United States will boycott the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow.

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Mai: Primul ministru al Israelului David Ben-Gurion anunță că nazistul Adolf Eichmann, criminal de război a fost capturat.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (41)May 23- Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion announces that Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann has been captured.

Dacă programul anunță că cheia de licență nu este activată, restaurați programul urmând instrucțiunile cu privire la restaurare.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (42)If the program informs that the license key is not activated, restore the program by following the restoration instruction.

Februarie: La Roslin, Scoția,oamenii de știință anunță că o fost clonată o oaie pe nume Dolly care s-a născut în iulie 1996.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (43)February 22- In Roslin, Scotland,scientists announce that an adult sheep named Dolly had been successfully cloned, and was born in July 1996.

Anunță că la data de 30 septembrie 2015 respectă cerințele prevăzute de normele actuale, respectiv regimul Solvency I, atât din punct de vedere al….

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (44)Informs that as at 30 September 2015 it is compliant with the current norms, namely the Solvency I regime, both in terms….

Președintele anunță că această temă va fi abordată din nou în cursul următoarei ședințe, după lansarea unei runde de consultări în cadrul secțiunilor.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (45)The president announced that this topic would be revisited at the next meeting, following consultations within the sections.

Conducerea Jurnal Trust Media anunță că după aproape șapte ani de la lansare instituția media a fost obligată necondiționat să părăsească sediul.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (46)The management of Jurnal Trust Media announced that after nearly seven years from its launching was forced to leave unconditionally its headquarters.

Printr-un ultim apel înainte de căderea liniilor telefonice,poliția anunță că va trimite un agent la pensiunea izolată. Oare vinovatul se află chiar printre oaspeți?

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (47)Through a last call before the collapse of telephone lines,the police announce that it shall send an agent to the remote guesthouse?

Biroul Naţional de Statistică anunță că, în ianuarie-august 2016 indicele producţiei industriale faţă de ianuarie-august 2015 a constituit 100,1%.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (48)National Bureau of Statistics informs that, the indices of industrial production in January-August 2016 compared to January-August 2015 registered 100,1%.

La 4 mai 2007,John LeCompt anunță că a fost concediat de la Evanescence, și a precizat faptul Rocky Gray a decis să părăsească formația.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (49)On May 4, 2007,John LeCompt announced that he had been fired from Evanescence, and also stated that drummer Rocky Gray had decided to quit.

În 27 februarie,Bobcats anunță că Johnson a ajuns la un acord cu Jordan și grupul său, MJ Basketball Holdings, ca să cumpere echipa, așteptând răspunsul NBA.

Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (50)On February 27,the Bobcats announced that Johnson had reached an agreement with Jordan and his group, MJ Basketball Holdings, to buy the team pending NBA approval.

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Anunță Că In English - Translations And Usage Examples (2024)


How do you use translation in a sentence example? ›

  • Their first task was a translation of the game's Star Wars-style opening scroll. ...
  • Four more translations from the author are in the pipeline. ...
  • The new find represents one of the earliest translations of the Gospels.
Aug 3, 2024

What is word for word translation with example? ›

using exactly the same words: She listened to everything I said and repeated it word for word to her mum. If you translate speech or writing word for word, you change one word at a time in the same order rather than in phrases or other larger units of meaning.

What is an example of a literal translation from English to Spanish? ›

Literal Spanish translations:
  • Te estoy tomando el pelo (I'm just pulling your leg) – I'm taking your hair.
  • Ponte las pilas (work hard) – Put your batteries on.
  • Piense fuera del molde tradicional (think outside the box) – Think outside the traditional mold.
Dec 29, 2022

What are some examples of Old English words translate them to modern English? ›

Old English Nouns List
  • andsaca - enemy.
  • beadurinc - warrior.
  • bearn - child (son)
  • beorn - man.
  • bill - sword.
  • brim - ocean.
  • casere - emperor.
  • cyning - king.

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Examples of translate in a Sentence

Will you translate for me? The French word “bonjour” translates as “hello” in English. We need someone who can translate Japanese into English. We have translated the report.

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Different types of translations require different skills, expertise, and knowledge. In this article, we will explore the five most common types of translation – literary, legal, medical, technical, and business translation – and discuss the challenges that translators face in each of these areas.

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Examples. A literal English translation of the German phrase "Ich habe Hunger" would be "I have hunger" in English, but this is clearly not a phrase that would generally be used in English, even though its meaning might be clear.

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Literal language is used to mean exactly what is written. For example: “It was raining a lot, so I rode the bus.” In this example of literal language, the writer means to explain exactly what is written: that he or she chose to ride the bus because of the heavy rain.

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  • Breeze.
  • Ranch.
  • Guerrilla.
  • Patio.
  • Stampede.
  • Macho.
  • co*ckroach.
  • Avocado.
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List of Anglo-Saxon Root Words
Anglo-Saxon RootMeaningExamples
less, lestlacking, fewerless, lessen
nama, nomareputationname, nominate
spellrecitespell, gospel
tru-faithfultrue, betrothed
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Some Old English words of Latin origin that have survived into modern English include belt, butter, chalk, chest, cup, fan, fork, mile, minster, mint, monk, pepper, school, sock, strop, wine.

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100 Most Common English Words for Everyday Use
TryMake an attempt or effort to do something.
LeaveGo away from.
CallGive (an infant or animal) a specified name.
MayExpressing possibility.
51 more rows
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translation in American English

1. the rendering of something into another language or into one's own from another language. 2. a version of such a rendering. a new translation of Plato.

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A translation sample is a means of evaluating translation services; it's typically a short text (200-500 words) given to the potential translation partner for translation.

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I, FULL LEGAL NAME, hereby certify that I translated the attached document from LANGUAGE into English and that, to the best of my ability, it is a true and correct translation. I further certify that I am competent in both LANGUAGE and English to render and certify such translation.

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Name: Eusebia Nader

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.